2792 Amend Zoning Wilbre Add
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TIN Breo" - WiUi4"., A,II1ICY
20J So Sa"/a Fe ¿¿en"" !7(CUU4& P"- TA J-4691
Real Edate Broker-ags . Mortgage LoaM . lnaurance . AppraÏia18
September 28, 1964
Honorable Board of C~mi~~ioncrs
Ci. t}' of Salina
Sa Ii na, K¡msas
675 S01lth Ohio
Salina, Kansas
~r. Bert Breen and I built a restaurant ~uilding earlier this year
for lease to Specialty Foods, Inc" Wichita, Kansas. The restaurant
is being t'.anaged by Mr. ,\1 Claus of Salin~o under thc name of "Panjo's
Pizza", fssentiall)', the operation is conceived to appeal to young
adults, .dth a conbination fare of pizzas, drau¡;ht beer, and enter-
taiIU:1ent of the nON popular "sing-a.-Iong" varlet-y, This is the sane
conbination !3ucce~sfully in operaticn in \\'ichi ta and Hutchinson,
?nd in many othe r locat i(>ns throu:;h.Cl:t the cC'untry.
'!r. Claus has receiverl a Cease ?-nct Dcsist order frO!'! ~!r, Ron Barta,
as~Lstnnt city attornQV, ord~rinc ~ discontuance of the professional
piano entertai~L",ent. "0" local business zone allm,os the type business
-conducted there, but to be in conpliance, the zoning would have to be
"E" general l'\:siness. to allow the roanagement to hire paid entertain-
There have been no complaints regarding any nisconduct by the patrons
of Panjo's. and in fact ...c have received nur::erO1JS compli¡;:ents fron
distinguished ci tizens for pnwiding an installation \"Ihere the Air force
personnel and other people frC';"! tile area can fin<\ entertain.-r.ent in 3.
clean, relaxed atmosphere.
The attached petition for rezoninv is solely for the p1Jrp::>se of being
in compliance \dth the entertainr::ent clause of the zoning ordinance.
~o expansion of the buiJctin¡; is cor.ten:,lated, an:\ no d?ncing or other
inproper use of the pren; ses is a llm.ed.
Trusting that this petition ~ill be favorably considered, I renain
Your,s"'ve ry trt:1YZJ, ' " //'
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