2783 Amend Zoning Shalimar :-,L~~f f .tL..,~:Q .¡?,;..cf ß <.- ¡¡,,¿ I . I (1/; J{{.ë" Ct'. __-,-I . / I '2,--<,¿.::~ù-- /~ ~'- , ./';2~~¿ t {¿;~,--.i=! / / : I I I ~ ,....., APPLICATION FOR AN AMENm'1Et\'T TO TIlE DISTRICT ZONING HAP 00 not Write in this spac~ Petition No. 1'1,r¡ 3 . FiUng Fee $ y,{. ,"0 Paid~- '2---tf- _6 .J Date Submitted ç... -v...¡-€Af The Salina City Planning Co~ission City Planning Department City Hall - Salina. Kansas 1. Applicant's Name Robert A. HA~~~~~n 2. Applicant' s Address 209~ QuinCY Salina.Kansas 3. Phone Number Tlf. ~-2J..Ol 4. C Requested Zoning D Present Zone 5. Legal Description of property requested to be rezoned and Street address or location rots 1-2-':1-5&6 BloC'..k )C'. Shal'lmA1' P1A? I, Addit.ion . Corner Shnli1':ar Drive and South Ohio. 6. Area of subject property. square feet and/or acres ./(PtJr. 39.000 Sa.Ft. 7. Present use of subject property Vacant 8. Desired use of subject property B1JS iness locations 9. How are adjoining properties used1 North Vacant South Vacant ApartIr..€nts Vacant West East 10. What i~provement in the existing zoning would be effected by tbe proposed zoning? riev business estab1ishr::ents and improve¡:¡ent of entire area. 11. How can you justify the proposed zoning cbange? (See questionnaire on back) 12. Ti~e schedule for development One buildin~ and ~~kin~ ~R~ilit.jes at once and another builàiDg right after first of year 1965. Exhibits furnished, nu~ber and kind. (Furnish plot pla~ or site plan. shoving existing and proposed structures. ease~ents, water courses. curb cut-backs.) SigneMe nf APPl1eenf!'~~~~'-<- , the above petition and recomœend that tbe petition be 13. We the undersigned have read granted. NANZ ADDRESS '-'" 7 /0 f. Iii 1(,) t. i.zt 7 " 1 I 7 I t. 1).-2- I ¡ I n \ I ! . I I I . ! ! I I I I I I_I I /, " I' , . Applicant PLEASE Read ~arefull, '{ou }lust Justify your Req'lest III fairness to the applicant as well as to the city at large, the City Planning Coc~ission dcems it necessary as well as extremely helpful for the applicant to tak~ a long acd careful looK at what he is proposing when he requests a change in zoninb for his piece of property. If the applicant will analyze bis proposal carefully he will note that there are certain questions which he Qust answer for himself as well as for the city. It has been evident that previous zoning cases have been turned down or tabled because the City Planning Comœission lacked sufficient information. The Planning Co~isGion staff does not bave the facilities for acquiring .11 the information needed. and since the applicant is solely concerned .. to bis propo..l it appears only just and reasonable that he file with his application all the inforoation obtainable which may be pertinent to his case. The justification should be written (preferably typewritten) in narrative fo~ and follow tRe points outlined in the questionnaire. SoQe of the questions may not be pertinent to your particular caae but all should be looked at closeLy. Attempt to find answers to all the questions, however. if certain information is unobtainable it will not count in any way against the applicant other than the fact that the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners will have leS8 inforcation upon which to base their decision. JUSTIFICATION (Questions to be answered) 1. ¡',aat use is to be made of area in que¡¡tion~ Area to be used for business buildin"õS in retail vßntWe3. Give SOQe fvctua data show1ng nced for anticipated use based on population (present and future) of area to be served. I believe Salina's growth should be in this area and there is already quite a bit of ho\JS lug in the area. Will it be necessary to build a new structure? Yes possibly several. 2. 3. Is there so~ething special about the area in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to acquire property presently zoned for the type of use anticipated? (other than ownership of the property) I have tried other locations but cannot get any property. This is in a good col!:Ir.ercial area. 5. Is it possible to give reasonable assurance that for a certain number of years the use will be that which is anticipated by the applicant? Very definitely. 4. 6. Will the proposed use increase traffic in the area? If so, will an increase in traffic be detrimental to the adjoining properties? Not very much. I do not èelieve it ..nJ.l be detrir::ental. Will the intended use of the property be in any way objectionable to yo~r Deighbors? I do not believe so. 1. Will surrou~ding property values be caintained or increased? If so. show the basis for tRis assu~?tion in detail. ~e land is vacan~ noy and full of weeàs. 1'::: sure the val-¡¡,c of the e::.tire area \'"ould be enhenced. 9. Is the area at present served by a si~ilar type zone and what effect will the added use have on the overall zoning pla~? No. None. 3. 10. Are there any restrictive covenants on t~e property which ~ould prohibit the intended use? Attach a CO?y ~f tbe covenants and/or deed restrictions if any are in effect. Kona. 11. ~~at relatio~ship does this have on ?resent and future maj,r traffic the>r',u.;hfares? It is cn Ohio r.r.à ,"e ,"oulà try to keep as J::\lch of ~bo flow of t~aff~c off C~io. ~ill t~ere al,"ôys h~ sufficlen~ off. street par~ing regardless of A ~=e intense use? Y€3. 12. 13. ~~at is t~e es~icated boundary of ares to be served õnd on ,"hat basis is ccis bo~~¿~~y dra~~? ~orth at lcâ5t one ~ile end So~th to tho area of EorJiie r. - co ",;".;i ~::¡; ",:"ea of Shali=r ,..uroDe. !"t...- ar.¿ 1'kst ",èct:t one mile. 1,4. -:~i~l t::e ?:-o;'>Ose¿ use increase or ¡;:ai~,tain health, safety. corals, order, co~Jenien~e. ?rJs?erity or general ,"elfare of the neighborhood? (in an~erin& this ç~estion sho~ so~e geod factual inforcation that ~ould lead to this conclusio::.) I feel t1-,s.t \lith ir:te:-ssted citizer..:: c¡:erating the bl,¡Siness places t~a~ it ~~l: be an asset to t~e ",rea a~d tte cc~~ity. :5. := t~~ ~??11C~::t does not h~ve a concrete plan he ~ust still justify zoning :0. his c~~ ?~:-?oses ûS ~e11 õs the Ple~ning Co~1ssio~. (S?ecu1ation as to :~e i::cre~~e 0: the value of the l~n¿ i~ çu~stl~n by rezoning is not jJsti=ic~:ic~ ~~d is not in the ~est i~tere&t of tac public unless it can be .:c,,?le¿ ...ith extensive fa~ts ;.:-..1 fi¡;ürcs which can c:>nc.lust'\.ely 51.0.. c~..: ~ha ~est use 0: the land in çuc9tion 1s that Deing ~?plied for.)