2757 Dog Nuisance S Santa Fe
8 May 1964
Mr. Ray Haggart
Ass't. Ci~y Attorney
lœ! N. Santa Fe
Salina. Kansas
Subject: Complaint at 646 S. SI'e.
Dear Ray:
Mr. Martin Easter 01' the Health Dept. and myself
made an inspection of the above mentioned proper~y in
regards ~o a complain~ about dogs.
The occupants of this house are Dr. & Mrs. George
R. Keeler. Dr. Keeler has ~vo Bri~tany Spaniels in a
dog run constructed of chain link fencing in his rear
yard. The closes~ portion of ~his fence is 44 fee~
from the Keeler residence. This enclosure is approxi-
mately 50 feet from the closest neighboring residence.
Mrs. Keeler ~entionej tha~ one of ~he dogs is a
female expec~ing a litter soon. She also said ~hat
~he pups are spoken for and will all be gone a~ be-
ÞJeen 4 and 6 weeks of age. The Keelers do have a
third dog which is strictly a minature house dog.
The pens were very sanitary. Both Hr. Easter
and myseli felt there was no sanitary problem.
I am enclosing several pi~tures I snaped at ~he
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Robert A. Lange /'
Building Inspector
RAL: ea
ce: Norris D. Olson
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