2736 Amend Zoning Original Town / / ,...." ".... APl'l.iCATlOU FOR AN AMENOMENr TO THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP Do not Write in this spac~ 1'etition No. :21 ::.;¿~ FUing Feel $ 'rr (.-~ Paid _)1'-(,. LC Date Submitted , - J ¡>. -1.>'1- The Salina City Planning Co~ission City Planning Depsrtment City Hall - SaUna. Kansas 1. Applicant's Name C. DALE LYON, D/B/A SALINA COFFe~ House. INC. 2. A~p1icant's Address 113-115 N. 7TH ST. ). Phone Number TA 3-6395 4. E Requested ~n1ng r preeent Zone 5. Legal Description of property requeated to be rezoned and Street address or location LOT ;102 ON 7TH STREET IN THe ORIGINAL TOWN OF SALINA IN SALINE COUNTY. KANSAS. 6. Area of subject property, square feet and/or acree 50' x t 10' 7. Present use of subject property RESTAURANT EQUIPUENT & SUPPLY ODNPANY 8. Desired use of subject property AOOITION OF COFFEE ~OASTING ECUIPMENT 9. How are adjoining, properties used1 North TIRE DEALER South East PRINTING PLANT West CHURCH CHURCH SUPPLI E6 10. What improvement in the existing zoning would be effected by the proposed zoning? 11. How can you justify tbe proposed zoning change? (See 12. Tilile echedu1e for development 13. Exhibits furnished, number and kind. (Furnish plot pIa existing and proposed structures, easements. water cour Signature of We the undersigned have read the above petition and reco~end t gra:lted. NAME ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION I I i I I I I I , ~ I D I . ----_J