2746 Annex Light Industrial Dis ~ ,-.. 1.:.1.;.' 3-tG-'~. ß t.T::;:. ~ r 7 <{, To: The Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina and the PLanning and Zoning Commission of said City. II 'I I, 1\ " ii It is respectfully requested that your honorable body incorporate into the City of Salina and zone the same into the Light Industrial District. 8S by zoning ordinance provideù, all of that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Fourteen (L4) South, Rang. Three ¡i ii II 11 II 'I II 11 ~ \\ ~ ~ U Ii !I ;¡ 1\ I, (3) West of the 6th P.K.,lying North of Crawford Street. East of the Right- of-Way of 1-35W and West of the center of the new and old channels of Dry I Creek, a more complete description of which is hereto attached and incorporate~ herein. Harry Banker, Owner L. F. Eaton, Owner Frank Willis, Contract Purchaser Gene Cain, Contract Purchaser , By ¡"', i. ..", . . - C. L.'C18~k. their , attorney it , " ~ CER'rl FICATE OF SUt<VEY BUCHER II WI LLI S CONSULTINI (NGINU"S . PLANNUS &OX 1287, SALINA, KANSAS C:GCItIPTION: "a~c 1 ì I I , I \ pan:cl of lallt.! hhR ÍlI l:C ~')\I:,',eas' (~\lartcr or ~e('tioll Fifteell (1S), ':'14(. I¡:i\"', c.f' t" IX~: Principal "'eritlial1, i;¡ ~alil\e Count\', :':a~e oc Kanan. and mol'c par'ln,],II'l dcs,'ri;,cd as follows: , 1111,:1 C c'i,,~ ¡t' ',' C '~nl:"c¡ut', ('or'ner of ~15, T14=" n:i\\', :' r.,:.'e wellt alon~ thc :'0', "I"ill II: t' II' F" '14, 1::1'.\ a dis':\,' rc of 1:112 ,\-, ft'c:, ' C:,('(! 8i.c!,:il,~ I.ael.. aIOi'~ £"...1 SL'e 'io I. (' ",.d ' - I': I ¡! ~l <,:(111: 'crdoc'kwisc all~le oc !1~ 00' 00" And proceeding ill a 'or" ,l'd dll'L'l"llI al0",,::' ('. li,:e forilled tl.ereh:--, a dis':1',ce of 40,00 feel to all h-o;, "1:,0 "C ',ur' I:ic:' '-of-\\'a Ii.«, of Crawford ~trect a"d tlaidlror. Pill alao being ',i.c poi' of \"'l:1 I: l!, e: I'e I' sigi u";,: "a':!.. alO1o { ,hc previousl, described line and t",rlli ~ ;I dod \\'1 s,' al't! Ie of 11150 01' 44" al.d pnweet.!lIlg ~ol"l.erl' alo',g to e line Cormed ,: CI'C; a dis',;1 ('c' 0: I ,:>, ~O f.,c' '0 a'¡ "'0 pi',,', ,ence Big' till ( tack alolll{ t.'e lallt de- lil:rii cd IÌI;c ;I' d /'1,\111; a l'01ll ,('rdo\'kwisl' a:l~lc of 1420 40' 2-;" a:.d procccdinJ{ ill a :,or:lcas:crl chn',"¡u;alo'lg'Lc'1i:C'fol'lllr.d erel adis'a:oreof21iiu:90:0 an Iron Pia; :"CI:I'e I" :-;i;! 'I l! .. aI'" alo:11,: c pn:,iolisl dcsI'ril'cd linc :l"d l,"",i"~ all an¡.!le clockwisl' of lu¡¡O 01' :n" a',d prO\,.~cdlc i' a ';01" eas'('rl, dirc"tioll alon~ t~le liuc t::crc!" for'lI,cd, a «Iis'a C'C' of 2 ,tj 10 ;,'p' :o;}' fr'OI. I'll., "c'l\'e <, lIig;'rir,t: l'acl.. along t:,c las; dcsC'ri! cd 11,(, :1',11 ',if'", ~ a dUt'f.wlse a:,~lc oi l:)! O 45' 0,;" a"d pl'ol~eedill~ !\or',::cl'1 alo;,,: t' I, l' ~"r" cd "'..r'c, a rlis'a:¡('c of hO!) 15 ft'ct:o an Iron Pi'l and said :"0, I'i,. ¡llso' ('I ..: n' ",(' I UH'-':,c'W '."lllI"cr ""Ct'~iu' liöoc uf ..;..,"iOl¡ IS, 'l14~1 1\3\" alld also :'('1 c' I!'>, 00 fee~ \\'('¡;' of ':1'. ~~HI'. ')\ a"~cr co,."cr of 'e,,':ion 15, T14~, H3\\; , C',I'C siJ: ; ~' :...k al0'.~ : C \11'(', io sl dcscrii,cd liue a,.d ~"r"Ï;:J{ a clockwise al1t::lc oi 1:0001' .., ,I ,cj prO\:cctli"t' i:, a ',~(,s'c.-l dircc'ion aloll~:' cîiLe formed t!rero. Ì>Y, a:;d saitl Lc' al"" l'1; ~ ':.c laS' - ',',('s, t.~',ar"cl' ":cc",iol1 linc, a dilltance of 2535. 64 fcc, to a;, Iro-; 1'1: ,( 'I saId [I'Or, 1'1:, also !'CI::¡: - 'c cclI:er of "c,'-io:: 15, ';'14~, H3\\'; L,c::I'C I' SIO:1.'I';":' ad alo:.l! :',e \:a5' -',\ cs ">.ar"cr ~cc,tiOl: liLC :\':,d ,..rnil'~ a clock. wise a,,~lc of ~ Oo 01' !:i a' d prOl:cctli',:! I., a ':o,,":erl. dirc<.:tlOlI alor,~:' e linc ~:,erehy iorl'uccJ, and sa;c! ¡. t' aL-iu 'ci',~;' c '~Ol': -<0 ,': "'"ar:cr '-:el,:iolo lillc a t.!is~alòcc oC I"H'. ::1 fcc', '() a .r ), ¡'" ,¡ ,d :;aitllro.. Pi:: also I ci:,~ OL " c I:all: I:i)(t.t-of-\\a:, line of 11.:c,'s:a c :F>.., ;. cJ salll !ro.. Pic. also el:g lo..a'cd 0:: ' c ',or':' -:~O¡:~L Quartcr :-;c<::iol Ii,eof ",",",' I"" 14, ¡::i','" (',,'r.!' si~':i',¡.:,a"loalo';l!theprcviousl:, dcsl'ri:cdlJ e, :CI ~ ¡,'"" -<ot:' '!',ar".'r 'c("io!.li':ea',dl"r':lil'~aclockwise al:t!Jl' oi l..~oO :!.,' !l¡' ;¡ ,I \H'OL:('ctli'l;: ie' ;I SO',': t'as-,crl,' t.!irc.-:iu alt)"I;" e Hue formed t: cr'c' ", ad saul I: e also ;,ci:,!! ',';c ;,as' I;i~ t-oi-',"'a', H.,e oj I; :crlta'c 35\\", Ii dis',a,:l'c of 1021 °, t.-I" ',0 a:, lr'OI: 1'1: a d salll Iro" Pil~ 1 ci..~ 10.'a'ed a: t!:e inter- seetio.; oi', ('. ¡ as' "';": :-ol-".',a, li;.c of I ,'('.r'S'a'c 35\\' al:d toe '-or';' Hi.:ht-o(-Way , li"c of (,','awiord ' n~t" : ,e' ('c I-, 8i!!"'i,,~ I ad. along t:,e I:as: Hi¡f '-of-',\'a,.-1ilie or l:,'crs',a',c :i:ï,', a:.d '"I' ';:: a:. a,,~lc cloekwisc of 12!)o 33' :;:'. a cI prOl'cet.!ir.g ¡II an castcd t.!ir'cc'lo!. alo ~' c ¡ilic formcd "cre ." a:¡t.! said li:,c also !,cir.l{ the ;o.;ortÌJ i:ig;-:-oI'-:, ~ Ii: c ù: ' . ;,¡wlunl ': reel a ths:a::cc of 2Bl, t:O fcc', to 3, Irun Pin \"cir.g bcatcd 0;: said 1 j He (' ,o'l' :-; i.:: :i. ~ I al'k alo,,~ 'LC pre-.ciOl¡sl, dcs<.:ri!.cd ~ort!: ¡,ii!' ':-01- \'. a, 11 (' 0'" 1 ¡¡wio,.,! C .rcc' and ':lrni::~ a dockwisc a;,¡!lc oi I ïOO 4 ¡, 50" a :d PI'(>o',',',I:..g ... a t';", "I: ..111'("':10:. a:ùl,~! e lwe .~erei,~, Îo,'mcd, a'.t.! said line also; CL,"; :'C -';or', ¡do;,' -01-'.\ a-, hue 01 Crawford ~tree[, a dis'a:,('e of 30, 05 Cee~ to ar; Iro:, 1'111 I'ci'.g 0: C ';orth Hig':t-of- \\ ay line of Crawford ~;~reet a;¡d also said Iron Pi" ¡,ci:.g t ':c poi oi ~,egiLnill~, ','"c ahovc described parcel oC land contains 101,9a an'cs, , ,-',is S..,',o' a pan t'f ::'is sl.r ,'(' was performed 011 Fcbruary 20, 1964, :'ee Pa~e 2 wbich is ."('~':~'t\'::'Z:"""'",,, : - , - - -- : ' ';~ ,"-:,,: .. .. ~' ;'::~\"~", " ""IJI""~' I HUrlY CERTI'Y THAT TMI8 .1 A TRUE AND ACCURATE I"L.AT 01' T"I Ale II C¡¡- KRIIiO ,ItO'UTY, d ~~ K/:I ~ e.t:!'¿.c;~ ;:' (, -. ana EXBDIT "A" ,~ CERTI FICATE ~ï- OF SURVEY BUCHER It WI LLI S CONSULTINI (NIINEE'" . PLANNERS &OX 1287, SALINA, KANSAS ~ ;; r¡ '. .~ '" '". p..-- ~ ~Qlt: r. 4(X)' ~2 , r""~:ltblr: "~N I .:#'0, 41(; t'2',Q .,,~ ~' ------ ' r< , --- . ,,¡.,I' r-.I 'I ------ ~"l:' <: ie ø-- . fø~ J~Þ ~ I, A :,,~. "(I~::~ ~ IJ ~ -~- ~' . ~- ,-------- , 1.1'O~ ~O 'S ~ /C4'f.2" ~~ -\:::tI1 ~~ ~t') \.~ ~ t.. t' ~~ "'-",-u- Ccnra In:l /01. '18 Acr'::1 S~cf/c/') /.tJ - T/tI~ -,~3J</ " ~ ~ \) ~ If} C II) If} () ... ,;; 'I J) ~ I l ...... I i ~ I 1. E~.= c...:> : . fro:" p"" :J~ r 0 ,: -on ~,"3 Fo....na Iron Sc:cr/",n Llnt:? 6:;u-l V'.: Corn<:r "r Seer/en /.5, TI";~-R3Jl/ .5. E. C"r~'- Sc:o;; I-,,),""} ,:S, T/4:J. ~1.~:"""", , ~, ",~ t\'. \~ t.. ,":., .s~.;;"'cn .~ -. ~"';¡.JW ,::i '.' ..""" ' f.:.,"'t.,'. . ': ".' f~; ( .. ;:\:,'~-:-, , """'/:"":/:';'.':;""'" . I HEREIY C[RTI'Y THAT THIS II A TRUE AND ACCURAT[ PLAT Of' TH( AIOVe 01- IClUIED PROP[RTY. d ~~.q~ .,-:~ EXHIBIT "a" ¡?-¿?¿-.¿,4- MT.