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3365 Water Service Magnolia Rd
I'ETIT1O:¡ NWIltUt -- - _3~~.5- Ua tc I'i I ('.1 jþ.:::....~f.2--]..J_-- S;¡lina, Kansas TO 1111: IIOSOHABLE HO,\HU OF Cm,^IlSSIOSI:ltS OF '1lIE Cll)' OF S^,.INA, ¡:^~SAS C,O>I\IlSSJOSEI\S: " I~e, the undel'sigllcd, re~;i(lcllt~; and propcl'l}' Ol;)\el'$ ill thc Cit)' of Salina, t:ansas, tlo hereby pelition }'our hollol'ahle hotl)' for thc installation of water service to a point along.,the north right-of-way of Magnolia Road three hundred feet (300') east of the centerline of Nil.\th Street. Trustillg that _th<ò pr"ityel'.S of }llC peVt iOlw.rs \till bc granted, \{C are, respectfully, '4/_:/¡7? ',- ~;.-~-::> ,. , I'II.ED BY ~"G.¿/'.~Z~lJv_¡liC£:!1(S,~I(A7/ 4A!J(~ 'J' iþ:,tÖ(4 ':¡z~z,.v rl/!--- ¿ ¿r T. ;;Z¡;::;f-;l/_('(,t..d-;¡ . //~{.¿ fLÃ-"-L £Þ>1./I-?<~«:'.. -- / ,. I (/ {/ kUr;!.-Þrl.$,¿.L/' /...:;.A-JT?"-I~L /h.ct.~ , <í.-- '7 <~-7 -, "V'- CI:::¡I-ë.f,'~ ;, "p, -- , -- - - ---------!\_O_,~~~S5_- -'---- ----- _. .!:.o.r- ~~QS~----_l'~>.!).!!}_<?:-!._--- ~i4';;~ - (A 70J '/. - ~r!ih..~ ,Mf'c _12['-- !F'þ\liL --..I f~ ~--~':"é>-.&..- ' -- -------------- ,ÆI;I'2U_4.i]' /1tlk<-~_- -- .?/J-_t",j ,,?¿ß~/bÞ'.c'~~ -- --------------_u_--------------- -- ------ ------______n--____-------- ---------- ------ ~---- ------ ------------------------------------------ __h______-- -------- .- - -_u - ----- ----------'- - - - - --------------- - ---- --- ---------------------- ---- ------- ---------- ---- -- ì ----- -------------- ------ .-- --- - _n- --- ----- --- - ---- -- - ..u- - -- - - -- - -- __n______-----"------ - - ------ ------------ -- " ------------------ ----. ----------- --------------------- --------- -------. -------------- ---- ------------------ --- ----- --------- -- ----~---- ---- --- ..-------- --- ------- ------ -------- -------- - -- ---------_..----- --- ..-------_____..h- - .._---------- -- ---- - -------- ..--------. ---------------- ---u_u_--------'....._-------- -- - --- -- -- -- ----------- --------- - ---- ------- .______n ---------------- .-------------.-- u- ---- - - ---- - -------- " ' -- - --- ----u -- -- -- -- - --- --. --- - - --- -------- --------------'--------- , , ------------------------------_.-.._- ------------"-----'-.----------- ,---.. ----- -----.--------------.. - _u_-- - -- ------.----..---..---'-"-'-----"------'-"--"'" .-..-, _-h_-__- --'-----"-'-------'----- -.- _--n_..____------ -----_._-.-- ---------,--------,_.._-..... --u-----' - -..- ____.._h___--""-'-""--- ..-..----------.-..--.."-"------------------"""'-""'--"-" ------ ------- ------.----"'-'- 11 n \, ,', I ! i I I ¡ i I '( I " " !\ Ii ¡"