3690 Dev D. & H. Hanson Subdiv 1-1 10. 3-Z7-ICn? PETI'l'ION NO. 3!ø 9 D DATE ¡.' I LED _3-;;23" 7í5 FILING FEE 1è5o-oD lŒcprl~.;;z..5&~ APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION 1. Name of Subdivision: D. & N. HANSON SUBDIVISION 2. Location of Subdivision: South side of Frost Street, between Sherman & 11th St. 3. Leg,:.l Description: Lots 1, -2, 3, 10 & 11, Van's Replat of Part of 'Block-l; and Lot 26, Block 1, Fairview Addition. 4~ Land Area (sq. ft. or acres): 65,743.5 sq. ft. (1.51 acres) 5. "R-l" (Single-Family Residential District). Present Zoning: 6 .' Proposed Development (describe): We propose to have a street built on the west side of the property to provide access to six lots - --- single-family development. --.. 7. -Subdivider's Name: D~niel J. ~-_~........__aJ1d Natalie E. Hanson l\dc1ress: 502 Queens Road, Salina, Kansas Phone: 825-0252 ------ ~.__._----- 8. Same as #7 above Property Owner's Name: l\ddress: Same as #7 above Phone: 9. Engineer or Surveyor I s N¿une: .Dean StrQ.w..ig --- l\c3.(h:c;;;,,;: --1.211.E!-tnri~~~:ri ve______.------------.-- Phone: _82_5-90~p /\1.1 Lho1' jzcd Hcp:cC'::;cntélt:iv(~ I s I\),ul1c: ------------------..-. 1\([et ¡O('s:; : Phonc~ ; --~------' ----..----.------.-------.---.--------.---------- -----'----.- 'l'llC .'I]':)! i ("dilt berel,v ccT¡ij"ic:; t!J! l. h,-; i:; f;iJlÔ.li¿lL \-¡itIJ elll of t_lH~ provÎ.:;i",,;; of the: ~;'11Idi_\li:;i(J ) Ht'(¡\!L¡ti()ìl~: ,¡nrJ hcill!:cnd:; to fuLly COllI!>.! y \-,; if) [-]1(' pro\!.i ,: i o¡,~: U1c~r(.i ). 1\ ¡ '1)1 i (', I ¡ I l.. ( :3 ) :; i I ¡ r I . [ I t I~ (~ = .'.l}f¡;;;!: t.f;:= Î k__n .... ....... '._--- '..n