2685 Vac Alley Episcopal Salina, :~ansas PETITION NO. Apr11 30. 196) ~ C:-f5' TO THE HOt\'OOAßLB BOARD Of' roll-IISSIONERS CITY Of' SALINA, I:ANSAS Date Filed: GEi'frLE~IEN: '~e, the undersigned, residents and property O\mers in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for thevacatLon of SI 81l~ tbU8 described: BegUming at the north Une or Lot 15, Block 18, Episcopal M:iU.taIy Inst.itute Addition, &lid a4jacent to east l1De of said J.ot; thence south to nortb Une of Harsh Avenue. subject to 8lJ:1 restrictions whieb mill' be 1Japo8ed br the Cit:r of Salina. The State H18hwq CœIm1.saion owns tœ propert7 on both- a:1dea for the tulllength of above described section ot allq aad 18 de81roua ot conatruct1nC & Division Laborator;r, Maintenance Office to Six StalJ. Eq1JiplEl1t Oarage, 88 ahOWD em attached. Exhibit A. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are. Respee tfully, PILED BY: NAJ-Œ #/?Ýh1.Ptl-'"Þ'~ .J DIVISION ENGINEffi STATE HIGHWAY COMHISSION œ KANSAS DIVISION TWO SALINA, KANSAS ADDRESS Lor BLOCIC ADDITION ~f.:M~ - - . S..11n" IC........... 11_1<) Tn....' 7 ~~opa1. JW.:1.tal7 /fíf/.fjÞc.ðr(> .. ') Episcopa1 M11.1.tazy girl:;" u~ "hu...., - S..1 hm 1f"""'L" ¡, -'1~ Tnn' 1R /f¿:/l::~ 'Q-, .-- I{........ n "12 2 r'....1i1An R.l... c::,+,...+.", .. - 'y¡ý'/fr~ . ~lU £';'b - 1.._..,-- If..n.."". '", '12 ":I n.-.l"An BAl.t. I I I