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3362 Light Meadowlark Lane
\I \: ]; " PloT 11 ] 0:-; I'IJ~II\LH ---_.2.~~:'..?:- Date rile" j()~,,-?.:...~l,?_:___: Salilla, I:ansas. . Cml\:ISSIO.'\ŒS: .' ., '10 1111: IIO:\O!(I\I\I,I: ;O,\HD OF Co~t.IISSlO~I:HS OF 1111: CIlY OF S!\I.H\i\, I:ASSAS I, I~c., the IIlIdersiglle", residcllts alld propert)' o:.mel's ill lhe ,10 herehy petitioll )'ollr hollol'al>le I>\HI)' (01- the' '- 7-'J,) F- . ÞJ l4.M a <.-£-c <T>v ~U ~ .vrz~ -<I /~L .R.~~l.<.J!.1-¡¿ d'",'>t.,- - D I-=A j) l:t IVD ~1;....,}; ~ A7u-v k,t¿ . City of Salill:l, ~allsas, ~ I- ð- -~ZC« 1; :.)-QD ö .8.kL - " Tl'lIsling that the pra)'ers of the petitiollers Hill be gl',mtcd, \iC are, respectfully, 1'1 LED BY ~~'2.d~--X~¡'~_..:.:__/lF Þ -3 ,~~""'- - NN-II: AIJIHŒSS ------------------- ---- -- - --- -2-; ~~-.2Í (:J£L~ II nL'L J-J, !2A---!c..i~J.' .J:.:7t.{ .~CL____" / , ------- . Ii ~ ~ ~'----_-!.L-_...:...'--- c ---¡ ¡--------- --- ______nn ---- _{I__- ---------- :----- ~':{_3...~--ij-- --_.!~- -1 J.l, II ~::l'!!L.?/(-",~",~'I.:..:.-:f... 'I ,-------- --- - - __n ,. I' ---- u- - - - ----------- ------~------ -- - - - I,or BLOCK AI)[)lTro:--¡ z- 5? --1..-3- _CL({'5~~ -~-{;¡""- - J S - ¿f~rJ1.41~~ a:d/,/;r^ /,Ç II i(~ _~,L-- {I- -~ -.11---- --- 'I / i.Y' '( _n--- ---, - - --- -- - - n ----___-n____- ---- - ------ ---- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---------------- --- - - - - -- - --- -- - -------- ----- --- -------------- ------ ___h__~___--~-- -------- ----- ---------- -----,---------_---1_----- --- ---- ------------ ----------------------- ,----- -------- - --------------------- ----- -------------- -- ------ ---- - - -- ------------ u- -----------.---------------- ----- --------------_u_- ---- ,. ---- ---..-- --- -- - -- ------------- - ...--- - " ------ -- n- ----- - - - ----------- - - --- - -- - - - -- --------------------- ----- ----_u_--------------------- -------- --- ---------.------- ---_u -m_....__------------- -,--------------------....- ---- ----- ------n____-_--------- . - - ----- .. - - ----C__--__h_u..n-_---- . ::~ :. --_::: : : :-:.:-. . :: : :: ....- ::. 'J: l: :.. : :-. : -- - - - -- - : : - :- : II ,. II