2950 Vac Easement Moose Add
""ill~:~"::';,;:::;:~ :;:,;::"""""'"
, I.
~.',~:.-¡:inch Co;;¡¡)any
~.:iõmeapolis. ~Iinnc:.ota
Ro: Acquisition of land.
April 17. 1~67
Page 3
Salina, Kan;¡:ls
"That All 0;;' the ¡Jar: c: ,;,a: c<.::.t,.~;¡ uü¡~:/
easement trave¡:sin::: B¡cc:~ ~ i:-, t¡:~ :,(;;)l,.t ci
~'!oose Addition, Salin:;., ;;,.::5;:'5, lJ'::'..;:: So;;.tr. 0: a
lino extende<i ::"st L'o;~ -.:h~ So..l".:h":cs;:e~'ly co:.:"e""
of Lot 16, IHod; .; in t:~" ii.c,Jla-: of :.:oosc Ad¿~-
tion to the City oi S~li;¡a and in the So;;.th 335.2
Feet of the ~est 310 ~~~-.: 0;;' said Block 4,
should be and it is he¡'cby vacated."
./ f-.........
\'c'-":' A--,<;<
SECOXD: 711at the de~'. of .:o;,'.'(;::anco i¡',:.: Jack K. Fle::1in::.
in the anr,cxcd for7", ¡;" cxec;;.-;:ed, ,.cÄ:-.o'"lcds;c¿. :,..d ¿::livered
':0 Tho Fi:,:.:;t :>;..tio:1:11 J"n!; ;,::J T::...¡;;t Co:"".:;,,? c: S.::5.r.;;. ;1':;
escrow a¡;cnt in :'1C unde:"lì'in¡:; purchase ~g:.:~c;:;em:.
THmo: Tnat an ap?¡'o;wiate Ce:-Üficate to the Re?la-;:, afo~'e-
said, be submitted for :;.pproval.
FOU:~TrI: Tn;'.t :.n:: ;.¡tiliÜcs i:1 ¡Úace in the vacated è.::.se;:;cnt
be reillovcd therefrom.
FIFTiI: ...'" unde:rs~¡¡.)'.d t"a~ >;ash-::inch C;:,::-.?,.r.y is -::0 ~:,:,"vi¿"
û subs:itute utility e;>.se;:-.cnt, so h'e :-,aVe prepar,,¿ a:-. ::.:-;-
pro?riatc åedicato:ry Geed .fuic" the a??:.:opri2tc o::-~~rs of
that co;;1pany sho\.i1¿ execut". ûck¡:O\;lc¿¡;e, a;:¿ seal ;:.n¿ re-
turn to us for recording on the closing of the transac-:ion.
SIXTH: Tne i!an)' ;{. Za;¡ke:.- portion of the p:.:o?cr-;:y s:-.cul¿
be conveyed by an Execu-.:ors I Deed, uhich should be sub-
t1itted to us for approval anci it should describe the prop-
erty being conveyed, as fo110.;s:
"Lots 17. 18, 19,20,2: :::nd A!.: ë;:at: par: 0;: :"c
":cst: 200 Feet of Lo: 2:: :ïi~.,~ SG~::: 0:' a h;:e ex-
tended 310 Feet: ;:;:s-;: :'~-v:-. '~:'.::. Sc';.¡::";es-:: co:-;:..::~' 0::
Lot 16, in Blec:.;: .; i" -;;:~.:: 7.(:'):::.:;: 0:': :.:oose .;¿¿i:ion
t:o the Ci t:y of 5.:;.:i::;1, ::::.:-.s:,:o, tJ.::i)'..: -:he \':::0:(; C-:.
Lot 17, in ~:e ~e?~::.: 0-:' ;: ~::.~-.: c= Lots IS. ¡t, ;:;:¿
22 and All 0:: Lots 17, I':', ::J, :2':', ::.::d 21 i;: '~:-..:;
Rc? l:it of ~:ccsc ,".¿d -;:io;~ ::::. ::-,.ò Ci -:y of SaliT.;:.
Saline County, :,;;.;¡s;:.s. .ò:,~(;::-'~ t::.:; ?;;.rts of Lots 1;>
and ló in said ;;10c;'; ..; ~;¡c;)r?o¡:ated t:.e..-cin."
DEDIC,\70~Y :JEEr}
hllEiŒI\S. NAS¡¡-Fr:~C¡¡ CO:':;>:\.'\¥ (i\erein~,ft\.'r r,:)fcr..cd to as ":\asì~-
Finch"). a corporation O1"¡:anizcd unclc-.' thc la\;s of the St;¡,te of ~li..:\e;¡ûta.
is the owner of Lot 17. alock 4, in the ¡{eplat or a Part or Lots ~5, l(¡
and 22 and all of Lots 17. 18. 19,20 and 21 in ~lock 4 of the Replat of
Moose Addition to tho City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas;
WHEREAS. a need exists for a utility easewent in ~nd to a por-
tion of said Lot 17; and
\.lIEREAS. ~ash-Finci\ desires to dedie..te to public use such :;.n
ease:\'1ent; and
so, :,0:';, TiiEREFORF., for value ¡"cccived, :->as:.-Finch hcr,:);,y dedi-
cates, in ~erpetuity, to pub:i~ use as a utility case~ent and ri&ht-of-
way that certain portion of said Lot 17 described as follows:
COI¡¡;;;encinz at the point of tho intersection of tho
Southeasterly ri~ht-of-way ii;\c oi. an cxistinr. u-:i'litý
case;:¡cnt tiith the ::o..th line of said Lot 17, thcnc,:)
Southwesterly in a strai~ht lin,:) as a strai~ht extension
of the Southeasterly ri;;ht-of-\,~.y line of sail: <è:;isdn¡;
eascwent to a point 10 feet South of the :-;orth line of
said Lot 17; thence ";es -:, '1a-.'alle 1 \d ".:h the :\orth Ii....e of
said Loz 17, to the ;;est lt~(;.'~hel"';òf;~hc~ëe :\O-"~:\ on
the ',':esZ linco[ s:ild Lo.. 17, 10 feez, to the Xorth line
thereof; thence Eas".: on the Xorth line of s~ià Lot 17 to
the place of beginning.
/L!' . .
/'-."'.t..{..(. ¡..........
.Done this ----- day of rl?ril, 1~67,
x.,<s¡.¡-¡:n:Cr¡ CO~:?A."
WHEREAS, NASH-FINCH COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as "Nash-
Finch"), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, is the
owner of Lot 17, mock 4, in the Replat of a Part of Ißts 15, 16 and 22 and all
of lots 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 in Block 4 of the Replat of Moose Addition to the
City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas;
WHEREAS, a need exists for a utility easement in and to a portion of
said Ißt 17; and
WHEREAS, Nash-Finch desk-es to dedicate to public use such an ease-
ment; and
SO, NOW. THEREFORE, for value received. Nash-Finch hereby dedi-
cates, in perpetuity, to public use as a utility easement and right-of-way that
certain portion of said Ißt 17 described as follows:
. i ,;-
Commencing at the point of the intersection of the .
Southeasterly right-of-way line of an existing utility ease-
ment with the North line of said Lot 17. thence Southwesterly
in a straight line as a straight extension of the Southeasterly
right-of-way line of said existing easement to a point 10 feet
South of the North line of said Ißt 17; thence West, parallel
with the North line of said Ißt 17, to the West line thereof;
thence North on the West line of said Lot 17, 10 feet, to the
North line thereof; thence East on the North line of said Ißt
17 to the place of beginning.
Done this - day of April, 1967.
Its President
Attest: \
/Îî'tid t(i
L rtary
BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this ,;t,"'day of April, 1967, before me,
a notary public in and for the COWlty and state aforesaid, came Thomas D. Hays,
President of Nash-Finch Company, a corporation duly organized, incorporated
and existing under and by virtue of the laws of Delaware, and J. Mageli,
Secretary of said corporation, who are personally Imown to me to be such officers
and who are personally Imown to me to be the same persons who executed, as such
officers, the within instrument of writing on behalf of said corporation, and such
persons duly aclmowledged the execution of the same to be the act and deed of said
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereWlw set my hand and affixed'my
seal the day and year last above written. . ; J
My Commission Expires
KANSAS, the foregoing Dedicatory Deed is accepted for public use tlùs - day of
, 1967.
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners
of the City of Salina and ex-officio Mayor
City Clerk