3344 Amend Zoning Auto Plaza ,. , ". . i , Ii I, '" ..... , ' o. rUnWi¡ :;U::f¡fP. :'>:~'I'I OM!: rll.LI) , :'..:- I\;:;,~:"r;{-,u'~ÎÖ_-' rILII:Glf:r~2!..,( O IJ,'\T~P{IIII '>.I~-'1> l [flRII~r. Df.fCu--- :'.,1,11"""13'" , - - - - ,--, I" , The IlellopolitiH1 Planninq Co:,;¡is',ion deNls it I1eCeSsiHY to have thc illfoll1<1tion requested belo..¡ ilS co:nplcte iI~, possible, Previous 101lill!) pelitlOIlS hilve beell tilbled or dellied because of illsuff ídent illforo1,1tioll, APPLlCM 1011 IOlt MiUm::Un TO lllE CIlY zo:n¡¡G r:.,'¡ > Sf\!.ItU\, lilliS/IS ¡", ~ J ...' lhis is D gellerill fo"'11 fÒI' all rezollin!) requests: if there is other datil, lIot ,/' requested oil the for11l, ,¡hich you feel is pert ilwllt to YOIII" request, please note u"'" same! 011 queslioll (:14 amI file it I:j)th the folY!, -\",t , "I' If rrore spilce is lIeeded, p¡'eilse use the bùckof the torn, 1. App 1 i CDllt S nilne G- ~--~'.}-'!~'----- _~~ort.e _c ...~~~.e_r_i_~!,_':~-~!__Prcs.~~e~~ . -_..------- . ? Applicant's address ?O)l Sou':h Ohio, S'lllna, Kansas , .. -- ...- ------ -- - --- -- - --- .. -- ---ŠàY(¡iá-- ¡f2'7-:'<j))g-- --- 3. Telephone IHlTbel' ( (OI:IC)--_--~:Q:~~C2~----___d- (Uusilless) -- Abi!_e_~_~61-!3~~,_'_-- 4. legill description of property requested to be (ezoned: A. B. Block' lot Addition ------ _u- --,-----"-- d. - - ----- -. --- ---- u_-- - ----.- -- I-btes dnd bounds description if not platted _Wei' L1QO..J.!,-Q.t:~J1.!'_N!_()r_---- .1.h.e_SWL19:l.l.::2Ji- -- n_-.. - _:}~_A'lTI\ÇJi~E¡'ZI'l:r'!Q~ - u- ..-- -..-- --',-:-- ¡¡aYe-:- - !,(Unõ-C'plã-t Ceil; iï 'SÙ-veyo',J s Cl!rtif fáte ñ,ü-Ù- b-e"-({fe'(rï,ïfÜ¡-t}ië -:ilí¡) i f- cation, sho¡lin9 buildin~1 locations and eilSCI1C'lIts. 5. 6. Area (in square feet 01' acres) of propel'ty (26,1,00 so. ft.) Wes': 200 ft, of , the -Ñ~-õ-f'Ù.ê-šW~19::-ïç:2-W---- - ProperCy o\mel" S lIùl1e Rexh)O dAr':hljr_~nrJ Jim Su!l~v_~!:,_----- -------'-,;-"- - - -- Present lor.e ilnd use of propel'ty ~". Agricu!t\lr.~,!--.. 7. u _u_-- -- - 8. Proposed zone ¡lI1d IIse of property -- --~~:"_J.!.o.c.~-~ _~~r~~ce ~is~rictL --..---- -..-- Is there so:rethin9 sp<,cial (other than O'o'inership) ilbout the area in quest ion that makes it nore feasible to rezone t,his arca rathel' than attc;J'pt to acquire prope,'ty presently zoned for the type of use intended? Please specify Laek of ground wi':h sufficient availability of proper zoning wi':h ecological añd-ésthêtic .char:a.ct.er.- -- - --- . 90 -.. .-------..---.-. - .._..... ---- -------------.._---- ----,- 10. Sup!>ly filctllal datò shm'ling rIP-ed for relolling in this area This area i$' of sufficlcn': size and locat~ on major trafficway (7,500 cars p.;¡:--diiÿ)ThäCthe-needs .oJ.t.h~_Ql(Tler:s and occupan':s of t!te propo~~-~_u~-~_P!'!~<l..canr re,1sonab!:r -~,:!_~!_':heir needs can be acco:11plished for the presen': and future expansion. ' Arc there allY l'cstl'Îclive COV(%1nts on the properiy Hhich lIould òffcct the intended IISP if the propel'ty I:ere rezoned? No . (flttach iI copy of the covenants and/or deeil,7csTI:fëTiolïš' i,(,å-ny-.Jrê; -iii-efTe-ct.) I Supply factual data shm:in( , the effect .the proposed zone and use Hi 11 h.ilve 1 on pl'csent and future traffIc f1O\¡,_Tf1~,p_roposed 7.oninß_wil!_J.n.~re~_s~_pr:~~E.:!:I': tra ffie in only a mi nor proportion and will sl.ill be much less than ':he sl.'reet was \ _QJ:igimlly 5!~sjf,n~.J~~.- This t.ype oL'þ~siness fin9s- ~ha~_il._!~~?!-!~_I!..°n a lÚajor ':rafficway is necessary to its trade. There will be access roarJg ':0 diver': traffie Hill there, be sufficicnt off-street pðd:in~ provided fol' a [I1:>I'e intellsivc/off Ohio St. ' use? Yes 11. 12. 13. -- ..-.. -____._h__'__. ----_.. -. -- --------------'un_--..__------u_.- ]f¡, List exhibits 01' pl.1fis sulqitted: -;3,~_op_ie5 _o.~ Prelimi!!.ar~X~_~~'..___n " i: '; n_---- -n_.._- ..... --.- ---- pn "n- ....... ..-- ¡l.,/ ')ù/b¡ll/';-) ..' " a '/ /' ' /(/);, .r. /'-¿(~%t-~ t'c/' )rol;c;-I~CY--O-¡:Ii~-,'¡s siOl1iJtul'f: I' " }¡G ¡;' INC. ", Y/-~-! þ' / /{et-: -,"'X - -'- ---~~::~t.~r~-( Z /¿et~:.-, -!3,~..- ApPI)Callt s s~~ature ,A George Co Etherington, Prcsiden': Plafinillg Ðepùrtwcnt Rrivie~: ¿¡.f? Date JjÍ!'/?L...__-- -;,;- Initials Ii I, i I I ¡i , I \ " c. , . PET IT I 0:-1 r.;U~IßER , Date Filed .-Ó..r".. \- It. 11':? Salina, Kansas' " " TO TilE IIO:\ORABLE BO^RO OF CO~NISSIO~EHS OF TilE CITY or SAI.WA, I;ANSAS CmI.'lISSIO:\ERS: " , lie, the undersigned, residellts alld propertY,,<;>wners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby pet i t ion your hollorab II') bod}' for the re7,oning 0 f the West 200 feot 0 I' Lot 1, B1 1, All to Plaza AddiUon and rezoning of the We5t 200 feet of Lot 1, D1. ?, Auto Plaza Addition fro:n Agricu'lture lo "¡.;t:" subject to acceptance and approval, of Preliminary Plat and riml Ph!.. '~! Trusting r~spcctfu) ly, , that the prayers of the petit!o_n~rs wiy a - r //--~, /- G &. K, )N~ /:/~-'-;>l(':/-~r/.",.... ~~, G~l)RG¡'; C.,i:rrŒ~ING'IQN. P!ŒSID~.. \: be granted, we are, fiLED BY \1 NAN!; ~ }j¡f/11iL~~ , X McÃ\tT'riuR , ---- /./ /f't.rlyfA-e/?':"-I~ /' ,Ii M >SULLlYl-B__- ADDRESS -- LOT BLOCK ADDITIO:-¡ SALINA. KAN3AS SALINA -'~~~3AS J.L AUTO PLAZA AODITION 11 AUTO PLAZA AOOlTION ---- -- --- ----- ------ ----- -- - --- -- ~ ---- " ------ --- --- , -- ---- --- -~--- -------- ----- ----, -- --- - _u_- -- -- - ----- --- - - --- ---- - ----- --- - ---- ---- - -- ---- -- , ------------ - ---- -u ---- -- ------- ------ --- ----- -- - - ------ ------- ------- hOd ---------- - ----------_.. -- ---------------- - --- ----- (.' , - " -"";"",\/ I' \,1 ! I I 1 I I ! I' l'