2689 Amend Zoning 11-14-3 , -- ._,--'_._~ r---- Appl1ca1õion ,.- Do Not Write in This Space FOR AN A.'1¡:;~-m-:¡:;}.-r TO THE DISTRICT ZO:JING MAP Petition No. ':<6I!9 FiUng Fee $ ('1. Ii> ~ Paid ---1-- 'Yf'- ~ ."" Date Subml1;1;eà of: -y!,- & "'!, The S~lina C1ty Planning Commission City Planning Department City Hall - Salina, Kansas 1. Appl1can~ls N~e 2. Applicant's Address ~,,1 tn, :'¡~"lIf; f't!'!"ir.~ c." I Tnl' 3. Phone Nuabel' 11727 606 N.Front St.. S,lina Requested Zoning F 4. Present Zone h s. Legal description of property requested to be rezoned and street address or location j,l) th;:.t. n,,!"t of ll-lL-1 in felina,. Séline County. Krn~e" not: nOH zoneå liP' which is north of North street, West of U.S. H~&h'Way' 81 By p&SS énd the Union P~cific R~i1w~y br~nch line and east of Dry Greek cut-off channel. 6. Area of subject property, square feet and/or acres '7. Present use of subject property light industrial in Dért. not used in Dart Desired USIi of subject property 1 ight ir.dustrial 6. 9. How are adjoining properties used: North light industrial - ~nd ClQtel South.light 1i1à. I East r,i~r'v;;v ;'.11' inn Ves't ßry c.-rÀPk cutoff ch. 10. What i;:provelllent 1n the e:z:is1;ing zoning vould be effected by the proposed zoning? I None 11. How can you jusUfy the proposed zoning change? . , (See questionnaire on back) 12. Ti¡:,e schedule for deve1o¡¡¡¡¡,ent ir:.r.eàié:.telv 13. Exhibits furnished, n=ber and kind. (Furnish plot plan or s1te plan, shoving existing and proposed structures, easeüents, vater courses. curb cut~backs.) Signature of Applicant . C' (;0., I_c. We the undersigned have read the above peti1;lon and reco=end that the petition b. granted. RAJŒ ADDRESS LOT : BLOCK ADDITIOX