2979 Amend Zoning Orginal Town ArrUCI\Tll'ti t.Ol: /11, N¡.:mf.:~t:r to 11:': blsY¡ur:r ZOIUUG t\lIl' L'o n"r: \Idle in this 51'ne, l'etiUe'. llo,~:l!ì- F1U\1~ Vee $ J,..-('t: . Paid I::!-;l.l.-l"/ Date Su!:oated l:' - ~t -. (--7 Th~ Soli." CI ly r: ",wir.;; Co,.,lr:¡ion City I'li,n.'i.:t¡; D~roUt...,.lt Cit)' Iha " S,.li..:., ".r.cr.' 1. Applicant's 11' I'c_,U2~:_".!£::.'Lb.i1.:J¡':.: iI.xl V).n A".:;:.d~\.~\ 2: -A;¡.lieø"t' c ¡'<!dr~".-12!..!h...!r~.J2!l'.!o', b~2)' Phone J¡<!c.ber .77;).S'l. "1>" h( ~<:..t ZonoJ~__- P..:que5t~d toning_!;!>." çust",...."r r.,tkinl:: 4. 5. 1(.&:,,1 Ctser1pt {<In of pro¡>crty re<rJc~te<1 to be rezoned and Street address or locot10(! Lot l"'~..!.!ln!~~,{",~,U!!.'U....?r.l "',ort" Tpa ".."t iN In'\ <-0' !:2! (1M IIlJr.èT~" Se\".,...ty.-",,~ J.!!!.) con 7th Stre"t in tlric;,nl T~' l'! Sill in:>. 6. Ares. 0: scbJect p!:"p~rtï, c< Udre bet and/or acre: 1;),0 ^ (':: 7.200 SQ. (1..-. 7. Pre£rnt u", of subj""t I'rOrertY,..21r\ at'n~..t ¡,.'u:;e 8. [Ie;Ji.~ð \lac or subject {'rorert)' a,~(:iT;(J!r!.¡ "\I~t')~r Þ"'.:_:,~ 9. How an' ,..1joln1r4: p""¡J~nic;6 u~"àl ~,jrlh "-"',"<¡ str"o'f" parkit,& t- ctQre SolOth 00",,' Eest--k!.i1:ii,,-: ilest..2!!e:t 10. .1,at i...;>roV"!.1~nt in ti,c exist1n¡; ,"oalne; "ould be c((eeted by the proposed zonin¡;! 1Jc....li5h dj t"o ste'i:}" .,.'.us,-, ""j ...ale doJ5;.r;o-bli! &. '-",£(£.1 p"rkin" 11. How can YDU just!_fy th~ Pl-Ofoscd zc;"'!n3 cbange! (See 'lues~ie!\J\:t!roJ en beck) 12. Tic<= s~h"dule fer Ú.""l°f'"r,nt '10 l".Jildir.;;s c""t;,r.!>lat..-d - cC'rh :Oj~5 n",~ct..j as =!I:' as "(,,,iug ...ill peí"rI.U . . Erl.i1>1ts iurui!'hed, L""te", aod kind. (Furnish plot plan or site phn, f'h""ing existl.l'i: an" pro?Os~d £truetto'Ccs, eas£tO-~nts. v]ter coun:cc, curb cut-backs.) 13, We the u:u!crsigncd have rea-~ gra:Jted. .-.. ;;.,..., -{,-,. ' ~.J/.._,-/ÿ."t~J.~~~.<-,f ¡.c"J:t".,;,.... . - --..' "- ... Si¡:D3t1!'re of "i'"Hcant J; /, ,.,£ ",'f'.~->-51 t-' - - /'-'..¿' the s!>ove petition and rec""",cnd thaI: the petition be N.\ME AI) )R"S~ LOT $LOa:. ;\DDITION - . - J ------ --~--, 1=t-1 ---+--- -L_~ ---1----- ~-- ----~-I-- I . " Will. be used i~lefinite1y as parking. Will not increase tn£fic in ..rel. .rod \till not be detriJncntal \0 .surroul\din¡: '(lrol'Crty. or neighbors. . No restrictive c(\ven.mts of rec"r". No effet"t on (lNSent or future traffic thorou¡;hft\tes. Create¡i. ~re off street (larking. Will serve an area of 19.200 0;(\. ft. The ncichborh<><>d tli 11 l'~ ¡"'proved as a result of demolishing of an old structure. ~I()re safet)' for traffic as the old structure obstructs the vie.. on 7th for !\'orth bon"" tr~.fHc. De an il'1provei!'.cnt for area of churches anJ school. ~h.ke the building and ""rking to east nore desir2.bte by affordin!; ..ore off street 1"....Idn;;.