2810 Amend Zoning Surveyors ,.. ~'" , ..r .!/ .r--. (íA 'if ~~ ~ -- a..",¡ The 8alina City Planning Commission City Planning Department City Hall - Salina. KaDaa8 Do not Write in this space retitlon No. -')..-~ { 0 . Filing Fee $ // ¿.o ,- .--' ~:~: subm1tteÆ~: ~l' \~~ï~ APPLICATION FOR AN AHENDMENl' TO THE DISTRICT ZONING HAP 1. Applicant's Name KENNETH H. ALBRIGHT 2. Applicant' s Addrel8 907 JO¡rnSTO:.1i AVE,:;ALI;;A. ;{AII.3. Phone Number TA7-7591 4. Preeent Zoue B Requested ?:oning D 5. Legal Description of property requeøt(d to be rezoned and Street addreas or location THE EAST 100' FEET OF ~. n: SURVEYORS PlAT" G " IN SALI1IA. SALINE COUNTY. KANSAS (EAST NORTIi STREET) 8. Present uae of subject property lived in. Deaired use of aubject property 100 feet fronta~e 175 feet deep a srr.lll house on back of property bei= Fa"k:1ge ileer to Go, a cor.bined store and drive-in across street How are adjoining properties used1 North .~cant- zoned for heavy industry old vacant Soutb River East house Weat vacant field-zoned li~h~ Ind. 6. Area of subject property, square feet and/or acres 7. 9. 10. What improvement in the existing zoning would be effected by the proposed zoning? none 11. How can you justify the proposed zoning cbange1 (See questionnaire on back) ( This is the only plot that hasn't been brouGht into either business or industry 12. Time schedule for developuent 1965 in tbis area.) 13. Exhibits furnished. nunber and kind. (Furnish plot plan or site plan, showing existing and proposed structures, easements, water courses. curb cut-backs.) 1ap attached of the proposed zon~_ng;. Signature of Applican We the undersigned have read the above petition and recommend granted. NAME ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION (/ -:;J!J' . _1&.. .;: /1Jt.-~/~Þ~ 7ðJ.[lv-~7Á.7J1-ç..r::~.~ >:/:;/11 .:!'>-Œ.'¿ J ~«-£ ~,~ . a c;.Lt1J ; I I I I I I