2949 Townhouses Country Club Sollna. !(onia. Ooto Filed .1- ( '/.. (. 7- Petition f.lUfIIb8r 7/</1I-:ï TO THE tOlOAABLE BOARD Of COfo'MISSI()I ERS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENTLElE:f.I: We, tt.e undersigned, rÐ$lclents and property owners In tho City of Salina, KanieS, do hereby petition your honorable body for the ;:- OMMC)N ITY L"'" ¡- 'PLAN FOR oft-It;;; t:'io k't~'c..TIO~ OF 2~ lorlN~/ôU~c"':.J ......:... L<:>T-":'.;.Z. 'r~¡lR<:>"crH /2" Eli-OC." ,", Ct..>I-'WT~'r' C-t..."'ü ;'1<.'::1<",-"'- #4, :;>F/LIIV":},, S¡l./L/IVE C<..>¿;AIT'rj KJ7N~¡'¡~. Trusting that the proyers of the petitioners wi II be granted, we are, respectfully, L.r:', C-i-t.'T::"CI¡I ,NúRfIIAN HR(.!("-,,S... ,,-.J.tJo.Jt-/' .,t; ¡..,u.,ij,;- fiLED By:'7 ) l-""rt.l;Pl':-~~:;n~'/ (:.>. "¡'. '.j , ("/ . ADDRESS LOT BLOC ( ADliITION NAME -.------- I Section 20. COl\IM{R\rrY {R\IT PLA~. The owner or owners of :>.ny t...ct of l:ond com¡>ri.in¡: an area of not less than five (5) acres may submit to Ihe no.,rõ or Cot... Com",issio""r. vi I;'" c':y of 5:llina, KaI1SüS a plan [or the use and deve:opment o[ all of the Ira,'1. vt una "" ¿w";""" ¡mr- poses.. The devclopm"nt plan" r ¡"rrl'd to th" City PI"nn¡n~ Cimm;,;,;¡on for study "",i ",¡".or; and (or public hearing. Ii the Commission a"proves ti,e d"ye °i'",el1l r",n. .1\" pI:"" t..;":¡.,,r w;:h the recommendation of th" Commission. shall th"" be submilled to the B""rd of City C¡~.,m~"';"c,,,r. (or consideration and approval. The rCt:()mmend"ti"n of th" Commission sh"n be acompam...; ¡'y .. report>tating the re3S0ns [or approval of thc application and specific evidenc" and i.cls "¡,owing that the proposed community unit pl"n meets the following conditions. 1. That property adjae<>nt to the area included in the pla.n will n"t be adversely :>.ffected. 2. That the pl:>.n is consistent with the intent and purposes of this ordinance to prom"t" public health, safcty, morals or general welfare. 3. That the buildings shall be used only for single-family dwellings. two-family dwellin::s or multiple dwellings and the usual accessory uses such as garages. storage '¡>ace an<i c:umnn<nlty activ- itics. including churches. 4. That the average lot a"'a per family contained in the site, exclusive of the are:>. occupied by streets. will not be less than the lot atea per family r"'luircd in thedislrict in which 1.hericvdo¡r ment is loc"ted. If the Board of City ComnÜssioners approvcs' the pl"n. building pe¡mils and certificates of oc:c:upancy may be ÎS5ued even though the use of l:>.nri :>.nd the locô.tion of the buildings to be erected in t.'1e area and the yards an<i open sp"ces contemplated by the plan do not coníorm in all respects to the district regulations of the district in which it is located. 18 r,. \..J J c b- I I I ! ! --------L- ¡ -+- W- f--