3127 Amend Zoning Schilling . ¡:iii it; ..;~;;. C::-'-::---~b~,:(,~'\:"~:<-¡¡~: "-:,. ~ .:;., ('1'0 b.:. j:l1l.'d ol:l ill .:,..,:.lic.:\l-;:) a;,.:tdh) !J~b -_0._-. 0 -'-.ro"---' 1. ^p¡}liC~al'~ N,:rn~.. ~b:ll~l_A",~d -1:1~~¡;'_:~;:þ-_~:~i¿7"- 2. 'App!ic.:\nt' s AdùrcssBkl'f.L;?O ...:Jr./' )/!~.tl~I:p}1 Zld1",>,!é1- 3. 'l'clt'¡>hol1c Ho. (ho~:c) (bu~incss~ //1 7-.~Y /1. 4. Pre"...nl O;i:t::r's r~a:::~~~.J..'r('o.{jJtJl/'~.,,-lý . I ' <6. !>resent Zoning C Pr!)~~"SCd Zoning P.I,P, Ii. Appro;.;. ê'.cì:1rcss of Propa-ty . -3 (' / 9 6;t'"~Úl / ~t , I A .-'r"- -mt-b!ë:/4 /.~-' .- Block~subdivisio.... 5.::h://' )1.-10 . , Metes' Bounds n~scription(if not platt~d) . 0 8. Present use of prop;:;rty J!.d I.lU¡ ¡..-c',) - D.-'a 9' /1(':;!. 'c c;7d~'r' , 0 Desired use of prot'erty Fre..lP1 "'~(c{~~1-~ O,'$/r,'JJV'f,'r'rf adjoining properties useè? North flhl,,¡J..{;... (""./0;'"1/1<' , [}f¡/~b. ú,'/£ast l1¡C~""¡' . °tlestJ¡::",o,,> /'tJ..>uo/ t7..I,;.c/ k.;r.>t'-. 9. i .10. Ho~J ël.re i SOuth.&~:;-,b!l-' 11. If change is granted, ho~ will it effcc~ëldjoinin3 prep~rties? - II?) "" ,':', (?- I -rhc--'77 '. 12. List r~asons for r~uest :I" H.r-" ¡Qr,-r,.-.M/ 1?l.P.~""&<"; / I ~P(>¡'£.<"'il.-I'" f"';.f:-li,";) 1{'.J r'-77/V f7.. .:'-// ¡Ar-- a,-c'71 Iv'"",> ¡»J<J¿Y/ II / , .-(c/'w.f-r.. an «n:...r-- (\, ¡it-"". ,...Jß:-/. '11e- m-<'!' h.'t'? Jl~¡' h//-.-cr:d 1"" I JI trI,-¡ -Itr P"""Pé~fv. Wd5 7/n:c~=-d' '¡;,- ~Yt H-'Pß" >;'7:-1 6-{: 1-1(;'"0.- m"""'Jfr~t:I-.J..../)-J'í ~"è.d (~." y.s ....,re) /7....0 ^'-'be.tl/,ý- 5t'¡,..~..rs -S"Ie-s. 13. List exhibits of plans su~":Iilt;x1: (furnish plot plaa or site ?lê'.n,- sho\fing existing' proposed structl..res, eas~~nt:s, water COl:r5~sl' curb cut-backs) ~-þ "o.,'I.-,c-/'rd. . . . . . ?~ 1'>'-4 Æ"þ.,.-! fic/-I/' r>-,~!x, ~ ~~ ve ¡þJ//d (J / ~"& )¡ý,,- (Property o>h~r's sig~èturcJ~ (Applicant's sjgn~ture) ~ ,. . . ,. ,. * ,. . ~ " D~ ~OT ~rite belo~ this lina . " " " " " . " " " " nat~ r~viè~~d by ~~verning Eo~: '. r~ferreè to t~2 Plè~nin~ Co~~. . " " ".* " " . . . " " ,. " " " -" . " " . " " " . . " " ,. J" . . i"-".---;;:-;r-. ~J.j\~ï!<ï~;:; CQ..[HSSIO:¡ A~"IO:! onate of advertising for h~arin1 & begin~ing of ?rot~st p~rioèo Oat.:! of ~?~ring . Facts !c!.::':.1.:.' Protest P~rio~ EnGs , --- Act ior'. -ta:;~:1: . . . . . .. . -¡-.--.-.-.-.--c¡---;:--.-'.-.--.--.-.~....-.-.-š-;;:-¡;---o-.--..---c-.. >.(:'110:< ::Y G:)'!::?:¡¡;'G t'-O~ï [)~t~ of r~="::.t of ?~ë::-.r,::-,c; C~o~;:-.. r.:?~!"t _Salln3, Kðnsas Date Flled~l.J Petition lI...mœr .:/;'" TO THE I() IQAABlE OOARD OF ro-'tH!;SIOtICRS CI1Y OF SALINA, K/I//!;AS GENTLEMEN: . We, the undersigned, residents and property owners In the City of Salina, r.ansas, do ho¡reby petitIon your honOrable body for the inclusion of all of the west 415 feet of Area 6 of the Schilling subdiviSbn according to the recorded plat thereof in a P.I.P. District. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners ."i II be granted, ve ere, respectfully, Salina A.irport Authority FILED B~1?JIQ/ IW4E ADffiE!;$ lOT BLOCK A!)oITION - I ,