3351 Ded Alley Original Town ý' PETITION NU~1lJER .2,?, ~ )late Filed '~'ttì,~~.^ J. 1'\1,3 Salina, Kansas ' i, TO TilE IIONOItABLE BOARD OF CO~L\lISSIO~ERS OF TIlE CITY OF SHIN/\, Kt\NSAS CO~NISSIO~ERS: We, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina I:ansas do hereby petition your honorable body for the dedication of an alley located in the Original Tqwnsite in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 20 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot 177 On Seventh Street, Original.Townsite; th~flçe west parallel to the north line of said Lot 177 a distance of 120 feet to the west I ine of said Lot 177; thence south along the west 1 ine of said Lot 177 a distance of 15 feet; thence east a distance of 120 feet to the east line of said Lot 177; thence north 15 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.041 acres, more or less. ' Trusting respectfully, will be granted, we are, FILED BY NN-IE AD[)RESS ------ - ---- - nn___- --- --- -- - --- - -- -- -- - --- - ---- - ---- ---- -- --------- -- - - --- --- --- -- -- - - - - -- --- -- ------- --- - (: --- --- ------ -- -- ----- ---------------- - - ---- - n --- - - -- --- -- - - --- ----- 1 .:_-- ! (, - - ---- - ; , , --- - ---- --------_n___- - --- I¡ ----- ------- ----c---- ---- ----- ----------~ - -------------- ---- -- ---- ------ ---------,-- --------'---- lOT -- - - BLOCK ADDITION 1-- ---- , -- - - - --- - - -- - - -- - --- .. -- -- - -- -- , ------ --- _. - - -- -- I I I I,. ~. Ii (I c' " I,. ¡ . , 120' 0 10 175 l;j W 0:: .- (I) / ..... OEOICATIOK OF ALLEY 10' .0 C\J :c I- Z' W > W (I) . !i 0 10 179 -'£! 181 10 r<'J 125 Ii " n ¡, I ¡; " 120' . 176 178 180 182 12~ c. ~ (. N .0 10 . w I '> . <t ! = w = u.. .t! z <t (I) '0 10 i ¡ I, I I I i \I