3356 Amend Section 22-150 " u t- . , '. I'ETITIO~ N"~iI\EH ___13~J¡._- I~at? Fi I~,I __~~kd:!!>.!.}+'J.1 ~ S,,11WI, I,ansas i""( I TO 'filE 110\01(,\III.E HO,\ltll OF Cm!~IISSlO:\EHS OF 'IIiE CIIY OF :;Al.l:\,\, N\:\S^S Cm\'IISSIO:\EltS: Ii I';e, the lIlIdt','sigllt',I, 'n'sidcllts a 1111 Il)"nj1l'I'I>' o\;ne¡'s in the Cit)' of Salina, Kansas, 110 hereby pet i t ion >'Olll' hoIlQ""bl c hod)' for t hc amendmellt o[ Section 22-150 o[ the Salina Code to excltrle pickup la'ucks, vans, automobiles, and vehleles oi si:r,llal' size t¡lal do not constitute a la'aUlc haza,'d. ,'" Trusting thaI thc pra)'el'~ of the petitiollcl's Idll be granted, we are, respectful I)', FILED n~~D. Q~r~-- ' , N^-'IE ^,JlJHESS LOT BJ.OCI: AO[)ITlO~ ~jLfÄ.:4r.:..r:-~~ If~~'k.¡~;i.:- ~-=~: =- dt. 4.~:-::~==: ~f~~~W,_-- .L,LJLÆ-.L¡{'d_ll<-::_--_u - -- , -- ---------- - 1t"~\I7¿ , .' /, '.LJ-A...JI-...--...--- :!i.o~¿,..,~---------- ---_on --____H - - -!.f2::~ -~--/~Y~~¿~~/~& ~= =: ' ' - ~>f I, ¿~:{.~/é'6ál._- ~,---:d__£3~,-,g{L____- - -,I '7 - --------- 1\ --------- -------------------------, ------- ---------------- - - -- _n___--- ------- ---- ------- ----- " -- ..--------- --- ------- --- -- -- - - --- -- --- ------ -- ----- ------------ ------- ------ ------ -------- ---------------- -------------- -- - - -- - -- - --- - ----- - - - - - - - -- - - --- --- -- n-_- ---- -------------- ------ --c:----------- - -..--------- ------------------ - - -- ------- --------------- ----- ---- ------------------- ---_u----------- ---- ----- - .._------------- -- -- - - ------ -- - - -- - -------- -- -- -- m-____- - -- - --- -------- - - ------------- ------ -- ---------- - - _h" -- ----- ----- --- - -- -- - - ---- -- - -------- , - -- --_u------:---- -- -- ------ pH ------'-- U -- - u----- -- --- --- - - -- ---- ------ --- ---- --------------- ----,--, I ~ _u------------------------ - u__..__n______-- ------------------- ------- u ------ ---,- --------------------- ..m__---- --- --- __--__n__--_n__---- -- -- -_u-- - - ----- - - _u_--- -- -- q - - -----------" -__--___n--_q-_- - - - - - - - - --- -- - - -- ---- - - - - --- --- - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ,-- - ----..-------------------- ------------------- ____n_-_--------- --..---..-----------------..------- --..----- ----------------,..--..----- I. I ¡" ! ~. '", PETITION NUMBER Date Filed ~3 Salina, Kansas TO THE HONORABLE BOARU OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1"\' '- COMMISSIONERS: We, the undersigned, residents and property o~ners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the amendment of the Section 22-l50of the Salina Code to exclude pickup trucks, vans. automobiles. and vehicles of similar size that do not constitute a traffic bazard. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, respectfully, FILED B~ D'~r LOT BLOCK ADDITION -'--'--'-----------'-- .' '; \' :: ¡: I'El'ITlœ: t\ll/IIIEI: -- _:5_~~_!t-_- I~at? ¡: i h~d ~L-..l,j¡t.'>.!l..rLUl Salln:l, I,¡onsa~ ¡', r')" 3 TO TilE IIO:\O:tAIII.E WAHl) OF CO'I:IISSIO:ŒHS OF l11E CITY OF S.\LIN/\, KA~¡S,\S cml'IISSlO:lEHS: .. , \'ie, tho llllllt>rsigll<'ll, rositlellts and pl'openy OHnel'S ill the City of ~;alina, Kansas, ,10 hel'<,b)' pctition )'our hollorablc bod)' f()1' the í , amendment of Section 22-150 of the Salilla Coòe to cxdUfle pickup tntcks, vans, autoCl"blles. and vehiclü!J of stmilal' size that do not constitute a t,'affic hazard. 1(1 Tru$tin¡: that thc pl'a)'el's of the petitiollcl's Hill respectful I)', ¡: I LEU ,B)Q.,t.--:~~_------- be cr31lled, we are, --____~~ll!}_____---,--- ----- - - --- - - - - - - (I!)P~-.E?~ - - - --- - -_--'.:.qt'- , Ð.l2S:.~ AOUITlO~ ' 11:£ jlJjJJl;;~~-;:'-U«-'>I -(Yi!'- - -- - m___, nm--- ~-'<-~ lJl. 5' ~ -~ --- ----~--- ~:::-~¡-' ~;~~-~~~ ~~. ~--- - ---~= "1¡:t DId! £ ~ ~¿ í!tt;1!: : ~-:':: --:- ~ - ----_u_--= 3flL_~-:/-~__- - 33.-o,j.J Á4Hd..&f -(fÆ.::~¿;;¡-'---- _ð2.L --¿~- -(t.:.i~~Lfi7- ------ -------- /1' <-~2/'7/t¿!!::.=~---- ~//~~£Z: t:~,j -- ---- --- --- - ------- --------- ---- -~~~- L~ß}.:/~__- -- -~~;~-"-cc.~~ , ------- , , ---------------- - -- --- --- ----- ----- -- ---------- - h_, ---- --- -- - - - ------ - - - -- - -- ---- -- - --- ----- --------- ------------------ " ,---- ------------------------J--------------------------- -~~~-~~-:- ~~-~~~-=~~~I~~_~__~~~- ~~=~~~~~~~~- -=~- ---------- --- ------_u - --____n_--_- ------,------------- ------- ---- ---- -- - - - --------- - - - ---- - ---, ----- ----'__-_--n - ----- - ----- -------------- - ' ------------, ---- ----------------,---,----- ---------------------- ------- ------- -------- n - -- -- ,- --- -------------------...u--______n"_- ----------_,_--__n______----- ------- --------- --------------------- "-",---------------------------,----- --_W"'-----------"'--------___n . ' ---------.-----..--------- ------------------------------------- -,---------------..--------..,..-----, ..-------- --------..---------"'---" -- - --,----- ---_.. -------,.._------,-----...------------------------------ _--__m_--_- _"m______----,-- I I I ¡ i I' -, " I! ¡i Ii :: .... ~L~1-I'> :i '}'...". ¡ ..tL:,~j...;.i' .~.. ...,1-}..._, '.)\~x~.~ )1' .." I"c .> ,~? y> a.. .:.;'f'~{ .I:M~. , ;¡/;, . r'4" II ~ {~~~~ :ti~J "~ t~; (, \~.':ì ~"I\~""': 1,~>;'\'umJ' ! r~(,:'T'¡ I , 't'-, .J ~~~ý' ~ ,:=:] j i: \If ~\ "II'" ., I. ,. . , \¡ .\ 1500 South Broadway U, S. 81 Býpm Telephone TAylor 7.0847 Salina, Kansas 67401 360 Maple Ave Salina, Kansas 67401 September 13, 1973 ;.. City CoMIT,issioners City of Salina Salina, Kansas 67401 He: Salina Code Section 22-150 " Gentlemen\! Section 22,.150 of the Salina Co:!e states that it is unlawful to park for more than 3 hours at night any truck or comœercial vehicle in the city street, private driveway or front laWTI of a residential area. Since a pickup truck or van is classified as a truck this code as stated would include all pickup tr~cks and most vans in Salina. Also, many people use automobiles in their businesses which would elassify the~ as co~~ercial vehicles. We believe that the pickup trucks, vans, autoltobiles, and vehicles in size similar to these mentioned should be excluded from this code as long as said vehicles do not constitute a traffic hazard. '. i 0' Attached is a petition signed by residents and property owners " wishing the eoŒJ:lission to take ,;¡lion on this code, Sincerely, ç;.ø....C(/O ~Q~~ Ronald D, Barragree RDB7sab \! ,. " \' , \ I I.