2772 Amend Zoning Evergreen 4" -. _. !9.2'i'::_~~'!':!'~r. cm'!:r~S! ~'\.:..'"J ':'.~~~:~D :")Ï C"""'TS~I)~r:$. S\,I.~'A. KA"~¡\S Ar,"'~rG.\~:'i'S P.BPI.Y A':D/OR A~:S,';:, :s 'i\) (,;: .;..;IU~. PE1CAmI:.:;: 'lû ?r'Û".~SF;D zo"r'G C~A~ICE . Qucstion ::o.~. Barror shop to be 1 )ca.tcd ;¡,', )lé ~-. ";lotld St., adjacent to ùusincs:; section. " " 2. X'_out 50% of thr> pc rola+.Üm,!: E:l:.i"3 l'-yes South of Cr;¡,wford Strol't, and a:>:>roxiT.atoly half' )f ::h~ú,'l' H'Ii'" f.o'.!th of Cloud St:-cet; and there are only 4 Barè:o~ shops 5outh I) . Crauford, and there are 29 Barber shops }:orth of Crai'õÍord f ~I.'.'t~t. ~.!' : ;alir.l' . .. " J. }!o. \':i.ll reæodel tt ~ present. stIU.:tt'!'O and later it is anticipated that a b\:.si;;.ess b1lil¿:"'1f will be .:one't,:"I1ctud. It " 4. Yes, this lQcation is aCCT();> ¡ tte stroet fro::! the rõalles Store and ti:o ;!orSaíem¡y ~tol 3 all in ',he K:'a1'1> ~!anor area snd at presont there is only one barber .hop. .r ~ . II " 5. '¡'hp ì:ilsinoss sectic 1. here is gI'C;;;_t\~ a...d the residO:1tial area is ¡¡¡t)vin~ South} and 't 10 operat.>r v~ 'ld like to i\8\"8 a te'U lease. :- " " 6. rot necessarily as t>:ere iS10tr a :iequate parkinz tacil1 t1es ¡¡¡ore "iill be provic 3d 'YÒe:1 :nce~s 11'7. and II " 7. 1;0. '¡'hay a:'6 :lil 1r favor of this cha"'f.ç. S6C'. the -p€)titiCl"l. II II 8. It s!1><lld be ;..air-tl ined a.."Id Uút: is the ;íelles Store 31 j the 'Ie;; s~:" 18 r:tO:1t.~s. T'nl! tm: stor<'9 "'.' .. ""-5, tt.E;-_'O is a It ,hair s,-.o- is o-.~ tiroly inaÆCr ate to t;:-c a l"2,st . '.~ groTTing sectbr. o!' Salina, havilli: been bunt in past "", (,:"1ployces. ,..;,:- sectiO"'., Ò1¡t this trade that is ..wllabll? ;1 " 9. . ,. ':. Ì1ð r. II 10. ¡:o. II II u. N~~Ee I: II ~2. Ie::;. II n ~3. --¡his lGcatio:-: is a- :¡ost in the .~enter of: that part of ~:[~i..na located South of' Cratrf'ord : treat. .. .. 1.4. As aboVi! stated t!'-. s use i:; bad!.:; ne~dl?d ,and th~re is nt) r~a.~o~ to ùol~~V\; tfat it rould œ i'. a-:-.y ~. det:-:i'lent;!l too the ngi~h:J~r~.)-"i. II " ~5. J.s sta~ed in ~ro. 3 the <1p}:1 ic:l.:1t e¡,,:pEcts to build a ne..'- structll!'<! ã"; ~~is location S'..fr cient t.c hO¡¡3E 3 nu.-,œr of S'llall bultinesses in ;.:~, n3xt tTI'O or three: 'ea..-s .