3340 Amend Zoning Bonds Add ^PI'IICll11011 101< I,I:UW:,;[UI 10 lilt: ClI'" ZŒlllIG r,~!\1' SilL WII, 1:J\NSf.S I'UltJO:lllu::rnH JJLfO " OM!" III Œ. .'--:jï~~J'C~,: -- .. FILI!:\-; III }Tì.,!IO )/\H I'/IID J-.V.::1.3 III:I.I:IIIG PIITL ~ ._,- ,_..d,__. lhe IkllOIUlililll PI,)lIlIillf Co,,:,1Í~~,i\," Ut't'I.\S II IIc('c,>sa,y 10 havc lllc ill(orn;,lÎon rcqucstcll Ioc'10,t! a:; col'lplcte <J~, !()<,sible, I'rc\'iou<, zoninu 1'(!lllJOns hù\'e been lilhled or deniell bl'CiHISe of insufficient infor,;:,llion. Ii This is ù uencralforn for all r('lolling reqtlest>: i ( there is (Ither lIata, not requested 011 the fona, I';hi,çh you (eel is pe,'lil1('nt to your request, pleiJse 110te ":,,,7 SilJ.!:,' on qllÜstion f1t1 «nd file it Ilith the fornl. ' , 1 ') 0'( ~<j ,(' -" ' If more spilce is lIee~ed, please use the bilck of the fon,l. 1. ^pplicalll's l1aT:1'~ _Dr..RoÞ\!.rt.l>..1l<;!ns.9!1_1)l>~,u.....__... . uw - -- .. .-..- - ?, IIp ! 1 icant' s ildtlress -.. 533. H.. Beloit ..--...-,-...---....- . dH -------"'" 3. 1\. Te lephol1e 1Il11"ber (HOI:Ic:). 8~~=-lUQJI- .._u..!\(Busilless) -, .82~~1.4Q.?_..._..---_... LegiJl lIesc,'iplion of property requested to h,e rezoned: ^. LotsJoJJ.._rJ.4)- ~~J)«~)llod: _~l~ .l6L -- -- -..--.- ^ddi lion _~91}~~ --_.- ...--- f':etes «Ild bounds descl'iplion if not plilUed --.. ____mh.--U__.------- I' B. ---- -.-... ---_u_..-.. -----"1;.---".---.----------".-.----""'."--.-------- ffo"ie:----rf Iló-t-.pliíJtCo-;aUUStirveyor'.sut'e-"lifualè ¡Í1usT L-ë-fTfeïrUI,ï{Ü. tflé-ailpTi'- cation, shOlring building locations <lno easC'lc;ents. 5, Ii III'e« (in ~quiJre feel 0" «cres) of pfopel'ty .1_1,,500 sq..g_! .0.99' )( 12~~L__.. 6, 7, Property O'.'lI1er's nine -- H.r?_,.,KalhQ...r.!~.,.,- ?!,.o~- - ..-..- - u- ' .._--_. I'resent zone and use of propel'ty t<.__.,!{~_~.~<1enti~I--___..- ~'n.__. 8, Proposed zone and use of property DD Doctors Office --m. ----" ----,--.-.-... ._.----'- ----- -- 9, Is there so:,:ethillg speciill «(>ther lhiJn ollne,'sl.ip) «bout the ilrei! in question that w,Jkes it more feasible to rezone this .wCd rather lI1iIn altl>;lIpl to acquire property presently loned fo,' the lype of lise intended? Pléðse specify Applicant has corner lot (LOl Two(2), Block Six (6», which is no'o: presently zoned DD:-T\1êie lots, we r~~Q~e_~U.1_affo_rd.'p_ar_kin.8._fo.r. ~!te__o~ficéh_e_~¡ll.b~~I<1.'-- u- --- - .. n. ------ ~- purchased ask to be 10. Supply factual oata ~ho.ling l1('ed fol' rezoning i!1. tlris area ,!!,e s~':!~~~~-~t c.o~ner Front and Crawford has deteriorated for years, the iI:1provement and parking area: applicant lo bu ¡ ld, : a.~. proper _l~.n~_scaping wi.1_I.g!.e_~lly._enh~~.c_*':- _surr.°~!l~lin~ area.,.--- --_....- I' 11, lire there allY restl'ictive coVt'nèol1ls on the propel'ty I'IhicÌl I';oul<.i affect the intended use if the pl'operty l'iere rezoned'? NmJ~ (!It tach a copy of the coven;¡nt sand/or decd-,=C's-(,;i ci:-iêïn.s --i riiùÿu,al:c .iï)'-e{(ec t. ) of wishes I (, 12, Supply factual datil shOlling the effect the proposed zone ¡¡lid use Ilill have on present ill)(\ fllture tl'ilffic fJO\I._J!O_n_e_- off .slr_e~t- p.!'rking._w_i.~.l be. p_rt:)y~ded south- of Crawford St, off of Front. ' .__n ... -. - - co ...' . . U'-'" - -.. . - _. _".h -.. fJ, Hill theïe be sufficient off-stl'eet [1«I'I:ing provid('d fol' iI r.-.orp. intensive use? .:!e~L':~~r.e .~il~_!>e _an.ab~_n~a_nc_e of__pa.rk,.!n~_~v.~.u_,,!,~~_.fo~_~~~ ..!>':!..i!~.!.I1g~- ]t1, Li~t exhibit~ 01' plans SUL'.1illed: None at ~~i_~_.t.iI!'.e~_bu_il<!!nH_£~~I1s_~-~.h~l). its in- fancy, Nore complete plans'will be available later, . ¡: --.--- -- ....- --. ._-- --- -. - u. -- . -.-.--..'_h , ,^ I. x_1J.l/lll~ jfé1?¿;~)!,Ù(() /3/Ißú/1L---- ProperLy úlú1cr's sigrlùtl"'P. :.l:~l~f.jj--lt-'-'-<'--L. ,&;$; -_: IItJpllcall< s ~}9I1dt\Jïe :- PliH1I1inu \lq'ilrtr:::nl !{evie;l: Illiliills [Ja t e (), /, ~< ' ¡'> 7.> co (7.<:L(j . - ..-. / -. ...n.- ......- \I (',