2569 Amend Zoning Village
t'eb. 19. 1962
Petition No. 2569
\lt, the \loderlignld, Mr. and MrE. )'lòert I.. Garinger, beiDa the
o"".rl of t~. pl-operty ~es;::riòed below, do hereby ~titl?u the Bouor-ble
Soard of ~i..lonlrl of SAlina, Kans.s, Aod the Honorable 8c&rd of
eo..tsliooers of Saltne County. tAn.-' , for the r.lonln& of the foilowiul
deGcr lbed p1-opart" fTOIIII its preleût EQt\£ to Zona ".,' for local but inlll
IAtl Ona (1). 1Wo (2), nun (3) and rour (4)
in tbe Village of IAreto of Saline County, ~neal.
and tbe foll""log described p1:oparty fron ltl ('resent Eone to Zona "8",
Loti lLve (~) and Six (6) in the Village of
IAreto of Salina Cou~ty. Jansal.
A tug hundred foot (200') .trip of said property U8Dedlately
ealt of Ohio Street i. vithin the corporate lLalta of the City of Salina,
Kanta., the r-h.der of lilieS property il in Sal~ne eo'Joty, Kansa..
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