2955 Protest Paving W Bond TO'THE 1Ð/ORA81.E OO"RO OF IXMIISSION£RS CITY OF S"I.IN". KAAS"S GENTLEMEN: Salina, Ken$1IS DIIte Flied Ú -" "", Petition N...r "lor ,r,j' bft ,'llÞ'~l r 1 £-t1:":-Jw¡"~ We, the undersIgned, resIdents and property owners In the City of sAllnaL.'I"""-'" ~ Kansas, do hereby petitIon your honoreble bOdy for the" ,;!tPz:-.~;¡!r'- Pf /~ ~ ¡f(-.d- '~~ -- ~tXJ .-4d r d4d g,.::f!.! - ~é#V f/t(.ff' '7Lr(.'...J1 e((.,~~:",.(. ~«.,\.>\.C<'-(,vJd.t l' Trusting thet the prayers of the petitioners will be grilnted, we are, ~::';;J" ß, ¿. d\ij~#i' LOT BlOCK "00 IT ION