3369 Amend Zoning Township 14 . . -, . I- ... ^PPLI CM 10:1 IOI~ M-1IIW::UII TO 1111: CI IV ZOillllG nAP S^LII/^, I:J\NSAS I'll 111011 110::1:[1(___-- ___..3_3&..1------- - - B^lI: 'ILLf) {-- -Q!<\.".s.¿..¿_u_-_.L'I.~-, rll.lla~ I'll: ,i'5.00 OAT[ P^W II! AI: 1IIG oM,--' m_- ,------ - ~ ! I I I ,--- n -------- ---,--- The Salinil City PlillHliluJ Cùl~",i~sion decllls it nec¿'~sary lo hilve the inronll<1lion "equested beló;-¡ as colliplete itS possiule. Previous loning petitions llùve ueen tauled or denied hecause of insufficient infon:lill ion. This is a generill fol"l:l for all rezoning requests: if lhere is othe,',dala, not requested on the fonn, \'Ihich you feel is pertinent lo your request, please note saine on question Clil and file it \Iilh the form. , If more space is needed, please use the back of the form. 1. 2. ^ppl icilnt' s name -- Salina ~!~~r~p_~i tan .x!i!!1_nin~mrni§~~.QfL - 'n_- -- ----- Applicant's address Rm.~.2}_L CitY_--<¿<?.':.I..!!!:ï_ßl<l~L!.L.Sali~ Ks._Ju'!Q.L.... Telephone number (lIoa:e)__~~_----,--- (Business) i2..~!_L823-36l_7 3. 4. .. Legill description of,property reques ted to be rezoned: ^.. Lot ,--_._,-------, Block -----, --------'- Addition ------------ "B. Metes and hounds description if not platted > ,_n- __n____-------- - see attached deed - ¡: - ---_u_-- _____m"____- -.-..---___---__n - -- ____n__------ tTóCë:- -If not pliItTë-d-,--aS-urvéyol:'š"(éï'YÚ¡Tale' must be- [(fëiC\'Iith the ¿¡Iip-fi- calion, shOl'dng hui lding locations and eilseffients. 5. 6. Areil (in 'square feet or acres) of property -_.2.=2___~~.£e_~__..- u- ..- --- ----- Property o'..me"'s name '¡Villard L. & Patricia 1\. Gettle, P.O. Box 1760 ----------- --------..-..--..---- Wichlla/KS: 67202 Present zone alld use of property zon~,,-=,"~'A'~_.. Use - Agricu1tura_1- --- 7. 8. Proposed zone and use of propel'ly Z~me_::-- :.()~'--~=~~-~~_~!1()~L_- u_- Is there something special (other thiln OI'/I1ership) about the area in question that wakes it n~~~ feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to açquire propel'ty presently zoned fol' the type or" use intended? Please specify Propc_rty to 9. ,; J:¡e- re~onc~l- under HPC__Q.ç!;io_n- of.._Q£,t.__l,6..- L9Jl..t_9 rc5tQx.~__z_~~fect prior to ànnexation -- 10. Supply factual data sho;-¡jng ¡wed fOt' rezoning in this area Zoni~9 J..§ antJ._cipated¡ t~- .t-.i~ - exi_~!;.J.n_q__II_D" - zoneJL whi_ç!1~~ist__to_~11te.. sQy_t_b..and north....,__~- 11. AI'e there any restrictive covenants on the propel"ty ¡-:hich \':ould affect the intl;nded use if the propel'ly lIere "Cloned? 'No - (Attach a copy of the covenants and/o,' dee¡fre-šfïTèUotlsìfanyårc- -fn-e-rrcct.) Supply factual datil sholling tile effect the proposed zone and use will have on present and fl:tllre traffic f1O1'I.__~<:'~:;1;.r~~~io_n of~_~~_~!=_~i_a1 est~'þlishment ',-, 12. on __~~2!:_rt_~ shou 1 ~- in,:r_?~_~~ traff ic .f ~~~~t:.~_tersec tioll.!..____--_.. 13. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for a more intellsive use? ~~ f ~~,:ie~_t.__p_~_~k_!:.~9-- w_i1_!_l?p_-~~sllr.~qj)r_ior t_()__i.~!l_ance -Q..t....Þ~_U_ding permLt I. istp):hihi t<, 01' pldns suhL1i Heel: - ~.u_r-,:,_?_¥?~~~- Certii_i_c_~_t~~- ~_tt_~~J:I~_d-- --.., I". --_u_..---..---.. ----, ....-... - - - -------.. ,___n__- b-O'li,:.-!:'; (1::I\¿:I;'-~--"'i~I-lliI!ljl:";--"--' sa~~n~Metro~itan Plan~ing Carom. by - /r:::iJ. £;;;~I S~C~~t_é!1;Y. - Al'l'lic<1n!'s ~1<jIlJ'lll1'(' .'; P1.lIlIIin( Il'par(,;:cllt I((:vi(';':: JniU,:)s /;;/¿,..- !J,1!f' .. ,-::yP.ý.7_,s- --- - ¡ -I I ¡ I 1 I ,-' .' "~ I i ~ WEEKS. INC, ~O~ " "", " 1111'"""" <0.0' '0' O<d,{;J~';; "rlN,,~«1 89'5" ----r----'----'----1 ' , I I, I~ I,' , ~ I~ , I' ~ ~ I ~ "e ',~ t~" I ~~~j l'Ii' -~ ~., I,~ ~ 1~ - I I I Søl<-I"I"'" , ,- , , LeGEND 3(.':m"~." ,.1___-,,--- "SC"PTI", 'o",':~:'I¡4í',:~::oR;:;:hT~;:: ¡WW::,':; :::'::;:: 1;;~:;;,¡'i:~:'¡::'¡6;hT;:;~¡;'i:,i;~)êo::;:h::""" '","b,'.. follow" """", " , '0'" ",h'y-Fl" 18~') f.., 'o-'h of 00' EI,h'y-'" ", S"" T,,'h, (86.7') foo' w", of 'ho S"'h,,,' """ 0' to" S"",, T""y-"'1'6), ",," W"""y Two '""'cod EI,hty I28D') 'OO' to , '0'" """y-""' ,,' Two T,,'h, 199,2) Noe" 0' ", S"" 11", 0' to" S""" T,,"y-S" 126), ,h"" 'oe"""yI40') f,," 'h""m",.ly ",."",.., (1.00') foo' ""0'" 0","",.., 'lfty-El,h' ,,' '0", T,,'h, 1158.4) 'oe" 0' 'h. So,.h """ of to" Soo"" 1m"y-st, 116), """ N"" ,,' ".."., " 'h. ",' 11" of .." S""" Tw,,'y-" , 126), """,.. of 00' """'co" S""'y-f'", 1174') f,,', """ w", f"'yI4D') "", """'oe'h"""..,,,, '0 ",E'" lI",o","Soo"o,Tm"y-Sh 126)" """., ,f Th", """,.., ""'yI3,D') "'" """""",".."""",S"" 11"""", Soo"" Tw,"'y-st, 126), ' """," of SO"' """'CO, Tw"'y-Th"",' II, T,,". 1723.6') foot 'oco oe ",. '0 ". W"'I1"o'U.S.81",h'-'f-w",'h.,.,S"'h,'o"'h,.."W,,,,,,ht-of-w,ySh"""'oodThloty-S,," ,,' fo" T,,"o 1637,4') f,,' ro" " ¡", to ", '0'" 0' bo,"""" """"" 9.7 ""', "" " 1.... IT IS HEREBY CERTlflEDTHAl'THE fOREGOINO SURVEYWITHTH'"EASUREHE",' SHOW' IS TRUE ANO CORRECTTOTHf BEST OF MY KNOWLEOGE. V ~~,,!.,:1f~ BOYER ANO "AGAO'RN, 'NGINEERS )" S""S",,f, S,""-'"", So,'"b"-1964 '_64-20