Ordiance #5784 Fireworks ílf ----!--:-- $'7 t: 2. c-c i.? {~. lr-t 9:z , if-(! I ¿'-.[ . t-(..I .<¡ (.' . t-t 2.-( . (i-(I ÁJ¿' c-c 3crl J.;ç :L I c-C \ ! I I i , ¡ I I , I , ...... :t- CRDINANCE NO. 5784 AN ~FDINAlI:E prnvldln3 for tho or~ndmcnt of ~ctiO~D 13-701, 13~702, 13-703 and 13-7~ of the Revised ÒrdinanceG of the :ity of Súlina, Kan~aG, 1948, and further ?rovidins r~r the rep~al ðf the original of raid sections. BE IT OFDAINED BY THE N'ARJ'. (IF CCMMIS3IONERS (',F THE CITY C'F SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That SCction 13-7~1, Revised OrdinnnceD of the City of Salina, Kansas, 1945, be and it ie hereby roænded to read aD follows: "13-711. CERI'AIN FIREWOro<S AUTH(lRIZED AND OTHERS PR<'HIP-l'ÆD. The sale, use and ~OSD~Ðsion of the following articlcD of fireworks within the City of Salina, Kansas, is hereby approved, except that prohibited ite~ may t€ uscd for public display purposes under and as liffiited by Section 13-705, Revised Ordinances ~f the City of Salina, KLnsas, 1948: (ú) (b) Cylindrical fountains witheut rcprt (includeD handle, spike and base fountain) total pyrotechnic composition not to exceed 75 graros each in weight. The inside tutc dinmcter Dhnl1 not exceed 3/4 inch, ner !tore than 6 1/2 inches in length. Ro~Dn CGndles, not to exceed 12 balls. (c) Cone fountains &nd whistling fountains without report, total P)TO- technic composition net to exceed 5(' gr= each in weight. Cd) wnoels, total pyrotechnic ~omposition net to exceed fc grarß in weight, for each driver unit, "cut there iWy to any r.umber of driver¡; an anyone wheel. The inside tore C'f driver tutes shall not to over 1/2 inch. All rr.overœnts !:lUst te controllable. C~) ~ilw~y fuses vithout spikes, truck flares, ~and ship distress sign~ls and illuminating torchcD, but excluding those containing uAgnesium. Total pyrotechnic co~osition of illundnatir~ torches net to exceed 100 grnrtS each in weight, nor ~re tèan 6 1/2 inches in length. (f) Sparklers and dipped Dticks, total pyrotechnic composition not to exceed. lC'./') grace ea;:h in weight. !lor ¡¡;ore than 2(' incb~s in length. (g) Colored Box, Cane Fire and D~cke pets, total pyrotechnic co~o~i- tien not te exceed l~ grams oach in weight. (r~es not include ~gnc- siUI!l or sJ:Cke grcno.dcD) (h) St~r, COIT~t and floral t)~e shells ef whi;:h ttæ ¡¡;ertar is nn in- tegral part, except those designed to produce an audible eff~ct. Total pyrotechnic cc~asitian not to cx;:ced 4c grar~ ea;:h in weight. (1) }~~es of which the rr.crtar iD en integral part, exce~t those designed to pro'lucc an audible effect. Total pjTotechnic composition not to exceed 4c' grú.J::: each in weight. (j) Farachute shell vithaut report, mortar counted an wood tase, and Iar~chute net having an att~cècd flare. (k) Fire....orks pieces th!;.t !¡,re "- ;::cr:;bination of th,e arove a¡¡proved iterr..s, (surp~r~r~¡;;hs (ú.) to (j), and which are ~unted en one base. Totel ~~t~r c~ it~,ß on one tace shall net excee¿ nine (9). (~) :;')r_-¡:;ci~onct;s sr.Me and iter;:::; of s1eilar .::cn:pcsi tien, containing no }c1s~~o~s cc~c~nds. ;~, F1rc~r~ckers and [~l~tes .ith c~sir~s, the external diocns1cns ~f .~icc ic not cx;::cdd ~ne ar.~ cnc-~alf inches in :ength ty cnc qt;art~r inch ir: iL:.r£t<::r, iesign",d to ¡;;roduc.:= an r.1.:dible effect, tot:>: p)Tote.::~r.i.:: :o=¡cs1~ion not to excee~ 2 grr.1r.s in .~igr.t. TLe c~lc, ~s" ú.r.d ¡;;ossession of ;:.11 ether kinds c.r.d. tn:.:;s c:' fire"'orkc ,,'1 t;¡in H.c Ci~y ~f S&:in~, subject to the 1i=1tation r.for~sú.1d, are herety prchititei.