3123 Protest Zoning E Pacific - ,- i '1'0: I I IRE: Honorable Hayor Caldwell and City Commissionefs of the City of Salina, Kansas Appeal to the Zoning Commission for operation of Class A Club, The Red Kitten, 600 North Pacific, Salina, Kansas WHEREAS, as: citizens of Salina, Kansas, and residents of the area commonly known as the "North End" " vIE THEREFORE request that a reconsideration of the zoning regulations for The Red Kit ten be made by the Zoning Commission, We feel th~t ,to deny such an appeal would be descrimination, and that Mr. Fortunato ~onilla should be given a~chance to operate this Club before forming an -opinion as to how this cll1b will affect the private interests of the people !residing in the area of the proposed club. . !:'lAME ADDRESS -------