3228 Amend Zoning Surveyor's
PETiTION liUI1ßH: 3)'J.'l
DAa fILED ____,jLI,~,_,,~, L~,Ji1.L
FILlflG FE[ 125.00 OME PAlO'r 1'/'-1'"
HEARING DAn:-, " ~I\II.~
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The Salina Cltr Planning C0111lisslon deens if necessary to have the information
requested belO\f as cooplet(' as possible. Previou~ zoning petitions have been
tabled or denied because of in!9fficient infon~tlon.
This ,is a generðl form for all rezoning requests: if thère is other data, not
requested on the fom, which you feel Is pertinent to your request, please note
same, on question 114 and file it with the form. .,
10 TilE CITY ZOUIllG,~~1'
.If more space Is needed, please use the back of the form.
1. Applicant's name _J)LÚ.L.ffil.:;"
'2, Appllcan't's address :1.1 c......,+',,;<:...,/]),.. .rd./;,)"" ./G,.,.;,.s
3., Telephone number (llome) í:' /J ' J oJ ,1 ¿ CJ -- (Business) Î.A 7, 0 J.!i I
4. legal de,scrlptlon of, property reque_s~ to be rezoned:
, "t:,J-Þ'-lufO,/....sIA."'rJ":'1">,,if {I.ra -JQIi,~.(~II.$d.s
A. lot ,-.- Block -- Addition
'8. Metes anØ bounds description If not platted
"ote: lfii'õtï>fatted, a Surveyor's CertJflcate must be filed with the appli-
cation, shó~tlng building locations and easements.
5. Area (in square feet or acres) of property ,A!',h.... SlJ. I' ..Ie ',f">J'
6. P~operty owner's nane---:D,~~l.;J~~ L>~r-...rQ '-'.Io"J
'7...Presentzoneanduseofproperty 2"...,:cIJ)- ~..t\...I"'~"""" £../..,
!' ,
,8~: Proposed zoñe and use of property /,." c f:-- t:."J ....ø::B;.c..,r.I",..
9. Is there sonethlng special (other than ownership) ,about the area in question
that makes It more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to acquire
prop'erty presently zoned for the type of use intendèd? Please specify__--_-
' ',- .
11.-.. ..
10. Supply factual ~ata showing need for rezoning in this area -",:£ ~'¡r'" ')1,..,','1
" J " I' .
" )'1.....'/..,-< .1...-: +1.,:. ~«t.~ f't. ("ft/Jt1rL -----
, ' ,- - "F ,. ,
-11. 'Are there any restrictive covenants on the property which would affect the
.. , ..' >in~eõ1ded use if the property were rezoned?__~;,~'--- - '
. "lAttach a copy of the covenants and/or deed restrictions If any are in effect.)
12. 'Supply factual data showing the effect the pro'posed zone and use ~ill1 hav~
, onpreserit and ~uture traffic f1ow---«----L1'4-~'1.:"'" .. f'_+..r, TI",-"-f-þ.;""
f/~"'/' .
13. Will there be_sufficient off-street párking provided fora more intensive
use?,_~~t t: ..+. "... ,., pC ~,,- r'~" °1' I......:...
14. list exhibits- or pians subnilled:
~ican~Ts signature,
Planrìloo DC'nartm¡>nt /!I'V; I'\-"
o.t... ,
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