2614 Cross Walk Crawford Street -- TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS Salina, Kansas Date Filed: June 19 1962 PETITION HUMBER ~6!4 GENTLEMEN : We, the undersigned. residents and property owners in the City of Salina. Kansas. do hereby petition your honorable body for the Installation of a pedestrian cross 'Walk across Crawt'ord Stre~t at the intersection of Crawt'ord and Montrose. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are. respectfully. FILEi') BY Bernard Holt NNÅ’ ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION r706-wo W. 5~' Bernard Holt West; Crawt'ord Lot 12 South Park 900 w. Crawi'ord ~~51 n Dallas Gatschet t 5 12 Jimnv BoYkin twest Crawford Liquor !store