2735 Inclusion Township 14 "'"' ",.... .-.¡,if SaUna, Kansas /'-t;} Date FUed I-I (;J - CD 7 . Petition Number ;"'] ~:J TO THE HONORA~LE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENTLEMEN: We. the undersigned. residents and property ownero in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the Inclusion of the ISO'x230' lot, leagally described per the attachment, into the City limits. The East one-half (~) of this lot is.presently within the City. Should this be acce,ted and rezoned to "roo Industrial, the South 20' will be dedicated to the cily for use as a thoroughfare. Trusting that the prayers of tbe petitioners will respectfully. FILED BY ì':. J. K~;';'>L¡:;a & J. D. IIENSLEY ..:) - J ~'--- BY: . j': U. Hensley NAME be granted. we are, r' , .- - -- - ---- -_. - -- n - - ..Y::RESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION '-, "...... LEGA.L :):-;~Cr.iiYfIO~ O~. PROPSRTY RF.Qm;STF.D TO BE REZO~ED: A tr~ct land located in the doutheast Quarter (S&~) of the :\ortheilst Quarter (N&'d of Section Two (2), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Three (3) West of the Sixth P.M.. and more ?articularly desCTibed as follows: Beginning at a !>oint ~if!hty-four and six-tenths (84.6) feet ¡"est of the '->olltheast corner of sa id SoutheAst Quarter (SE'4); thence "'est "lon~ the South I ine of sa id Southeast Qu'lrter (5&"1) a distance of One hundred Fifty (ISO) feei; thence North and :>ara lIe I to the I::ast I ine of said Southeast (S ~;!..) Quarter a distance of Two Hundred Thirty (230) feet; thence Last and parallel to the $outh line of said South- east Quarter (Sì':\..> a distance of One Hundred Five (l05) feet more or less to a point which is the center line of the old channel of Dry Creek; thence Southeasterly along the center line of old Dry Creek channel to the West Right- of-yay line of Highway U.S. #81; said point being One !\.'n<ired Eighty-f ive (18S) feet more or le$s due North of the ~oint of beginning; thence South along the said Right- of-way line, a distance of One Hundred Bight-five (liS) feet oore or less to the point of beginning. ALSO, a tr ianglllnr tract described as follows: ßegin<\ing at a 1> point Two Hundred TcÜrty (230» feet ~orth and Eighty-four and Six-tenths (94.6) feet West of the Southeast corner of said SE~; said point is on the West Right-of-way line of U.S. High-,laY .131; thence West and parallels to the South line of said SB\ a distance of Forty-five (4S) feet more or less to a point which is the center line of the old channel of Dry Creek; thence Southeasterly along the center line of the old channel of Dry Creek to the ~est Right-of-way line of U,S. Highway 1t8l, said point being Forty-five (4S) feet more or less due South of the point of beginning; thence North alonb the said Right-or-way line, a distance of forty-five (4S) feet, more or less to the point of beginning. - - .--- -- - - - -- - _ . - ---