3343 Prelim Auto Plaza Add PETITION t\UHBER 33-/3 Date Filed Ü..rw.I.-\¿ 1'1'/::\ Salina, };onsas II ' /, TO TilE IIOSOIV\ßLE BO¡\RIJ OF CO~t\ J$SlOSEl\S OF TilE CITY Of SALIN/\, IV\NS¡\S Cm1.'lISSIOSERS: We, the undersiglled, residents, and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the ae<:epbn~o of Prelimln'\ry Pial of AuLa Plaza ArldUion consislinp, of the West. /.5 aere~¡ of the lIorth Half (Nb) of tho Southwest Quarter (SW~) of Se~lion Ninetec~9), Township fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the 6th P.M.; Saline County, Kan3'1s. I: "," \,ð \~" , ), I- Trusting that the prayers of the petitiollers will be granted, we are, respectfully, '" ~/ ---¿?:-"" ¿/ , ~ ¿"r"~ G &. K, IN~.//>;-'-.c-:/'(-///,"t;-"X-~"1,) FILED BY G[{)w,~ C. ~;¡H¡';RINGTON, P¡¡¡""3ID;~rr NAME <K;( ØHk(t',{ -- - n'~~:-; ;!J:J/:;'-M'- /JjM SUÚ'JVAN . L/ ADDRESS ADDITION -------- ----- -------- wr BLOCK - ~ __~l ~---- AIl. SALINA, KASS,\S McARTHUR AI)DITION - ,--_~A!.IN¡\, K~NSMì M~ARTH\JR ADDITION - ------ -- . ------ --- --- -- ----- ---- -----.------------ --- ---- ,- --- - ----- --_.-- -- - -_._. -----.-. ------ -------- -. --- ------ ----- - -- - -----. ----------- ---- ---- . ---- -- \ I- _ck.....¥22.62-iil:l~~..s5Q...oo_- --- .- - . -- -- -n --_..- p:Üd by 0 &. K, Inc. .Jaa.._1l--~73 - . ------ - ---- - - -- - -- ¡---- -- ------ ----- - ---------~-------------- - -~.._----------------_L-_----- ----.u_.-------- "\ " " ,I I; - l I I -j -- I I I I I I i- , .. j I , ! ¡ ¡ I ,¡ ,-' j \ ! ~ ,!,' 0\- " ,', --- J, i Ii '-,