2799 Amend Zoning Schippel Add -, ~ APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT '10 'IRE DISTIlIC'I ZONING HAP Do not Write in this space Petition No. "'Y7 r r FUing Fee $ '.~-lr\) Paid Ie -').{, -(-<, - Date Submitted h\-J I, -"I The Salina City Planning Commission City Planning Department City Hall - Salina, Kans.. 1. Applicant's Name Michaelsen, Inc. 2. 3. Phone Number TA 7-7273 A-B-c-Ð - Rezoning subject to the Present Zone A-B-l:-D Requested Zoning "ppw~1 <;If ~À' lI.plat .. approved - by the planning commission. Legal Description of property requested to be rezoned and Street ad~re8s or ScMppA' Arlrl1ti~~ '<""~l, '1 ¿J)~.t4 /LoI ~."-"'- A..l"&t<.Æ...d . -/i.w........ Applicant's Addresslb% CJQ6, Sal:,'a, XAnAAA 4. 5. location 6. Area of subject property. square feet and/or acres 19.6 acres 7. Present use of subject property vacant 8. Desired use of subject property development as t:> the requested zoninv. 9. How are adjoining properties used? North V..~..n~ ann 4 South vacant East vacant West A 10. What improvement in the existing zoning would be effected by the proposed zoning? None 11. How can you justify the proposed zoning change? (See questionnaire on back) 12. Time schedule for development~ll ~~~~+ ~nn~ "\11],\1 <¡n..nral ya~r¡¡ 1:9 IIQ¡;¡l'l'i11:e. 13. Exhibits furnished, number and kind. (Furnish plot plan or site plan, showing existing and proposed structures, easements, vater courses, curb cut-backs.) Signature of APPlicant:¥.~/~'-<-- ~~ ,-.. . nJ.chaelsen We the undersigned have read the above petition and recommend that the petition be granted. NAME ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION ; I I ! ,......., I"" MICHAELSEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. P. O. Boa 996 Pboae TA 7-7273 South Induelria1 Ate8 SALINA, KANSAS 67402 October ~6, 1961. City Planning Commission Salina, Kansas This letter is in answer to the questions that you bave outlined in your just- ification form. Since our re-zoning and re-platting is actually a change of the 10c3tion of the various zones that we now have, we will try to explain our reasons for the request ratber than trying to answer your questi:>ns. The land laying on the east side of I.ewis Street in Block 3 and Block 5 is at present zoned B. Du~lexes, and C, Apartments. These lots we would like to change to A, Residential, vhich we feel will make a JlDre valuable and attractive area by having A, Residential, on both 51-des of the street rather than a buffer of B zone from the commercial. The east £ide of Block :;. which would be the west side of Fawn Street, is at the present ~oneó C, I.partr,ents. This we are asking to be changed to B, Duplexes, which h. defin'1tely rore desirable backing into A, Res- idential. Fawn Street has been continueè fro!:: Schippel Drive to Albert Avenue in the new plot. At the pres nt this lanò is zoned D. We would like to continue this s:treet so a buffer z'Jne of B can be h3à on the east siõe of Block 5 which would back into the A. ResidentÜ'¡, as a buf- er zone. ~.r doing this we are actually JlDving the D zoning that we h'lve now further away from the A, Residential, and creating IOOre of a buffer zone. Cn the east side of Block 4, this area is now zoned A, since these lots will back into a co=.ercial zone, we are asking for C zoning. The area we are platting and c31ling Block 6, which was originally lots 1,2, 3, 4, and 17, Block 5. are now zoned Band D. Jots 1,2,3,4 are Band lot 17 is D. The lots in Block 6 facing on to the Fa1ol1l Avenue and directly across the street fro~ B zoning will be C zone which is just another buffer strip from our residential area. lots 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, and the scuth 54' of lot 11, Block 6 is now zoned D. This we don't want tJ:¡ change. lots 10 and the north 43' of lot 11 is zoned B, this ve v3nt to change to D. The east side of Block 4 which is now zoned A, we are recuesting the re-zoning to conr.ercial zone. We are platting a service road off of Ohio Street. Albert street, Schippel Drive, and Cloud Street to aid in traffic flow on Ohio Street which is a through street. At the time Schippel Addition W3S originally platted and brought into the city l:mts of Salina, all parties concerned felt there \JOuld be a need for a coIJlIller- cial in thé area. and, if pos:,ible, a large piece of land for a shopping center t;¡rpe development would be the test for the are"I. Since that ti¡;¡e, due to the slow growth of the area to the east of O'1io ~ treet, the popclation h"s not increased sufficiently to warrant this ty;:e of building. Over the past several years we have had numerous opportunities fro ¡; businesses who would like to locate in this area but they are vanting to purchase the land, build, and own their own building rather than to be in B large shopping center building. !bare is definately . . ~ r-=~. '-.., ,...., City Planning Commission -2- October 26, 1961. a need for col1llI1ercia1 in the area and we are just trying to re-plat to make it workable. Th1ø area contains approximately nineteen acres which is now vacant and we vou1d like to go ahead and finish the development of the entire area and va feel that this re-plat and re-zoning vill sllow us to do this to the betterJDent of the City anð the adjoining propert:r owner.. Sincerely, MICHAElSEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. ,~?¡7j/1~ M. L. Michae18en MIl-1/ skt . , ,.