2808 Amend Zoning
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Le281 Descriotion
A txact of land in the Northwest Quartf'X (NW«) of Section
Fourteen (14). Township Fouxteen (14) South. Bange ThEee (3)
West of the Sixth Pxincipal Mexidian Ͽre particularly de8cribed
as follow8:
Ber~nning at a point on the West right-of-way line
of U.S. Highway 81 which point is 1.067.5 feet south of the
centex line of Walnut Stxeet. thence southerly along the
West xight-of-way line of U.S. Highway 81 ninety (90) feet
thence westerly parallel with the center line of Walnut Street
to the East line of Sudthers Street. tllenceNortherly along the
East line of Smithers Street ninety (90) feet. thence easterly
parallel with the center line of Walnut Street to the place
of beginning.
9uestion 11
There will be no change contemplated in the use of the area
sought to be rezoned. It is presently occupied by Bachelor's
Inn and George's Exchange. a tavern and a used furniture retail
store xespectively. The tavern has been in existence and in
operation at least since the calendar year 1951. We understand
there is some question as to tavern use under the present day
zoning applicable to the pxoperty. For this xeason. it 1s
desired that the property be rezoned to Zone F.
2. The anticipated use is the same as the use that has been
in existence for the past 15 years or 80 and the axea sexved
by this use is the entire City of Salina and suxrounding trade
It will not be necessary to build a new structure at the present
time .
rt is more feasible to rezone this area than attempt to acquire
other propertJ'be~ause the buildings are already in existence.
Using some forsi~1t. the economic situation in the area px2vents
us from giving reasonable assurance that for a certain number of
years the use of this property will be that use to which it is
now being put. However, it is applicant's intention to continue
the present use.
The proposed use is the same as the use over the last 15 years
and therefore ahould not increase traffic ox px.s.nt any traffic
detrimental to the adjoining properties.
The present us. and the intended use of the property should not
in any way be objectionable to oux neiSbbox8 a. the use exi.ted
before thexe were neighbors.
Suuounding property values will be maintained. The bads fox
this assumption is that we aJ:e asking no change in use.
The areaat present is served by a similar type zone in that
several hundred foot of frontage i~dtately north of IFRM is
p~esently zoned F and the effect of adding the above-described
property to Zone F will be to make the aJ:ea moxe uniform in
There are no restrictive covenants on the property.
There should be no effect on pxesent or future major traffic
There will be sufficient off stJ:eet p&J:king even if there were
a I'DDxe intense use but there will be no change in use.
The estimated boundary of the area to be served is Salina and
its trade territory. The basis on which this boundary is drawn
is that both places &re a retail establishment.
The proposed use, being the same as the previous and existing
use, will maintain, health, safety, morals, order, convenience,
prosperity and the general welfare of the neighborhood in
exactly the same manner as it has in the past without resuling
in any change.
This application is made upon the suggestion of the City Attorney
in ordex to make the use match the zoning. It is quite likely
that the present use of the property would constitute a legal
use undex the "Grandfathex clause", but at the present time
we are unable to locate the person who was opexating the tavern
at the tilOO this area was brought within the City limits of