3354 Amend Zoning The Salina CitY' Planning Commission deems.itnecessary to have. the infol'mation r~q[lested below as complete as possible. Nevio[ls zoning petitions have been 3 tðbledor denied beca[lse of ins[lfficient information. ~ ¡'11\/. q, ~J .\1 rezoning req[lests:. if there is other data, not "":~ .Iw'j~~'! you feel is' pertinent to Y°[lr request, please note\~ ;,,""¥- it with the form. . el\~\ ~V\'<~'¡' use the bac.k of the form. ~."...\Y~. "", :,~ This is a general form requested on the form, same on question #14 If more space is 1. Applicant's s. Telephone number 4. Legal description of A. Lot Addition ß, Metes and bOiJllds description not platted e1-S f .5 r.J¡ <ice. 1.1-1'/-.3 ~Mj5'1""fli.<U/JCi( :Dv,Ye.cð/r/vER Note: If not platted, a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with the appli- cation, showing building locations and easements. Area (i nsquare feet br acres) of property J fA 6. Property owner's name¡;'éb/ft-¡;IIw},LL fJf( (1./5 Present zone and use ofproþerty fj- /Jr;.RIL/Jufl/fl.AI-. Proposed zone and USe of property ,j) - t é'Gfj L .Rv ~ IJv é./; 7 f) t'.s-ffi 1 (~-r 9, Is there something special (other than ownership) about the area in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to acquire property presently zoned for the type of us~ intended? Please specify~ ].pAffj} J) .tJJ.... 1111- .I)~5, 10. Supply factual data showing need for rezoning in this area ~ L.l!ff6.E.t?1aÛI( 5¿JRHc -¡YD /JiJj ¡'/Y1355#1i£A5 , Are there any restrictive covenants on the property which would affect the intended USe if theipropertywere rezoned?.---Æé . (Attach a çopy of the covenants and/or deed restrictions if any are in effect.) 12. Supply factual data showing on present and future traffi c effect the proposed zone and use will have off-street parking provided a more intensive 14, List exhibHs or plans submitted: j,fMb.%J(Ó. i¡l}&~tI~_'____m Pr(j"llò-ift:y- owner s signattn'c 1.~Jt~,9tá~. ._---'i{~-~--- --- Áp¡Tp'Fëimt s s1gnatllre PLltJl1i"9 I~cvi CVi: InitialS~____- ,è</e. Så"" tid . Date .jJil~-----~_m-