2519 Protest Paving Riverside PETITION For - ~te8ti'!}KE~v!~(),f_- , RiYarsicle Drim -floaaLOalrtl.. 1,. _to Ohio Presented to the Board of Commissioners and read Aug. 1Sth 19-61.. and referred to Ci 1;.y Manager ... REPORT ------- ._------ -- - --------- -~-----~ ---- The within Petition was filed in my office tliis 14tb day of AuguS't___- 19-61 H. E. Peterson -- ----- ---- City Clerk oO"CLOOnEO "c'" "",-. >." "'" ",...,. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COOIlSSIONERS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENTLEMEN: S.Una, Kansas Date Fi led: August 14, 1961 PETITION ~~íMBER 2~lQ We, tbe undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body fOilO!llllla We a re not in favor of paving Riverside Drive . fl'<1m Oakdale Street to Ohio Street. - Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, respectfully, FILED BY: R. E. Ames NAME ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION Chas. HoW!: 32.6 N Penn R. C.BeU 3lù. N. Penn Mr'" W 'I' IH <-<--- '>'>.,.. C. A. Ballance 11,<: 11 P..nn R. E. iI.mes ,I,? N- Pann R.R A~_- 11,1, IJ 1>_n... G. L. Maxey 10n}.' Pon... . Edit Haxey 392 N. Penn Lev;..rn I,>I:"'~' Ð" Lorene Minton 1,1'.7 N PAnn c. c. u,"""", 1.,.,., >J Ð_-- Mr'" /'.h".. V_l--~ ",.." u ~-, ~. H. R Hinrlm;m ¡.,RC: \' P..nn Rl"",... n? l'j, Oakdale Lee E.Lucas ß¡¡8 N. Penn L. J. Heroneme f:\),<: r - - ., L. J. Heroœ¡r.e 023 E. KJa Street l~ud Hong 322}l Penn HenrY A. Jones ~hO N 0"1,,1,,1,, Oscar 1-1 ¡.¡.; n..,- nl. ¡.,¡, Po...... John A.Dillon ~S2 N.Colümbia Gl-~ >1./"1 \T f'_'n_~<" Clarence E. "rawford ~<)6 U.Colurnbia B. F. Herrirurton ~l.C¡ 1.1 .-"n,,"" B. F. He ' I'll,<=: t-; ¡r"..."""" James Sl'rella IhB ~;. Kansas Ethel }l. Alley 48 r¡. Columbia Ethel" n1ð" I ,j of" " - . (EalãIice of narr_es on ot¡~er side of sheet) NAME ADDRESS Ronald D. Baker 357 N. Kansas Zat Augustine )61 N, Kansas Carroll A Tiers J6O If. Columbia George A. Laugl1li.n 375 n. Ka"-s~s George Oarst 352 U. Kansas George Garst 344 N. Kansas Dean Nemni c h 340 N. Kansas Gail W. Reeves 311 Des Moines Delbert Tholstrup 315 Des Moines Chas. A. Williams 314 Des Hoines JiIr. carter 308 Des }lJOines Eiœna ffilllpson 319 Des Moines Estella. H. Low 317 Des Moines LOT BLOCK ADDITION