3388 Amend Zoning Faith Add IOil '()I~ AI1Uili/illIT C J 'Y I()I~ J IIG II/IF I UA, I:MiSAS I'LlIl j(ill flAIl 11111) rIl, Hi!; IU 11LMJi1G Thc5Salinil CHy 1'1allninci CcJII:lìlission it 1IC'CC'ssi1ry to have the illfol'mation n'c uo,;tou helO\,! as co¡nplete ilS pqs~,:iIJ1e. Previo\ls zonin9 pditionshilV(~lJeen , tilblr:u 01' de )"icd beciluse of insufficient infol'lliation. This is agelloral form forilll rezolli.ng requests: if tllel'o isothor data, not requested all the fonn, \'/hich you feeL is pel'til1C'nt to your request, please sallie on question ~'14 and file \'Iith the form. If more space neeclÅ’d, please use the back of the form. 1. 2. Applicant's name App1icant's address William J. Stovgr 2087 Roach 3. Telephone number (flonlo)--1."'O81:~- (Business) - SAME ------- 4, ' legill description of property requested to be rezoned: A., Lot ~.. and_~ Block 5 Addition RgElat of Faith Add. B. Netes and bounds description if not plalted Note: fCiìùCþtilUecT;i!SUiv.eyo-¡:'-'sCertificiJte ìnustbe filed I-liUCfhe apPlf- cation, sho\ving building locations and easements. 5, Area (in 'square feet or acres) of property 17,250 it. 6. Property owner's name William J. Stover & Twila M. Stovgr 7. Present zone and use of property Residgntial Vacant Z",ttI I, 8, 9. Proposed zone and Use of propel'ty ~x "'15~o ¡:;¡""It~ ¡/$.,llsl-:: 11~"7).,h" Is there something sp"ecial (other than 0\'lIlersI1ip) about the. area in question that.n¡¿¡kes it more feasible to rezone. this area rathei' than attem[Jt t(lctcquire property presently zoned fortlYe. type of'useintel.1ded? PI ease sped fy. . I.t is bgttgr suitgd forduplgxgs thaI), singlg family sincg it butts dLrgç.t to commercial property. 10. Supply factual data showing need~ for rezoning in this area It 'is too closg to comrngrcialpropgrty. l\.dja,cgntpropgrtigs"arg 2;oned .duplgx. Adjacgnt prOpgrtLgS .have bggn rezoned. (Briarwôod). 11, Are thel'eany. resti'ictive covenants on the property which \'/(luld affect the intended use if the pl'Opei'ty \'/ei'er'ezoned? No (Attach a copy of the covenantsand/or deed-rC"~FTètTOìlsif any 12. Supply factual data s/1o\'ling the effect thO' pi'OpOSe620l)(, anuuse \'tillhi)ve on pl'esent and futui'e traffic flow,_2!.~~~--------~- ------------t 13, I'lill thei'e be sufficientoff-strcetpai'kino .pi'CJvided 1'01' a more intensive use? -- 14, Listexhihits Or plans submittÖd: "":------"------'--"----"------'""--'~---'--~"" - --- _.,.._--~----- -C-'-~----'--"""' --~-"-'-'------' ._~-- ---_c- -.--------,---" .~--- ~ 9.~j"'" William ~C~tover' Twila M. Stovgr Û r-- ~4~M, ø{~.. I'L¡ III~ 11<'1'<11'11111'1" I~"VI('\'I: llI1l.!,,1'.