3360 Rezone Georgetown Add .. ^1'1'UC^TlOil I (Ill /Ja 1~iIIìT TO III!: lilY ZüIlIl1G 111\1' St,L II/h. I:tI/ISM> 1".1111011 ':lI;~!:IR ,,-- .,., ;!~'Q~"....,-, Im[ HLLIJ",.",,(I.;-t.t.......J 1.'i13.., filum Il!: .$?_~-,..o..l! OAt[ 1'/dU'JO.-.L1,1 IIlMING O^ll -.------ \, The tlctropolltùn PI.:II\nlnq Co",111sslon deems It necessary to t..we the Inforll\.1!lon rC'Iuested belC\I as cQlplete ~s Jossillie. Previous zoning pc(Hl0nS h~vc lIeen tabled or denied because of insufficient inf.onl'~tion. This Is a general fonn for ~11 relonlng requ('sts: If there Is other data, not requested on the fonl!, Ilhich you feel is perlinent to your request, please no'te san\(! on question :14 and file it with the fornl. ' \\ If rorc space Is needed. please use the back of the form, 1. . App !leant i s nanJe G (. K, INC. - <1EORGE. C. EtHER INGTON , PRES [DENT' ,.. 2. ^pp I icant' s address. 44~1!.1:~~Q.J~_L[N>lL-K@~AS Telephone nu.,ber (Hone) 623-6400__- (Büslness) , 827-9336 legal descr~?tlon of,prope~~y requested to be rezoneø: 3. 4. A. ,lot Block Add It Ion A Tract of land in the Southwest Corner of the Southeast Quarter (S~) of the Southwest Quarter (SW~) o( Section 19, Township 14 South. Range 2 West of the 6th Principal M~ridùn in Salin~ County Kansas described as follows: BeginninQ at the Southwest Corner o( said Southeast Quarter (S~4) of the Southwest Quarter (sl'I1¡) ¡ thence £as ( four hundred twen ty-f i ve feet (425'); thence No,~ th five hun- dred feet (500"); thence West (our hundred twenty-five feet (425'); thence South five hundred ('let (500') to the plo.ce of beginning. '" ' 5. 6. Area'(in square feet or acres) of property , 467 (, Property ol/ner's 11ð1:1(!, G (. K, INC. 7. 'A<!R ICUL-wRAI:. ';',}.," - (':'.&.2.'(-'!J:PWlL¡¿N6... Present zone a~d uSe of prop~rty 8, ,Proposed lone and use of. properly "cn 9. fs there ~0~¡ethin9 speciðl (other thðn o~!ncrship) ðooUt ti,e area in question that n'akes illT()re feasible to rezone this area "ilth~I' thiln attlmp~1lo ðC(llIir<' property presently wned for the type of '\Jse intcmled? Please sp('cify__çW~C;J', 10 SI>\o.'ER, WATER, pI>RMANE.Nr STREET AND THE NEED ~-Oll ECONOmCA1- ~tULTI-FAMILY DfiVF.LOI?II:NT. 'n ------ -.. 10. Supply factual dðlð st,ol/ing nec:d for rezoning in this area -t.¿.~JLO~" RI;!:L~ól<§- AVALIAßL£ IN T~£ $100.00 TO $125.00 RANGI>. n . - ...-..----------- II. ^re there any restdcl ive co~~nants on the property IIhich I.:ould affect Ilhe intended use if the propert)' I:ere reloned?__..t!9 -.. -------- _... --_~_n (Attach a c°I'Y of the covenants and/or deed re~trictions if any,arc in effect.) $UI-,ply f<1Ctuill data shol/ing the effect the proposed zone ,and use ~Iill have on present and futore tl'affic flolI,.. -----~~? 12, ~'----"--- , .13.. Will there besufficienl off-str¿òt pðrUn9 provided fol" a ~lOre intensive use? YES ._...,--_..._~._- \\ 141 List cxhil>its or plans slil/nitted: 1:.R~~_M.!N~~~.!~E_~"1D ~~IIV¡¡Y.__---- ,------------,.__..._- ... -. ...n___n______----.--,.u.----..-: I' G t. f:.JNC. . Þ' ~I ,./, ~../I~/~~~)._:_(£/~:..:.,:. r.> rl"opprly (i:!I"'" S !..I<I",tLJII"« Groncr, c. I>TIIEHIN<.aC\', PHESIDENT I ¡o. j ,', : G t. I:;,~NC. , c~ :~ -<~ ~:/:, :'.,' £14.,/_.,_. AppIH."ltS:,II"'ò.IIII',' 0, CrollGß c. ¡¡TIlt;IIINl>ï(¡N, I'RESIOENT 1'1.1""i"" 1I,'II,wlt"",,1 H""i,'\.': 1",1 i.,I<. ) t I l', Ihl" Â,o. 11./0"/'< \' \. " \. !' t\ I,