2762 Amend Zoning VanTrines' -~- , < ~ . .he ~~lina City PIQnni~g Co.Disslon City Planning DepartQcnt City Hall - Salina. KanS~d I :Do not Write I ,¡petition No. I Fi ling Fee $ Paid \Date in this spac<.: AP?LICAnÅ“, ~O;{ ¡,:; .^,}:Z:;D}:;:;:,T TO TH~ DISTRICT ZO~I~G MAP "7-76'/ ~/.' , , ':. <, ", -,' ,If¡ Submitted ~-/(/,(.'/ 1. A?plic~nt' s ~~¡;-.e Art Snail East Country C1uà Road A?plic.:.nt's Address Ronte #3 3. Phone 1'urubcr TA 7-1095 2. 4. '?;:eGcnt Zone B Re<:uested Zoning c 5. Legal Description of propcrty reçuested to oe rezoned and Street address or location Lo'c 33. bloc:~ 1. Van':~-ines' Addition & south 50' of the !',:)rt::. 250' '.-:ellinÄton Reserve. Lot 35 , block 1, Vann Trines' ¿¿clition and ~ne south ~O' oÌ the north 300' of We~11ngton Reserve. ó. Area of subject property. sçuare rec~ and/or acres 15R20 SQ. Fr 7. ?rese~t usc or subject property V2CET't 8. Dc~~r~¿ use of subject property _'_')a~i::"TI.ent huildinl! 9. hOW are Q¿joini~~ properties uscd~ "orth One familv dwellinl! So~;:h O:è" "";:-::.:lv ¿"T~l!~;;ast ¿¡.:")lex 'West Railroad Tracks 10. ~~~t i~?rovÇQent in the existing zoning would be effected by the proposed zùr.ing? .-.. _ttache.¿--l1. HCri c~n you justify the proposed zoning change? (See questionnai~e on back) 12. Ti¡;:e :;;ch"c.ule for deve1op~ent As soon as zoninc:<: is aDproved 13. ~~~i~its furnished. nucber õnc. kind. (Furnish plot plan or site plan, showing exis~in6 and proposed structures, ease~ents. water courses, curb cut-backs.) A~---::::,,-,::¿ ~/ Siónatu:.-e 0;: Applicant /~¿/ / ;/' , /' {'-, t':- (' r^c/o-'~e~,'d t"nat the petition be~ ::a t:--.e un¿e¡:"signed h..ve read the above petition õnd ~ -" --- 5r¡¡~.t¿;¿. .'..',.',':' _;I)ùR2SS !.OT BLOC" ADDI7IOX I Aúswers to Justification Questions .i... Zrect an «?ar~ent ho~~e. 2. 7his loca~ion is ~,ithin wal~ing distance to Elmore Shopping Center, Salina Senior High School and Sears Shopping Center. 3. Yes, a bric~ veneer unit. 4. ~hese lots have never had iüproveillents. Therefore, the city of Salina has derived no iQproveillent taxes from same. 5. Very definitely. 6. The increase in traffic will be very slight. 7. I have talked with ther:l and they say,Uno." 8. Va1~ations should increase with this type of structure; 9. A?ar~.ents are in the immediate vicinity. 10. There are no"e. 11. This will have no thoro\1ghfares. :arir~ on present or future major traffic 12. }:v ~l~ns are to blacktoD the rear area which will be approximately 10,000 sçuare feet. . 13. Esti~ated boundary of area to be served roughly speaking would be the ¿v~,tw;n area, Elillore Shopping Center and Sears Shopping Center. 14. This should up-grade the living conditions of the occupants. 15. Xy \1nit wi:i consist of one bedroo~ acco~odations, suitable for wor:'-ing t{O~en ar.d couples t.¡ithout children. We have people without aut~ãobiles that need housing close to work. :'3