2729 Amend Zoning ~ .. 4-, G"'" ;~: :~. -'."./ ~~ e. &tWlb~()ItI iee4lefJ'" & 'Dødøpe'" ."_. ~;,~, ":::::;'" 2'.' 8n,"O"~ BL.VO, SA..."A, KANSAS OFFICE PHO"[ ~. 7,9338 IUS PHONE To. 3","00 December 5, 196) .' Don Ear~~~k C1.ty,.- Salina; -Ka r' Re: 200 x 200 sq. ft. Request for Zoning Dear Sir: I ~. requesting the above captioned ùO,OOO sq. ft. be zoned to business for the additio~ of a drive-in and seryice station. It has been bro~ht to ~ attention that the increased growth in the east part of to.m is now demanding increased services for ~hich this zoning would appear to be appropriate at this time so these needs can be adequately served. It ~ill be necessary to build a new structure to service these needs for the area. ' It ~ould not appear that there ~~ll ~e any increase in traf- fic in the area because of this building addition. It wo~d appear to me that there will be no surrounding pro- perty devalued by the zcnin,-; of this prooerty particularly since there is ~o Dresent businesses serving the ir~ediate area; there- fore, this should have no effect on the over-all zoning plan. At the present tir_e there are no restrictive covenants on the prooerty >Thicn would prohibit the i:1tended use. Any bu-:.ldings built on this ground will have sufficient set- back to allow for any future expansion of manner traffic routes that are now existing and there uill alway~ be sufficient off-street par:<ing as I figure at least a rn.inir-,u¡r. of S to 1 ratio. I~ is ~ 09inion that the proposed use for this ground will certai~ly increase t~e convenience, t~e prosperity and the general wel~are 0: the nei~hborhood. It is also ~ opinion that this ~~11 do ~o~~i~g to deva:~e the sa:ety or horals or health of the con- rr.;;.;1i ty. ~~ /to ,tt-o--!Jon . Hal'r-i.son Page'I'wo neceJllber 5, 196) 7i1is product is ?urely ami si:-r:ply t!-.e need to the co;-;r-.unity òeca;.:se of the growth in this direction; therefore, I r'~srectfu11y req;.:est that this petition be allowed due to the ~eneral Rrowth and expansion of Salina. Very cordially yours, 4?,v!-r. té$~,,-.--;~(;~ George C. Etileringto11'" GCE/jl Encl.