Pave Sunset Manor 4.1i.<l*, :;ann. rontEIDlUWlLEIICWtD".,WJlISSI<>><E&s C1TYl1'SALIIlA,~ GfmLE>!lill: ~'<,tb<....:I.uign<<l, t"i.d<n..otII!p<op<'f'y_roi~tbeCi.yo4'Sa1in', ~U" do be<<by peUU_ your "-<Iul>le l><>dy fot 'be ;~v....,"t Qr 011 .tree,. 1.. th~ "\I~O€t X~""'r .t.1U~::, l~olu~l<'l!" ...n Or..'''MW"o;, .,hn~1,,<, rro"" F~pu~Uc DOrto two..l>!__, ~"'~ ~ r~" ~€-" we<t to t~..'tr.:!e~ t7::"~'OO: ,,11 or "",.~=l', H~'C,"":'" ""r~.' !""'oo EOilU~Hc 3 tloc'<s, ~"." 0'" b~oc~ e~&t to 5o.,,,,,u; 011 cr ~Il"wnen, u~e'ldllltl "out=> fro;!; cu"'ford ",_'p"'~loo'UiJ" rour l>1-no~., wh<<. H t....;ln~t..; ~,,~ Fr~n;,lt" fn'", 5h~"".. ru ~o ~~ ;:;$1 h.';>t<u, to ~< ~1n~=>cod by ~C Y. .. bon,h. - Trn.tlns tbat tbe pr. et' b.~eotinlly, flLnlIlY: ...Ulbe lun.t<I. ...""e, ~. "....; (/1. ,.;, , '~.1 -~ = 'f.-J C . 1.1 .<ru,uJ ~'( .- , " ., , H' ~ ~.. AtlPlTlCIl '"-'/~ , .b..,_.. - 'I " ~' I-~' , TOnlaHONOAAPI.JlIICWtDl1'COIlnlSSIC1-l&\S <:TIYl1'SM.INA,IWISAS GEmLlSl-mN, s>--ti.n.,:an.... We, th.nndeuI8ned, ...Iden.. ondp<<>pe<ty"'<nen in the CHy 04' SUina, ~.n..., do he.eb~ petition you.< hnnoubl.. bOdy fo, tbe p~ve;!;.ot ,cf <ill otreeto In the liun><t .'.a~er "da~tior., lnclUQ~"i': all of ,..ohc.l<k, exte~Jbo fro", F~O<.lh1~c ncnr. two block>, tho" a few fe~t "'eat to the L;56l typse;'; oIl of S.~lnolo, <>-.tondl"," nonn from Republlc th",e bloeko, t'oenon" blQcv. oa.tto Shawnee; all of Snawnoa, ext'""i;.nF eout:" :ro.. Or"'.fcrd ,,~prcxLI:~t"ly tour bloo~., whH~ It ter.nlmtee; and :Cra""l1n fro", ~"-""'n.e to tile U&Jl bypMe, to"" flnanced by20-ye>-rbcnde. r,u'hngtba' ~..p.<tfully, FIIJIIlIIY: 'hepr;~:tbe~~~ t:",;:ti /Q,~ " willoegunt<4.weore, = BLOC:: IlDDtrlOO Salina,;;""... TOTHB~I.E""""'l1'(Xl"/J1SSIONIlRS CI'tYCf'SALINA,I:ANSAS omrl.E>IEN, We, tbe nndenL~"ed, <ui_" and property ""ner, in 'he C.ity of SaUnA, S.n..o, do he<eby Petition yo." honoublo body fQ. the P"V~JL'.,~ of all O:ro_:ts in ~h. ~"n..t ,,,",,oor w;kltcon, lnclndl~ all of &oM.WK, ex~eodln!: f:ro", FepubUo north t>!o bloch, then a fow f~ct wut to ~h< "Wl bypae.; -'-11 of ~~"lnol., extor.dl<l€' uOr~h frou c,.pubHe 3 bloch, the" or.~ tlook OHt ~o ~I-.a'^'neo; -'-li or ~!l.o<wne.e, ext..l>d1<l!' BOUt..-. fro<B Gfoo."~~ntt1~""1'QU~ bloc"", W~~T. it ter:nlaotea; ano !'n;.~lln "roCl ~h"wne. ~o ~M UJ81 byo"e,; all to to fl"~c_od lly :'W-yohr bono.. , T..ohno tbat Ro.peetfuUy, Fll.JlIIB'f: . will be gnl1t<d. ~e '-'e, = BLOC" ADulrIOJ< ~ ,-'-)"""-.'-A!_C<" ~ /)//"'-.4-.,.//..;... -- 1>"/ cl (.r: , .-";>IU~.{.tIU _ "' jf,' I ~ h1- , ~~I t ,Vt' '.6:"'e;)) " , I _,.. , ( . , ' " I , ~ I . ,I I I ^& ' ,., ,.r-'!,' , I I' ;:,.t~'",'- , f 't'. .. "I I ,I' ~ + -Lt-. .' ~.I T ., ' " , I ; 'i IIi . I II I I I.. , It: I , . r:t, I ',' l'6b 7 "j (4~J'vk'\._~ "t~j t i . I j" ~I. , I .1 .1 J ~ ' ,';, ,-I,) . ! , ft.u(",.J;; ." 'i , , I i ' , ! I , , 0<<-<&/'1 bct/ ' , , t I" 1 I ! ! ! I I ~" '.- .... -" I I I I ,4' . , , , v T I I , I I I I "r(:,rj ,t ,. .. , I I I t . ./ ,/ -- ~ SaUn~. ~oneu TI>THIl>lOl<Ci\AllLEIlCillRDl1'COI,IIJIS5IDl<ERS CITl'l1'SALINA,i:ANSAS GEN7u:ME.N, We, the nndonloned, <e.i~"".. and peoper.y """"r, In the Ci.ty 04' SolUo_, Un..., del heeeby PetiOlon yoo< honorable body fo. tho ~~veilien~ or 1<-11 etr.ot< In th€ Sun.eo ."illnor addltlen, ~~c:udlDE aU of ..;"""..k, ext€c.dlDf rro~ F.~pul>lle nortr. he bheko, t!le~ a rew reet ".ot to H:~ Usel bypnoo; €1l or ~e..i"ol., nt~M',"f north fro"- i<.pubHo 3 MootB, tn€n one blook o~"t to ~hawc.ee; aU of ~n~wne.. eXhDdi"f' Bouth fro", Cr ~ford a9)rox~.ilatoly foUr bloch, where it t'a1"'"t~.; ac.d FDc.klcn froJll ~:~~'meo te .ho USSl 1019"0., to be flnac.eedby 2C_yearbondo. TrueU.." that "e.pe<tfnHy, PILED BY, ,~"Ill"" ."'''ted. we ""e, ~, = "LOC~ ADDITION Salina,"""'" TO'lIffi1lOl<OO.ABLll8OAADa'WIIISS1(l<EJts CITTlFSALIW.,lWISAS GmTLEIIIi.'I: ~~, the und<-e.ig:o"", ...ideo.. otII!p'ope,t, ownees UI theCH,<>t Sali-na, Un...., d<> he<<by petitio.. ,_ "-<Iullle l><>dy tin till: ;>H-V'..A"l of all et"eeto l~ ,,,. :;U"ent __"'''''r s~';ltton. lnoln;ll"F ell ot ..."ha~:k, nxle"'~1n< rro;a F.""bU. ""rt~ twn 'tInch, l""" a rn reel 'Woet to tho U~l by;>,,".; ell or S.::.bole, e:ne""'-l"f oortlll'",,,, F,'~'bHo } 'bloCk., tc.eQ OQ€ Hook not to Sna~"<e; ;on lOf !j' >><w~-".-,z.l,~DlI oontl1,r""',c..tdl:J.o,._.-t_Ul... !C~1""f'L "La, ~;^,'c. \-, l..'r,"\n~teo. ~"~ fr'.an:. fro~ ~~'wn€< t~ to" ~Ull ~,~Ii", ~o be ~lna"c~~ b1 :iO-y"" be"';.. TnUtill8.h...heJ,nJonat.he""W'!lti <.. "eapec'!uUv, #' AP n v:. Plt..mIU'{, L~u-'-r.~-p:!f' ( ..Ul~!r""ted,"''''e, ~. ~.~ = al.CiC4 AIlnlTlON , , ./. Salina, ~"".... T01'!I,SlIOI<CWlDUlSOARDl1'O:UliSSIOOEIl.. CITY""SALINIl,"""""-' GE>..r~, ~e, <he oo<l<..lg.<<I, r..idents aed p.operry ""n<<. In the CHy 04' hU"., ~on""" <lo hereby petitl.n ywr hon.ro~l. MOl' tOt the pav."ent of all .tr<'~to In ~h" Su,,"c~ .,"'-""r, ado.lt:on, l"c:'udlnf &11 of ;",hawk, ut.,,~l~f fro[Jl Republic =rtt t,."o tloch, t~.n " fow foet weo~ to b. Ue81bvpao.; allnf "oJlllncJ.e, EXtendi,,-, IlOrthfro;n F.",bllc 3 Hoc\<., th<n en" Uock e'8t ~o sh""neo; aU of ~ha'.mco, ext.cdlr.f eout!: fM;>. Cnw:"ord ~"pro"l"at~J.y rc~r blooks, wllere it tor"lno.t..; a<>d FrackJ.ln f""ill 6i"n'nee ~o tho ~Wl bYP~o8, to 'toe financec. b" 20-y~"r t.or.o., Tr~"ing tbat M8pec'hlly, F1LE1ley: willbe6ron'.d,......., """ """"&;S = .oWC;; ADDITIOO ~ Suina, :<an.... ronu;lIlNlWlI..!;fI\"WlDl1'CXI""SSlct<ERS CI"lYa>SAl.lJl.\,U/<SM CllNTLENBN, ~.,tbellD4<r'il<'l<<l"nide.ll""""p,op<"Y_"LctbeCltY<>fSolin', ~"".a>, do b<<eby ""hUon your _ncobl-o l><>dy 10' .be hve:onQt Or fill ot~net" tn ~~( ~u~'e~ ,...ocr o:l.Htloo, lnol.u:lt"l: dl or ;""h~"k, ..~.~11n!, f",,,, h.utl1c =n~ t"" t1oc~" t::on" ~~" feet "ut to ~"" <l'5J1 by~~u: all of 5<I..1::<>le, ex~ell;l.lng non" r""..__ _ lioj,l\lbl1o J block~, tneo Cll_ Hoole ...~.. ... -.."...; ..11 c'~ ~l1"w~oe, ..to"o.:;.. "nU''', 1m... Cr,wfor-<. ~, r'''~.;.,l.el:r ~our clooh, ~n"re it te""1""~'5; an<'! Frankl1l1 fro.. ~""~,,<~ to ~"" <1';>81 by~.u, to be !1~....nc.d by ~O-,e"r bQ~d., T'n"ino:th'~'be~'<>ftbep<~"wiU J(e.ooctfnlly, r Jtf,., i P!UDIlf, . _d " / be g''''''<4, we &t., , ~.= I>/S/H,Ajo.E. = ..- _.. ACOItlON < ,." .< -",- -"".. '_'c,l', r;>7?1~.,. " !,/,' , ~.': ..A '. .- I //.- J: . "~""""'- .j I . / ,';'7';} ./-, ./, ~,- - " 'i'd.n Ji :_1 ''''~''7 /',.",'~. , ,-ry ,,,. -"'-"-<!,,. ~ '1/'_ , .;.~ .i;' 1.1 . (, ,r;., f~"" ~C, :U #' S"llna,~.... " ronlfl!OH:RASlJ;BOI.llDl1'mfJiSSIltrnIlS CIT'tl1'SA.l.IW.,1WISAS Gfm1El<Bll: ~ ~e. tb. ""de"-'~n<d, ....den.. _ p._d. nwne" In .he City 04' S.Un>, .""..., do ""<<by I><<.iUOD T""" _nllle bod.- fo. .... ;>a",-<~t of an otro<to io 1,".< :;;,n.pt <-'Oncr "~ilH~o~. l~ol"~lnf aU or .,:.n""~lf, .~~.~jlq- fJ'Q" F.;;Ulo11o ""no :'0'(> b~oe~., ,"en . ~~.. r<H ..eat to the <.rSSl ty"."". ~n of "",..1""1<, "~t"r.;j:~f "'nt~ fro.. "!"e~"lI"".),"'l-<>c:.a,,,,,"""n """ .,.l....~ .._to '-<> ..h..,,~~; 0.11 <>r ~It!oWAU.~y\an<' ......, . ..,'"_ ','c,:r_ \. tH',.lc.'t_<; ~.~, 'n:;;:.:~ ~r~.; """'COO tJ I,.i:;~ ~c:el JoYP."; dl to t. f~,...,"'~ ':I:r ,C-Yhr toO""-.. . -" " r<n.ti"6'U' "u~eotf~lly, fIlJ'nllY: 'hep<.,eUoltl.epOllh""euwill ~ d/:r" ;/;;;.$O 1><1'''''''''', ~"'e. '7 , = au:c:, AtI~IT](lN , - - - .!!>67->:" ......z ~--- ;;,;;:" -;<;" ! Ik_L_,,/ ......-::;;..- (,,,.//...~ I';,~ NtH_ L. d'. '11r,... -.,(. o. . ." - < /4:'- /t!'/f' ~. .. -,. " Z. ,-,~~-- Z;i.S'J___'.-,.,. , " \ S.lin.,""".... TO TIia JlOI<OO.ABLS BOARD l1' COI~lISSIct<ERS CIT'tl1'SM.I"",':Nl""-' GU'tUJ.iEN, We, 'heund<!esignod, ..siden.. .rulp.ope.ty 01""'"" In 'heCHy 04' Solin., Xoll..., dGh<<ebypetitlnnyonrhonnroblebndyfo< 'bepaV€"ont or 011 .:roet$ in t~~ ~un,H ,Ia,ocr &ddltcor., ~=:101u~lng "U of """hn,,'k, extendlnf fro~ Fepubllc north twe "loch, tr.<~ ~ r." feet we"t to 'be U:;,al ty~oao; all of ~"",lnole, exten,HllI' =rt~ fro~ ~<pt.lbUe 3 blooh, thOn 0". tcocl< ...,t to ~h~x"e~; aU of S....wne., €xt.ndi~... "cuti:>. fro", Crs-"~ora ~:O:'rcx!...~,ely four -'loch, ~b.H. it terlillmt..; ~r.:i ;rac.klln f1'O" 51k.'nee to tile ~SSl tYP&8,; aU to Io~ f1n~nc." 10:,,' 20-ye~r bond.. Trn.ti"l<tbat g<sp~ctfnlly, FILEOay: n...willbegu"'ed.weue, ~~~ em BrAG: ADDlTIo.~ "., .,- <.., w;. " " "' . 6 ,. '. ,. ---'