2962 Protest Urban Renewal e~ ~ ?--tf 6 V" 4-~r¿ 1ft 7/'" 7 31111 17, 1967 Salina C1\r Comluicmers C1\r Hall Bulldln¡ Sallna, KeDS., GeDUe..nl It. 18 the de.us of the reddonb or the Proposed Urban Renewsl Project No.2 that the attached Potltlon tor the rejection of thl. project ae it now atand. and the leUer atating t.he rea.oZUI v'" it ehould be re- jected be presented to you - the Clt1 COIIU!Ils81ol'i8rs of t.he C1\r of Salina. Coplea of the petition and letter haye been sent to Senatora Carlson and Pearson and to Re~sent.ative Bob Dole, requesting their ass1Bt.ance, ' 1D getting thls projectrejeoted a. It. now st.and.. Ve feel that a more feaslble project could be and should be ortered- a plan that would include rehabU1\at1on of some ot the hoMS, one t.hat would iliaD use of t.he property that lB now vacant. Ve would ¡redly appreoiate Tour oonaideration on thh III&tter. S1ncerel1 TOurB, RuldeDts of Proposed Urban R-val Project No.2 J ' (J a¿14 #su.lj'ú"- Carl A. Lindgren, Cb:í11'lnal1 ~ ----------- We the Wlderuir;ned peti hon an,1 ¡""1ueut thAt Urban /("now"l Project Jlo, 2 {or the City of Salinn,KtlJU'ln.. br rejeoted aD i1; noW, ,,~nnds. t'e nquost thi8 boc.1.uoe of the unnececsary harùGhip we feel it would brinr 01> the IMjorU:f of the 124 families ahdindividuals that live in thio ~rea. ~hio ia eupeoial17 true in view of the fact that no à~tiofacto~, or, practical, provisionn have been made for the relooation or rehabilitation of thORO r~ilieu and indlvidualu. Urban Renewal Projeot No.2 io beinß ap~lied for without the oonnent of the people who live in this areal and the..e pooDle hnve not been oonuulted, nor have they been Riven euffloient information concernin~ tÞi8 pro1ect. Also, they have been Uo'1"b18 to obLain this infolW\Uon from Urban ""newal officials. 'Phenfon, we feel thill projeot should be rejected au it now :stand. and pro- vieiOlls for rehabilitation be ooDoidered. ' ~e~t7B- ;"¡"~ ,v~~ /lpk/~ ~1!J ¿Vtd ~~ lic1.~. 3~ ~(L; 5~x7' 1~5 tf: ~ ~ :¡ ß<-U/rL, 9/]> e ~~ G..dMv JJ¡. ,;fkd:~ 7' (;,~ - t ;8.~cd~ .,-, /\ -'-' .. . . . ï":. c.""" J'ía,m, ~ ,;~L"-\ /," /,--" v£¿' ~ - r':\ crG. 8- --- Q~ . . ~c.!tfCJ ---1\' ~ ' £,'/). 't ð ",.!lif ' ~ ./~.J '-15~ h.~/þ' CI a.AA- 't: / Y ~ 3Âo ìJ ~ --, ,.. ,-- , 7~ t2, V ~ '-4- :3 i/s- 7/, ¡:- ~ b"j ~;2.t, ¥. ~~C- ør~ :;>~C)?Z, ~ 111-l-1 'ii,O 1'1 Iò L I- e.') (n~~ S"}-1f ~ A;J a...J. '»1 ...{{"" L../ f:ÍI ~ \,> ~~-ul"-£- ~}Œ t~, ý/ tt, &,';' 1;f, ~~ 3(10,if! -:¡~ (!) ¿;". ð. 4r ~ ]~II1\.. f~ \9 ~ q-~~ }p ~ 0 ~ ,...¡'li J.t /I~ .f~ ß"ó / C ~c.#e-.. ~ ,.-.,--' , --- ¿;£'ðl../.£aL~/¥.utalt'd.:, ';;;;;r.~. . {¿/c, '7j:..r¿V&&' /Pla'1't-l~ /I fft,/é.-- II ,Iø~ ~~I vv '-- /Jq.,..~ÌJ-~~.l'II~~ '"' &.;r~ SlIJ ..¿j ",. / U . (.'1 '$.A: )(~ L .v ß-. d~ ...J.y , ,I /' 'I-- U-c'H"~ . ý..¡ >/. ~~~ 11 ~ ~ ~J -- / "If 1F~.,;f Y ""'~ ~(J)1YI,~ 10' ~ ;¿¡;' j '7f~'JI£.,;"#/,:;q,~o.t.., ¡",,;, ~ /} ,~ ~ #j';~!'7".;.v. tJ ~{""'(j "..i,""'R"."\"~! ( -...,~ I( 1f,.~¿¡&';¡(dJ"¡'iI.J.u 3~ 51 ~ 1(..!J. If ..;t-r. ¿¡ ,NL '7t ~G /)tf>1f~G. ~ -Ø;M ~~ (/~ 9/' e. ~ û~.s-?/'~-'V7Ú- k~~~ ~þ..... é'-~ rJ'.... S-r. '1 ')'¡ h 4()~ tV ,&/W-T; Ø~~/~ ~~ c¡ 0 ì e., ~ U'~o /Y1, þ~ ~ ~ ~r:i;f~ b(?~ I.k' ~~ 7é?~ ~/}];~ IC,,).!../.. t: ~ Ii' .., l' ~,...7 If.¿ 1íj:C¡ A-4 4'. . , ~ 1!~ ~,,~ /Ÿ.u".-?- 11" f;. ~ . ~/r oF. J'Ú. ~ ~ F- /d¡... /l,J{ ~~ ~ ,I,. t fP. /~ ,~--- //()j Y7~J/lÇy.. Ld ~ ~VJVI\~ ftU/ Ii ~ i~J7'J- ~-H. 9Pr ç. .~~þ~_..- L- To V1tl We the under:;lgncd p<UUon and ret' \lest that Urban Renewl Project 11o. 2 tor the Clt;r of Sal1n.:1, (enMs bo rejected as 1\ now stands. We req\le"t thi. beceuse of thE' unneeessory hardship.... teel 1\ would br~ on the I18Jorlt;y ot the 124 tllll111es and lnd1Yldua ls thAt live In this eree. Thls is espeell11l;r true ln ",lev of the tnet that no snUsteetor;r,or ,.,recUcel, 1"J'0vls1ona haft bean .-de for the relocat10n or rehahll~tetlon of these fe.1Iies end 1ndl",lduals. UrOOIl Relle"Ol Project No.2 18 belng a"plied tor without the consent or the peonle who live in thle area; end these people '>ave not 1'>een consulted, nor have the:!' been ...lven sufn"lent l,.,forll8t1on concernlnJ'. thls oroJect. Also, tha:f have been unable to obtain the intorll8t.1on tto-. Urban flellV1o.'Ol otrlclals. Therefore, '\I8,~el this oro!,ct should be rejected as it naw stAndS end pro- 'l'ê~~~r1teð¡'~~~Sldered. ~ A:~if ø_~/4¿ ~&- "3 J l, /Y.:¡~ 4- -/e' ~~ ' ¿;;;~' 1/ 4~.N ~ ~ ~~ J1.~ [3 ~'?~7?~ - (,!J2 ~'J.~4H- íf~ t)~ ,~ :¿vt~~ 'g 3 f J1"~ - ø).3 vt"~~, ~~,:,y~. ~ ~ ~'l9. ~. ~J. s.( , \l~ . ' 3 4-3 1/ 1M-"",f ([.n_ó1-~ {)ß., (/5~ 6.2 ()~ 'JuydJðf: ~?I 41oh04-' " Yl,J¡~ --J, ~~cr~ ..g.J-V4,,' ~~ g. J/or,l:J¡. ~ '. & , 0 [ßc.r~1'ß- ~ JW ~t/ ,(f- /) ófL ~ 1t17~ ~~e ~ /¿~ 4- /d~"- ~ u if & ~ ¿", y £~/!P-tZ' Á.-/- ' c-, -..... -n- ----. ---,-- ,---,,-.- ì' - " - ---- ,n --, l ~'~ (I ð i. J-f 71. ?..o.f ; ,~)t:{V ù &~~...J , . ~1f'7'. ).)æ~r ~,~~ f .l.J-:::¡Y¡:.&~ C+~-¿ ~-~ , 1/.i d 71' ~ -..-.I'- ..JJ --.{ .:f ~ ~ --.. ;k~ J 7-1 ¡¡;~ .~. ~-.c....-........... ~ .~'1.~ ~.-,-" ,~.;;.¡,¡r-..c~~,., '"ía.~ , / -.:.. . .""-T""""-';"-' ~--~ ' ~~....-~-...: - - -,> -2.-. /9- :n? ~ . S"I ~ aaV-~ ~~ ÇJe-,..»~~.']~ ' ~I ~- G. '/1~4. ~-"-,'..}t-Æ¡t.! '-> 77, fJ, ;~L ,;}<,7.."-.! 'o-~: ,. ";>-'" .""'///'[1-' ,~-,'.'" >. -v if s- ~'~:7M.d<.. \, ,. "- J~ rI -171~ . 9 ð I G.d L~Y' ..() \ . \-- '" "\. o.v... II;) CI......t-(~"-;.~ ,\ ' C CJ r ~..l'.\. , \'..,..n- . ') ....." 7/t~ ß.{ / .~4.t~-(...... / t' /ð. é'~ ú':: .:,.~~- '. , r1/ /l.((,'/l/'(.(~ ..'It' ???~,,¡.... .~ . S () 0 Q....: c;(1t: l. --,1'-';--. ['.:~~ Jlt't .'-!" })lct/-. c,j-..." 0':('1.-'0 L .~.~~ . :' , , , .¿ .t ~ C. ¡O~ , ~ (j ð'lJi?u .;;;j~ . 31144> ~ ; . ~.Ib iiAd @7I~ !:brf ~ L~ &-£¡ , ~~ 7 ?-- ~ "'-ç I9L..;, 7/. cdl:.> h1 >U---L~ r¡:L 1+ ho' ¿, 0 .4/' ~~4~ 7 3 (,. /J1,. t)4ð ",:. h1A-Q.j f) ~¡fl~~~-t/, 9 ,~,~)., t'v....~.v-~~ ,,';. Íff;'~Jft1~ - -, - '. '., . , .. -._-- , . " . beo~use of the unb~oeesary hardship we feel it would brin~ on the majority of the I2~ faailies and indlviduals that llve in,~hi8 area. thls ie eepecially tNe in view of the tact ,thAt no n¡f~,Ntftcit{l,r ~( ~woct\'h'¡b.'lflo?v.Ai¡¡"ilfuMYdùalc,. been mllds for the rolocat10n. or 1'8 a . . Urban renewal prJeõt No.2 ie being applied for without the CODDent of the people who,live in thie areat'and theee people have not been oonDulted,ner have they b.en civen suffioient information oonoemine this projeot,Aleo, . they have b.en unable \0 obtain the information fraG Urban Renewal offioial., Therefore",. feel thie projeo\ .hould b. "j.o18d .. it now .hAde &lid I'ro- vieion. for rehabilitation be 00n8id8red. ' ~ a ,il, ~~L'/1 t " oS'" ð, ,f~ m~ e, 9. hh , ¿ ~ S' ~": ¿',z,yJ ¿¡fJJL (~J- è!( ? :LJ- // #~ p~ .8, 13 ð-ti-"¿/Ç ? ') 01'\' ~1 .AI. <",' (J..J.. <>< c.-( , J, {.J¡¿"¿O"""¡' R~'"t-t..t'- ~H..::t.:... &;1 IJ é~.j1'~d.. ---...,-_. , -. '~'r--,'Hf,';O ¡J "/J .j}tl1.~~ð.Í'1VP/t-:"l";'/'1 t/ .j~1?) ~'-lI, ,j.,p,...r ~h t....v I't{.., (ut,S, 7f'~ lt~ . ~-I J- ~..1 1:--- rJL7;~ 4"'<-6~-u¡ ~vt~ J c1í!: Un Xl.:!wJ It., ;):s f ( Cß,rß~ , &z {j,-."L<'- ./'-t)il 7'l-4.(.t/Ù~ ~~Ï)~(,~~Þ J.~-^- :Jf'þ s" 1/, Þ,;!...f C¡~ ¿17.t:~d ~'~<l~~~ .......... - ~ .~ L/ é..vL/~~ /¡Î ¡;}/ , . Ud-lÚtl{J. ~ ~,e- / /l)// ' (060 (_[?C'_-2-7t.-<, (~,~-~C"- C , C~~ , l; c t. C¡......~c....-.... I ¡ ¡ J /¿;Ttdd~ * ;¿I&~., ¥ 3 J' /J':'1..%i" ,j. k:!k~ H qf¡¡iJiil . 9X~ d)fL~:r c,l7 d1 j~.4C # ¡- \ J -, .--- --'-- .. 111l1 ,; 1967 Representative Robert Ikle BlNle of Representatives Valhlngton. D.C. Sirl The residents of the area affeoted b7 Urban Renewal ProJeot No.2. for \he C1\y ot SaUna, Mnse.s, request yovr Dlsist.noe ln havlng thil proJeot nJaot8ð. The reasons for th1s request be1ng listed below. 1. Thls project would brin~ unnecessary hardshlp to the aajorlty of the 121. fa.1l1es and lndlvlduals lhint: in this lITem. Th18 is .1~c1ally true In'vlew of the fact t~t no satlsfaotory or ,noticnl provisions have been ande for the relocation or re- Mbi11tation of these falÛl1es end lnd1Yld\l8la. 2, ';he mln p1U'!IOse of thla project 111 to reno.,. the rollli11e8 in t.hb area 10 order \0 clellr the land to allow privaf.. lndustry into th1ll area, One of the reasons r.1ven 18 thAt part of the holies ore substandard. The Dmber of homes th...t are sUbat3nd3rd is unknown to the Urban Renewal Authorities. or the 121. faDUles and 1ndlvidœls that live in this area, oYer 80 are "roperty owners and taxpayers that own their hOllllBs. Over 1.0 of these foDilles end lndlvldunls are ponsloned. reoelvinR elther soclel securlty or rallroad ponslons. The total of familles and lndlvlduals receiving welfare is ~, and 6 or these receive only portlal -lfare, bo1t'l~ also pensioned. Some or these famlUes and individuals are both f"inane1aUy or physical1,. unable to mlntain or iJl¡n'Ove thelr hollllls. 3. 'i'he tnliJorlty of the peoplo that live in this ereli end t!mt are un"ble to l!I!lintaln or i","rove their horaes would epprociaf.e II rehobl11tatlon or hoce iJl~rovoaent procraft with eithor loosl or federal assistance, to i";>rove tholr holllCs, if such e proara.. could be offered or ln1tl..tod. No such prOI!rOD hos either been offered or inltlotod. A rehabilitation pro~rllft would be a more feasible plan than the Urban Renewal Projoct No, 2. 1,. ';here ere ot tbe present \111>8 other areas In Sallna far IIIOre suit6ble for. the use by industry. The CoreJOOst of these being the ~contl,. acquired former Schilling Air Force ~se, with hundreds of. cleared acres and I113n7 e,::ot,. buildings. 'I'h1e also inolules good roads and a railroad spur going into the center of tbe area. The use of thls pro!J8rty would not necessitate the IIOving ot faDllies in Urbon Renewal ProJeot No.2. -2- 5. Thb project. NaS been epo,l.1ed for wUhout. t.he oons8llt. or con.ult.s\1on of. t.he people who live in the area. Also. t.he people in this area nre vlthout equal ond folr renresen~t.1OD in t.he Citizens ConDlttee for Urbnn Renewml wit.h only one Nllber who Uves in t.his area on t.he colllll1\\ee. They ban 110 representation on the Urbon Renewl !:xocuti¥'l ConDl\\ee. W. re.l that. to de'O)rlve home owners and taxpayers of t.heir hoMe aDd property wUhout. their consent.. just. o.use aDd ec¡\làl repre.entation 18 unc"nsUt.ut.1onøl. Iour aesist.onoe 8JIð O0D81ðeraUoD on t.hi. Nt.ter would be crea'lI aJ'P1"8ciated. SlIIcere1,y Y°Ul'S, Resident. or 1'rWJOBed UrbaA ReDew.l ProJeo' t ft<f 11 L"llfU~. . Carl A. L1IIdgren, Cba~ ,- ------- .--..---,--- ----'-'--"'7'",----- '--.-"""--'-"~" ~ ,'" , ' . ,/ -J,¡.J,ine 23,-1967, - -Saliñ,JOUTm.I. '1{4 -j .. . - 'Let's' Shelve UR No. ','2 Until. 'Answers Found 'lbe trouble with SaUna Urban Ken-Ill' them to the aboe-box IeCtion of IndiaQ Project No.2 Is that it Is only, a theory.' ,I viI1åge the Cederal govenment now owns. , Aa of 110\7, It has nG practielll purpoee. But the deteriorating portiooa of the. . Project NG, 1 had a Purpoee &lid a ': Village tend to be .. alum alreâdy and ' good one. a IlÍte for the, ¡oYer11IMIItal '- Mould be cleared out 10 that this poWn. , center. So It worked.. I' 'tIa1J)' good øeetion may be rehabilitated. ' The theory of Project NG., 2 .. that, " Under the clreumstaneœ, Project NG, 2 lIIaIIy of the houses In " " better bo put on the mclf untU definite, the north-end are.. cÑII- " Th. " " workable plana are developed Cor reloea. Cl'OI8Cd by the railroad tioa of the north-end residents and for- tracks are sub-standard Editor's the W58 of the ground. - , . and abould be e~iminated.. -, The cure for aub-standard housing Ia But the pro~t lacks not to move it froJ 1 one place to another, , purpose because IitUe prac. Opinion but to enable the oecupants to earn ' tical uœ Is forœecn for the ' , h th aCt rd beUe h land once it Is clean:d and no practical' enoug 10 t: f C&I1 ~ r - p~vi.ion has been made for the relocation One ,poBS!bIe alternative to ur~ )'Co , of families to be uprooted. , ,.,' Co new8\, III thIS area would be a ne~ghbor- Salina has at least four better industrial - hood n:development program, fixmg up Bites now available. Cut up and boxed in- -- the houses DOW there 80 that they meet ,88 it, the north-end aru could never be ~ standards. ,Such a plan aho~ be , . - desirable for other than small plants. -, investigated and, if it C&!l be &ehieved, , The most tcUing cñtieism of the pro- '- \ promoted.. I, ject, however, comes from those who 1ivo - , Salina'. urban renewal officials have in the area. For the pittance they _would. good motive&. The personal attacks on receive for Bub-standard housing, whcm - ,them are unfair and unwarranted. They could they aCford to move? Where would are correct in pointing the need for better - ' --,.. ,they find the higher rents or insWlment holl8Îng, But untU they have. praet.ical ! - payments? This hasn't been &naWCre¡ , " '&nawel1J they ahouJdn't proceed with the . Tnle, - there baa been ,talk - of )noving: - , projecL ' . , "- " , --- ,~--- ...'..;... --"'-"'" ,t '\ " P, -' t, ¡;. . . , .' --#.::.' , .... e. -o~-,--,',....,,-..--, _':'-~--'r-'~"---"_"':'_""-'---_"'-""'--'-----_'- , . Cha,>t"r ;:) of "Mtr.GJ'I" C"Ma" "ete forLh a )rohii>U1<O11 ,.",,1nct "ruUra.17 infrin¡;ol3cnt of ,>or-on:.l Uberty ¡¡JId r1(;htu of .'r,""lOl't1' and .,.I.ort... the right of trial a.n<l juctioe. 'rhe b"o10 of thiD c a"r,yinl: the title "Due Prooe~'" fonlD tho ploinoip18 or atarUng ~oint of EnCli_~ Law. The French declaration-of richto. ArUole XVII. Pro '--rt,y ""iIlC an inviolailla OJId c"oree , riGht, no "ilL ....;¡ òe de,>rived of it. .::.;copt at cllch \1... .." the ,>ub110 nooo.. i \1'. beaU:/, oct bUshed, clearly dem""d:¡ it and 1II1d.r the condition of a ju:¡t and ~roliminar,y indemnity. A,>ril 14,1189. EL1illcnt D=ain: Con~titution of the Un1tod StateD. AmondBent 5. No pornoll vhall be deprived of lifo, llbort,y. or pro)Crt,y uithout duo )l~OC~" of law. Nor ..hall private :>roi'cr':J be taken for ,ublic ~ with"ut juot com,>encation. Due Process: ----- ----, -