2192 Paving Jewell Ave PETITION For ,Paving Jt.',,'ELLI\\f'I';Lfr_C;>II1__, R\!sh t_o__Coronado - --- ------- ----- ~---- - - ------- ----- -- -- - ---- Presented to the Board of Commissioners and read ___APr:il- 7!JL --- _19-5.2.. and referred to ___City Manager REPORT ------ -- -'-"- ------ ------ --- -- --- - ------ -- ___n- ~----- --- The within Petition was filed in my office this-4 t-- ---___~__dayof ApriL--_--n - 19_~9 -_--H. E.-Peterson- -- ------- City Clerk ""'C"'" "-" ", , ' Salina, :{ansas TO THE HONOOAßLE BOARD Of' COIIl-IISSIONERS CITY OP SALINA, ¡:.ANSAS HIed: April 1, 1959 GJ?¡'(l'LE~æN : PETITION NUMBER 2193 'te, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the paving with concrete 28 feet wide (toe of gutter to toe of gutter) Jewell Avenue from the west line of Rush to the west line of Coronado. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, ¡,espectfully, FILED BY: Dale E. Lamer NAIIE ADDRESS LOT Il~' f? BLOC:~ ADDlTIO¡~ .Tnhn ('" Busboom 1 T, Dale E. Lamer 600 W. Jevell 12 16 Highland Court T D £'.lon 'i, n. ~. <;16 W -T""",ll C: ,OW. .T""",ll 7 (, 11. 11, n It n n - i !