3372 Stop Signs Otto & Hageman " I'ITITIO~ r-:mmUt ?i.,~??~;-_u Date Fih'll !).,\.t.',-3(> 1~73 Sal ilia, };(lns;¡-:;-------;-I----n- ,I n TO TilE IIO~;OR,\I:I.E 1;0,\1:1) OF eQ\I~,IISSIO~EI!S OF '1111: eny OF S,\LI:\/\, IJ\SS.\S ,! CO\l'IISSIOSEH,); He, the undcrsi¡;ncd, I'csÌl\ents and propcrt}' ol,n,"'s ill the City of Salina, };allsas, do he¡-el»' pct it ion }'(1t11' honol',lblc hò,I)' for th" .. tf2k.~u~~ . i - :<2~p ~w-< cu' .~ . ~ CMJ ~~N ~ ~, 'I !, ¡rusting that the pra)'crs of the, petitioners l;ill be ¡:r:llltl"l, I,e arc, H'spcctfully, \ ~ . /J FILE!) B)'-=j~~_P..(_l1_--- NM:E A )DHESS' AIHHTlO:-J Lor BLQC}; ---------- -- -- --------.-------------------_u_-------------_---__-n_-_n------- _u_--- ; 'j : ~~._- - IOLf4, tb ,- --.. ~;~~~ -=-- .~-L. ~#l::~--- ~= ---~-- -=~~~~~~~~=~ - !);¡-~r:.-¿:72::L- 2Q_¿.6~--~-v(- ------- - ------ -- ------------------ ~ . \i -lJJ~ ~~. .. "2'!'(U;1¿;;;:::-~:~~~ -:~:.:.. - ... AZ~-- - ----- - ~ó~~ - -- u~ --- -- ---- ~~-~- r~;~ u-- non.. - -- ~~: ::"~-~::_" :: t:¡!;/;;:;L I: = ~2~=~___. - ~ -. ~- ~ --~~~.-=--- -~ .. '("-ß:_¿~Q/J£~~C::LÍL~,?¿;',rY._<;(~V'L{,-¿C/ - ~- ----- ----- _-----n--- __-n_-__--. 9ru¿&d~ ----- _{¡¿_3.1--_~/.~~~----- ----- --------~_..- -----P-----..---- ~;-- ~-f_--- 2.fm.L~ ----- J:X2 - - 2.__}~zJ=-- ~- - --- n --_u- ._---~------- C)T L-lfl ;~" '6'4"'"- . l ~I) }.'.~-(!-.- ~ -:- _m - -. n -. . - n- n. _n.. -- om. , -:-;:!V).V:.l:::f:,¿-t ~-~-- - - -- - --Y_<?!!!:l~:qs..-.l_~- -_u --u_- - ~---- -- u~ ------- -- -_U~-- ()~1ÚL_- -JIUÞJ1 JlcrxJ._- - '_--<:~?3__t1âl.'I.í:tJ.---- _u_-- .. ~2t..--~.' J~;~L:~,':Ùc.:~-:~,"::>,------, /609_.lI,gl. fJ'A',,"-n n n ~~~Z: f>' fé Æ't,X'¡ ~de~- ~- ~ 'f~r;;~-~í:Z/ t, - ------- -- ------ ---_.._-~- ..--__-'l ----------- -- ------- -------- - -- ---------- --- ----------------- (, ---_____n_--___--'-'-------- ----..--.--_u_----------- (J (. . I .1 I I I \ I " , ' I i I' ;Tlll0~ M ~II\EH -!5}) ~:_-- Hate Filc,1 (h.hi"... 3,' \~ } Sa) ilia, Kanš-ãš----- -------'-- ,.' ¡ T(J TilE IIO~;OH¡\III.L I:O,\IHJ 01' CO~I~llSSlO~EHS 01' 11lE CITY OF SALlt-:A; L\:-iS,\S í" .,. L " cml',ll ~S I 0\1:115: ii I~c, the lnlllerY>ir.ncd, l'esidcnlY> allll propcrl)' m,ners ill the Cit)' of Salina, 1;;\IIsas, do hcreby petition )'11111' honor;¡ble hod}' for the Gd~~ tr/ ~ ~ 0.:1. ~ CU~ ~---w ~¿J ~~ I &ftc Trusting that the"praycrs of the pctitioncl's lIill respectful I)', .. y/ jf . FlL;:!) (lY_-J_~----72774 be granted, he are, \,> " N^"IE A ) )ltESS . LOr II LOCK AOI) TlO:-l ~~-~.~~--~ ~~. .: ~~.:~ ~~~.: :_~=-: 1$~Yf!l::!If:J-:~~ :=--~-~- --u_-----~ . ~ ---ß~~-t.-il'14W--u -_~:1}fJl-~f~~.~_----: --- _--__mn'" . -- -- -- -- -,. .~o/.t2¡;J~tlJ .--- _3;)) {jdt " - ___no un__.. u_----- -.i:'r!'¡r, 1: k~~~:" .;:!/_~u:, u_-------- 3~ .~1j<J~(t'"-' ~~~m~~ _..- u_-- --- -"--:-~)ir' "} t?/ ;z;,tf-~_:~" .~. . ~;:;~;;¡;;~. </ç9 ~9i~ff~:=~ :~-'.._-~=:~~= : -~~"'~L.~~-- _2LC¿_~~,-f~AU-' ---- ~:l.~~' __¿¿.¿::J...Lc</-?:~_.!- - - A,<~:¿~-;._~J2.JA-<."'¿¿_---- _i!_$ò d¿~,,~=:::_- ---- _{i2t.~/¿¡~;Jl~--.. - :I¥ß_:ú.d_~___..w__.._---- -- ---- -------~--_..--- .._~~ ~.;!fi...a_'7}-!~_p~~--__..i~.~_~~~",,~u_n___p P-- - -- ---------------_P --- ---gx:!~ß-(7:'.C{t~~... ..LJ.32- :tfj¿~¿__-----, -___,.n --.----- __--h__------- '--- \'~\..ð......J~\N1-~_L..1Jh_.._:-1J<l:-1~ _n-- -__.n- -~¿r--~~-.(~yft..--. ..1_?:~..:¡-;;'~~~-~~._w- --~_._- .~::~~~--~-':~~¡~~::--~:'~:_:~ n 1J~~~(~(1.d ..i/l:~.- --_2ri-9..çj(J/!t!¡v!-.:-.- ... .. - n --u.. ..- ..........-_..,," --------- ---- --- -- --- 'I ---------- -----..... ,I :. " q I' :: L \: I'LTnlO~ I\tlilllLH ?,!> 'J 2- - - --- -- - Date Filt',) o<-L\"" 3< 1')1) Sal ilia, t:anš-<ïš-'------~-"- TO 111E IIOSO {,\III.E BO,\HIJ OF Cml\II:;~;IO:\I:HS OF 111E CITV OF SAI,W", I:,\NS,\S ~ t i'-' CO~1'1I SS IO:\ERS: , ,- lie, the 1I1I,\el'si¡:ue", l'esÎ,leuts ,IIltl properly O\';lIeI'S ill the Cit)' of Salina, t:ansås, "0 hel'eù)' petitioll }'t)lII' h('UO.',lhle holl)' for the' . -~-¡Ú ~ ~,~ oJ;tk eu-.) 'fJ~~ ~<L ~ ~ II rs:lI::b Trustiug that the pra)'ers of thc petitiollcrs "ill bl! grauted, ,;e arc, respectful I}', I JI . ¡. :JJ.EI> I;V.__~~~--_P.T1f_---- ¡; :-WII, ADDRESS LOr BI.OCt: A ) )lTIO~ - Tn-- _0 ---,- . ~~o_-- 4~d7P~~ --¿ . - 1; 0 - - Z}~--- ~ ~ __/i,/{_- :-_/.J_~tf>~}JJ_~~Ë_-~ !(, lL- -WJHAJL_'_~__- ð~ _--*-G:1Z(LLJ¿) r/ ---- -------- -.á7~-- =-(jØ~~-,~~-------~ - -lIf¥~~-- - ---- ---- ----~ - - - - --______lfL_- --- ;f:a~!~i_e~b---~-- -y'&_ý!__e~u-- ~.. ~.Jf,AI" ,) a,.:.z~ . {, / ,/'J,.J2..~<:'---ld<~U:-J- --- 22i12~-1J1£1dJ../~- /~,-(d<~- fly~_;;/:Zý«~- - -J¡"*~-fl~J~------- M::-~ ;~~ 7:4",""t, -~ ~~ j::t:~ ,- - ~ ~:-- - n -- --- nn n- ~_ILtÙ\ ?~-.t - -J(i~l,--{_¡d'_~L -_J---?'j-_:!.':!.~;).((::_-- ---- - - 33 5 );~_n ---- ----- U:{Y/ ~~;f..<- <;':,,:L~. --Y1(~~) ---------- -' ~.~- ~,~~ -~;¡ ~"'\~-- .-- "-~' -~--- --- ~~~;.~:fi.~-:;~~--2J:;¡,fL!- L~__L: ..~~. ----.-.-- ~d~. ~~~ --- - F~~ //~--'-~ L!/.- --.L -- tf¿~- - -"--- :--- \ -ñ7A.42W-~~~Ll;4\L.,.)- --_-32_~~__u- --_H_____h _--___n'-___~:-- ,- :f!:; ~",_f'\JJ./4> -<">. (,{/'1. ~'=:'- ~- n_- n_~ ___n- - --- m:- ~:~r.~.:/ I:;)tii~'u ---:;~-- -.: i: ..:::. .... ... .... .. ..ßé!"J..4.. j)).L'¡~. ...1 ",vi fI}",p,.é", _.....-. ... -- .. .,. - ......--..... --.. --. . ------ - --- --- - -- - - - 'k!.~k:fJ!<-I'-F~:;- -,- -- -- -- ----- h____- ----------- r I : \ -" t< PETITION NUMßER 3:'>12- --',- Date Filed ...DJ,k3" \11) Salina, Kansas ----...- 1 TO THE HONORABLE BOARD 01' CO~IMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS pol' CO~IMISSIONERS: We, the undersigned, residents and propert)' owners in the City of Salina" Kansas, do hereby petition your honorabie body for the ~ ðf ~~cd-~ ~~~~~~. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, respectfUl::~ED BY ~ TTlf-- ADDRESS ~ !>-r;;;d 4if /P ': 9J()Cf~Änp /-,</J '-'-L.ULt~- LOT BLOCK ADDITION ----- .------- _.__.._.._-~--_._-""--_o_--..o'o.._",_..,-",-------"-","_0-,-__0'-_'. -0- PETITION HONORABLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS COMMISSIONERS: We, the undersigned, residents and pròperty OIiners in the City of Salina, do hereby petit~~~feihe ~.. .~ .'ø,'.....~ tM::to ~~?7~ .~ AAr~.- Trusting respectfully, FILED BY that the prayers of ~~ I the petitioners will be granted, we are, ~Tl4 ADDITION --- .----- - 1'1:1'11'10:-': I\lNlIER ___T:,1_~-- - i I ì i I I iJal<> Fill'¡\ OJ:'JL', .io 1'11$ Salilla, K..l\š:I-;-------"'--- TO Till: II():\O:{,\I;I.I, 1I0AI:t> OF Co\ msslo:m{s OF 111E erry 01: 5,\1.1:-1,\, N\NS:\S IJ r"';' CO:, ' [ ss 1O:\I:I~S: "do Iwreb}' lit', Ih<> u,,¡\cl'sir.II<>¡\, r<>si¡\<>nls ,lIIcI property Ol\llers ill petitit'n )'0111" hOllol,..ble In"')' for the' , ~J-~-{ 11 evJ ~~~ thc City of Salilla, K,lIIsas, {fli;;fc xz4 ~.¿7 a:I ~ ¡ ~ - ~~ðXJ-1 I Trllstillg that thc 1'1',1)'cr5 of the p<>titiollel's l\'ill hc &)'(llIlc<.l, lie (Ire, respectful )', F I LEII IIY_-~---P.E--.----- " , , i I , !ILOCK AO[HTlO:-¡ LOT --- -------------IC------------------------------ I' -- ------ ------------ ----- ---- " --- '---- ----- " -~--- -- -------- --- --- ,-'---------- ------------------ - -n-- --- - - -- --- ---- - - - ------~- ----- -- - ------ ---- -------- --------------------- ---------------------- -- - - --------_u_----------- ----- -------- -------------------- _u----------------------------_-..--_'n -- n- --- ---------___----n ---,----- - --- - --- ------------ ---------- -- ------------- ------..'__..___n____- --_----__--m__- ,---------- -___n__---- ----------_u_-------------------- ----P--P--"--" ---- m--- , ' , ------ -- .._----- ---'- _n--- ---..-------- ------- -- -----------------_..--------------------------------.. --_u_--- ---------_--_--un----- -------__----'--_h__--W_---------"P------------"---------------- ---- -.. -- ---- ------ - -- - -- - -- --- ------------------------'-----'------'-'---- -------------------, --------- ----,...------------------ _..-- --- - - - ,- ---- - - -, -- ------,------------,-------___...__1____--_- ..___H___"----------------- ., I I ,. ,', ¡; .. \' " (, " " 0, OF SALINA, KANSAS that the prayers of petitioners will be granted, we are, FILED BY ~~¡--P-T1t BLOCK ADDITION P¡iTITlON NUMBER --~ Date Filed DJ-ó~3ð 191) Salina, Kansas -~ ~ 1',' TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF TIlE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CO~~lISSIONERS: &iio We, the undersigned, residents and property Oliners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the ~ ~ ' 'a! ~ &J ~ ~~~ Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, """""'::;," ",~.L¡ T71I NA~ ~~ ~). .J. iJ~ 6,' '-,if,ic ,d J LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ---------, --------- ------------ --------------- ----- ------ ------ ---- -- --- ------- ---- --------- ------- ----------,--- -------,--- ------------