2156 Sewer Faith Addition PETITION For _Sever in part of faith...- ___n ..Mqj.t io_n ------_n -- -----n- --- --- ----~- ------ Preaented to the Board of Commissioners BDd read __Feb. Jrd.- ~__19-->9 and referred to --Gi.ty -J."Ianager --, ---- REPORT --__--n_- --- -___n- ----n ----- -- -----~- --- -- ____n_- The within Petition was filed in my office this ---3rd----- -------__n__day of _---Eebru.ary_____m- 19-.--39 ----- - H. E. Peterson --- --- City Clerk ""O"="",>,-"""'-'-,, ,~ "'~' @,,"m " ,'ò, "--" "... , TO THE HONOOADLE BOARD œ COIUIlSSIONERS CITY OF SALINA, I:ANSAS Salina, :{ansas Filed: Feb. 2nd, 1959 PETITIon NUMBER 2156 GENl'WIEN: ~e, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do h~reby petition your honorable body for Jtbe¡c sewer to service Lots 1 to 14, Block 1; and Lots 1 to 12, Block 5 in Faith Addition, anAddition to the Cit~ of :;)alina, Saline Count-" Kansas. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Kespectfully. FILED BY: Roy M.Faith NAlIE ADDRESS LOT BLOC:: AD DlTIO(l E. end 01' Il to 14 Roy M.Faith ~:c Ada.':!S Road 1 Faith I E. end of I, +n 1? R')v ;.;. Faith "J ",--- ~n~" c: .'"it_" ¡ I ¡ ! I ' ¡ , I , ,