2766 Rename Streets Sunset Add '" " -.: ""'" r-- A . Rcna!.1ing of thi! following streets in Sunset Addition: 1. ;'::>:-"°"':- Ave:fll.:e to beco::-.e an.:>rthern extens ion of Windsor Drive, since this ",ou"å involve only a minor offset fro:n the existing ¡':;nJsor Drive at Republ ic Avem.:e; 2. Sc-..ir.o le Avenue to beco::-.e a northern extens ion of Vassar Drive, sinc~ this. too, would involve only a minor offset fro:n the existing Vassar Ðrive at Re?ublic Avenue; 3. Shä'.r..ee Aver,ui! to :,ecc::-,e Plaza Drive. since Shat..~ee Avenue ter~inated at Crawfor¿ Avenue on the north and Shat.."ee Circle on thi! south, thereby connecting with no existing streets. ?~ese chan;es arc dee~ed ¿esirahle to elininate confusion, as these are the only s~reets east or Broadway na~ed for In¿ian Tribes Persons seeking one or these streets, and not raniliar with the area naturally ¿rive to the wcst side or Broadway, where a cajority of the streets are so m¡;;;eå. ... ._~, ~'-~X\:~~...., LI- ~}- ') l~ ~ GV,"", \/)?,-1:~~/ .., j\.X- -- , ~- Iv (,'-- .. ~ 1 \.,;-~ ~' Ii.,~ ""0"",""'"'°, ""'","""""""""""Ò""'" eo",",,";; ::;.:;';;;¡;::;',;;;'::::::,;:; :;:;'::: ;;::-" '" ,.. """ ;d,.., '" ,.. ""., '-H.., "w~ ,eo""" or .//" Ç/d 0, 1 1 I I I I """'m"""", M..m, '" mo", Mom oi', C)/(, 1" N / /' ? '" ( ,c", ,-/;. '0," \. J! 11" fP do, ,j II. .""J. ,,' / m" E H.. ;!', f'