2789 Amend Zoning Shalimar Add ~ III '---~---- "-==--~---------- ,A -... """ ;""'\ In Regard To Question 11 JUSTIFICATION 1. This site is to be used as a small retail Hardware & Lumber business. 2. This area which is located in the south-east portion of Salina is in the general location depicted on the "701" study as a general area to be used for business. It is estimated that approximately 48% of the growth of Salina will be in the east and south-east portion of Salina in the next twenty years. It's location is on a main thoroughfare and at the present time this sales office would service a radius of approximately one mile, which does not presently have any local .ales office. The important factor pointing to this location, I believe, is the fact that Ohio is a ~ain thoroughfare, and that the majority ~f the future growth of Salina will be in this general area. 3. I will build a new structure, please see plans attached, it will be neat orderly and it will be an asset to the comMunity. 4. Yes, I feel the main factor involved is the need for this type of establish- ment in this area. With this in mind, I have been looking a location in this area that is commensunate to my financial abilities. This location being adjacent to ground zoned for business, suited these requirements. 5. Having been in close connection with this business all fiY life, I feel the business will be a permanent asset to the community. If for any reason this is not 50, the building will be designed in such a way that various other types of businesses could use the structure with no detriment to them or the community. 6. I believe a slight increase in traffic is conceivable; but, Ohio being a main thoroughfare and the adjoining property already zoned for business, this establishment will not be detrimental to the neighborhood or the community. 7. We i~tend to build a store that will be generally commensunate with the neig~borhood, and we do not feel that it will in an way be objectionable to any of the neighbors as noticed by the signed petition. 3. I do not feel that the surrounding property values will be either increased or decreased. 9. At the present time, this area is not served by a similar type zone, therefore, I feel that because of the ~roximity of potential commercial development that it will have no effect on the overaìl zoning plan. 10. There are no restrictive covenants which will prohibit co~ercial use. 11. In relation to present and future major traffic thoroughfares, there h~s been an additional ten feet included in the set back along Ohio street in this area in case the city at any point wanted to widen the street. Thus, if at any time it is necessary because of increased traffic, the right-of-way is available to make the street wider. ""'" 1"'" ~- -2- 12. As evidenced by the plot plan, you will see that thereis more than adequate parking space available. 13. At this time I can only give an estimate; but, generally speaking, the boundry of the area to be served would be approximately two miles west and two miles north. Basing my opinion on the fact that there are no other establishments of this kind within this area. However, we will be of service to the entire community. 14. I do not feel this establishment will be detrimental to the health, safety, and morals of the neighborhood. The aforementioned area to be served does need a bu'iiness of this type. Therefore, I do feel the convenience of our business will enhance the general welfare of th~ neighborhood. 15. Please find preliminary plans and plot plan of the area as it is now. I certainly did not buy this land for speculation; rather, I intend to supply the aforementioned need to the community. I would like to emphasize this point. I do not intend to have an unsightly, conventional hardware and lumber company; but I plan to have a single structure which will inclose all my wares and business activities. . ,¡ '- tj - {(;-r~