2932 Sewer Schipple Add to THE HONOAABLE BOAIlD OF COtttISSION£II.S CI'tY or SALINA, KAllSo\S GENT1.£HER : SaUna, KAm... ..... á;J- Date rUed: 1- r}' I&nnON IlUKiEII. '\.. c¡ ~_. . We, the uncI.reigned. redclent8 and property _.re in the City of SaUna, ~"" do hereby petitioa your Qononble body for the ost'\bUsla¡ont of a l53D1tory sewor district in Dlock 3, Sc.upple Addition to the CUT or Salina, Kansas. Truatin¡ that the puyara of tbe pet1tionere will be 11'8IIee4, V8 are, ;~~C:~U~lY.~'¿, -:;7J{ < <' ~t:'f/./--- 1'. . NAKB ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION ¡':1cMP.lsen. Inc. S~lln" Yd'\nsas :3 Schi"nlp /A;;.-:ðr7ð#; .-;¡ ./)~,--- " ." " ,