3364 Sewer Belmont Blvd PETITION NU~IBER ~-:L Date Filed /(}~ ICy 73 Salina, Kansas TO TIlE HONORABLE BOARD OF COMM1SSlONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CO~IMISSIONERS : We, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition yonr honorable body for the installation of sewer line extending from existing line at Belmont Boulevard and Magnolia Road to a point along the north side of Magnolia R6ad about three hundred feet (300 ') east of the centerline of Ninth Street. ners will be granted, we are, VIC é -1',í'E5~ Æ/!t-íL. /t, "M~ OF /h.vu1c.1 ¿~.LL ~",-,&-/'I11?"/ff?¡Jl.pø /Z(/.h~ :;;;rj/t' /~ ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION ------ -- -- --- ---- -- -- -,----- ------- -- ---'-- --- --- -----.----------- ---- ---