2164 Paving Mohawk Street PETITION For _PaYing Mohawk.- from. ...JiepubUc -to ErLl.l1k1in - -- ---- ---- Presented to the Board of Commissioners and read --Eeb. -. 24t b __19--$9 and referred to City Manager REPORT -----~------ --~ -------- -- -- -----~- ----- - --- --- ------- The within Petition was filed in my office this -2Jrd-- - -.--.---_--_dayof Felrll"17-- -- ~-- 19_-59 -H~E. Fe erson ----~- City Clerk ,c,"",o'c,o P-'" ' r'-., /"'~ Salina I :{ansas TO THE HONOOABLE BOARD OF CO/IJ.IlSSION.ERS CITY OF SALINA, I~NSAS liled: J:oebruary 2J 195;1 t'ET1T1O~ NUMlJEH "';'0 'I- GENI'LE~æN: '~e, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition y")ur honorable body for the concrete paving 01- ,~uhawl<: Street. l'roro hepUÞJ.ic StreEt to l'raruc.Lin street. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, KespectfulIy, FILED BY: U~en~. Snerrer NAlIE ADDRESS LOT BLOC:~ ADDITION r.1 pn F.. Sne-rrer 931. }lohawk I Lr.~-l'ir5. CJ..aretice 1.. .-,eis 93~ ~_ohawk I Nary ¡~eirose 939 Moha¡,ik ! I RaYl':cnd B. Loveless 925 ,ohawk DaJ..e ¡':odi¡r 92l. t'.ohawk IE f' Rl; "" Q17 :.!oha\."k L1.:£'ene P. Lindsav 9lJ.. Eohawk ""rlc~ 90<:; ;{o!lawk ",Lies E. ParKe 901 ~:ohawk Lm.ell !:assett 077 ::ohawk Clvòe Eovd 8n !{ohawk ¡-:r.t~~rs. Cbas. i\'. Potter t67 Hoha'l<-k :'lI".~~rs .Rott. ~cLeÜ-11ton .561 ;,!oha..-k Lt.<'~rs" :>1":-'= D.Johnsûn 547 ;.:ohawk : ',~~n~ ~ 1 ?1"7 ,---,-t.,<- ,l;v"" ant. of t".¡nJ 6<;7 hor-a,,-k r:arI"\' G...e¡rl" 8';, ¥.oha,,-J< ! ; : , I ! ¡ 1-