2648 Protest Rezoning Belmont r- PAGE 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Salina, Kansas Date Filed HOV t 6 1962 Petition NuĊ“ber------- TO TrlE HONORABLE BOARD OF COMHlSSIONERS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENtLEMEN: We, the under6igned, re6idents and property owners in the City of Salioa, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body £ø~ to deny any and aD. recpeata to rezone 100: ' 1~. ~,,~--P'::'<lr.LB9>. t !tRl'; Lots, 1-) inclusive, Block 23 to 111)1'; L~~\'.£i"&- ~¡.- 22 t~ ~'-'G". ¡'~r. 5. !fl:....:I1.="t'-'t~I ~ 1-...11 ~-i/':': i'lPll!; m,,~k 7 ~ ~. trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, ~~~~~C~~UI~ /'/> -'q>-, -R. :/¿-,. ~ 'L.~ ./:/'" NAHE ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION Q.,L.1.+--fl Ji'.,fl,~ j 30J ?'I-d}UJ1 Ð/1. .J-1 .;JO ilJ:._J :;J;fl ,~~5 v I14r U -- o-::f . " ,. J f(u' - e..., :J. :31,,1 fr};Ht7¡';/l I)~ ;J..! ~l [? /Æ¿//Í;/e4 ., '1 ?' :Jh..,J~"'A 1, JI h._ -ð l.v ,~ . ,; 3.:14 ~IJ I..;,Ø 11: :; ~ {} ~l---r YlJ,~ ),h<",,/-~ )kÇf~-a f)..O 'T T '" ø I . I I ,