3375 Amend Zoning Military Add The Salina City Planning Commission deems .¡ requested bel 01'1 as complete as possible. tabled or denied because of insufficient have the information petitions have been This is a general form for all rezoning requests: if there is other data, requested on the form, which you feel is. pertinent to your request, please note same on quest.¡ on lil4 and fil e it vlith the form, If more space is needed, please use the back of the form, 1. 2, Applicant'sname Applicant's address 887 Cu¡'Jter, Salin~.:¡<a,n.SàS 3, Telephone number (flome) 823...3'164 (Business) 4, ' Legal description of property requested to be rez()ned: A" Lot 18 & 20 Addition Block B, Metes and bounds description if not platted ------~ 5, Ñote: If not platted, a Surveyor's Certlflë'atÓiTIliS1"'be-fTTëCrvï1th ffïFå'ppTf- cation, showing building locations and easements, Area (i~ 'square feet or acres) of property Aþprox.12, o~ fë -,-~ 6, 7, Property owner's name 9, Is there something special (othe\^ than ovmership) about the area in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather thanatternpt to acqui property presently zoned for the type of' use 'intended? Please speci 10, Supply factual data need for rezoning in this area block Un" 11 12, Are there any restrictive intended use if the property I'lere (Attach a copy of the covenants and/or Supply factual data shol'iÏng the the proposed 7.one and use l'iÏ11 have on present and futll\'e traffic' f10Vl,_.J:t shou:I,SI: he]:.!2.._1:.Ei3:¿E!.i..£.J'J:~.._--- affect 13, vlil'l there be sufficient off-street [Jarking [!\'ovided for a more use? Yes 14. List exhibits or ..,.....-,.-...........--....,......"...-............................. '\, . N) ;LlC^llO:: 10:1 N!l:lm::UH 10 lilt CIIY ZOiI1I1G !:!If' S/ILlII^. IJìIiS^S I'll III 011 r;Ur;I~1 R --- ___;J:3'l h-- --- ----- [JIll!: !'IIl!! ,.--,j.l:_t::'L~--------c.'1 " llLlIIG rLl: ,~?~'_:S!_(~ U/\I[ PAlO .LL:LJ..3._1 '< Ill'! II[^HII:G U^lL _m______-,__:___III' lhe Salil"1 City rlannin~ Co:u"ission ùee;lIs it lIecessary to '"we the infolï:liltion requested !JelUl'¡ ¡¡S co¡' plcte liS possible, Previous ZOnilll) pctitions have been tal>led or denied [¡ecilusc of insufficient infol1l1,llion. lids is a gener,11 fonl fo,' all rezoninl) ret¡uests: if there is other d,lla, not requested on the form, Illdch you feel is' pertinent to yolll' request. please note san;e on question ~II ,1nd file it Idtlt the fonll. IÍ\ " If rr.ore spiíce\ i s needed, II lCilse use the bae ~ of the fon;¡. L APlllicðntl'~ na~:e ___L{e_l~L_iL_.-l¿)_, --~nLeJ// e,'y t! . 2. Appl icant' s address ____:.fS_-ß2-- CJ:1._il--~~/--;uLL.J~_a;r-- K c?IJJø7..J 3. Telephone nu~}be,' (lIo~;e)_g2_':>..::-.;3j'-,ý- (Business) ~_Z ? - .z s..~ 4, ' legal descri ption of prope,'ty reques ted to be rezoned: , A. lot~_J_r_({~~ (!lock _____dJ--__c_--- Acldition ~LL'Lc[t'__.'L B. r'~etes and bounds description if not platted 'n- ----- - ,-",--- --- , ----, -. - . ,_.. ---, ----- ,-----------,-----,- -- -,-----, . , 5. "rfoTé':'-n'---,ïo'C,ïlð'ftëd, ¡¡ 'Su-I:Y'ey-oï~ïsCeï,t1f ïc'atë' 'rr~uSt.-be':f'{ré'(r~iiTiï'the' app 11- cation. shol/inl) building locations and easerlents. , 7 Area (ill square feet or acres) of property -_!1J:L!!.:l.!:-~,"O.<:~>-~---,- --, -- Property mmer's narr.e j(~1ilL.J;J~__c'l'1L_-r:/;-r:/iÆ7.~.~--_~(r¡_ßd/e-I" . . ,/ -t",'J() of""'l-, ,:-v,-"t..1 '/!""~' Present zone and use of properly --:<3 h-!J-.h,...:._..(j.£..~__';if,.'J!{ _~./...J...£<!rt-_--'-!__- . Proposed zone and use of property .'7i' /ell'¡ Ji."",,¡!~,---,~ tift ~_!2(~~U..L.Jjfll"5 /.J ,'\ ! 6. 7. 8. 9. Is there so~:ethinl) sppcial (other than o',,;nership) about thè area in question thiJ t n'akes it n{ln? feas i b 1 e to rezone thi s ¡¡rea ra ther than attempt to acquire property pl'esently zoned for the type of use intended? Please specify_- _--{'Is'__.f.? L~:'" .{'F/~jl!¡'é <'_.._-----,- -. - - ------,...--"---'--- ,- Supply factual data sh(J',ring need for rezoning in this area 10, -- --.._,..- 11, .. !P"..?(1'll>fj-__(j~/5: .'</'!¿!'C! Od{ _6,4r:!._~_,------ -- ' , - ~--' Are there any restrictive covenants on the properly Ilhich llOuld affecl the, i nlended use if the pïopedy I-:el'e relOned? riD (Mtaclt a copy of the covenants and/o,' dced ï:e'Sll'Ícfi,òíIS rr '~'Iïiãrein effect.) Supply factual data shol/ingY1e effect the J!ropos_ed zone ¡¡9d use I.lill ~~ve on prese~t and future b'af! lC flol/._.._---;,/:+ S)f2~,ji...j).dp--,- -V'tI/Ùc. 12, ¡, --_.a,~,!.:..- ----_._- -- .---,-- ---, " -- -------..- .. ----- ,-",-- -----, -, -- ,.- 13, Will there be sufficient off-street par%ill~ provided for a more intensive use? ,-,_.,,--,_.._ý(~~..- - ..--,..,--,-,_."----,, - -,--_._-------_..- List exhibits 01' plan" sulnlillc'd: ..., , - ... - , , . 14. ø-;¿;'~~,j~~;'-~~~w~ . ~lÎJih::II}'~ s;:t;~;~d~~/~ lil'jll1(,1IIt'~, q~lIattll'(: . --- U (j IlIiti,11<; , ,/!;j£.. natt' l~þ:L- I'LnwiJi( IIr'I',~I'II:pnt I~t'vint: ,~ ~ ,. I: :! n i I ! i I I I ¡ I I \ ' I I ! \