3337 Amend Zoning Farm to Fam PETITION NUI~BER -...333:L-- O/\TE FILED, -..l".L 11 ,"" ,-- FILING FEE ffi.QQ. ~ 11 1\1, HEARING DATE --~ to have the information petnlons have been if there is other data, not to your request, pI ease note . This is a general form for all rezoning requested on the form, wh'ich you feel is same on question #14 and file it with the If more space is needed, please use the back of the form. 1. Applicant's name A. B. SEELYE CO"",~ INC., GEORGE C, ETHERINGTON, PRESIDENT. 2. Applicant's address -2Q.4!c.~HI~LSALINA,~SAS -.----, 3. 4. Te1ephone number (Home) 823-6400 (Bus'iness) 827-9338 Lega1 descript'ion of property requested to be rezoned: A, Lot B. Metes and .bounds descri pti on if not ~ 1 atted . ,- WTS 1 2 3~Y BLOCK 1 TO "c" MULTI FAMILY; ~--<-~';- LOTS 1 & 2, BWCK'2 TO "c" MuLTI FAMILY, LOTS 3 TO 26, BLOCK 2 TQ'\SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND LOTS 1 TO 24, BLOCK 3 To"siNGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ,20. «', Proposed zone and use Of property l1!JLTI FAMILY, N<M8!II\&,IIßBß BT;8If1",SS' & SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENT'IAL 9. Is there something specia1 (other than ownersh'ip) about the area in question that makes it more feasib1e to rezone this area rather than attempt to acquire property presently zoned for the type of use intended? Please specifYEXCELLENT LOCA- TION FOR DEVELOPMENT DUE TO PROXIMITY OF THREE GOLF COURSES FOR RECREATÅ’0N, LOCATIO~ OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND DEMAND IS HIGH FOR THIS AREA OF THE CITY. of property ~E ATTACHJ>j) PLATS__- Property owner's name A. B. SEELYE COMPANY4 INC. Present zone and use of property FARM GROUND 10. Supp1y factual data showing need for rezoning in this area MARKET STUDIES SHOW STRONG DEMAND FOR HOUSING OF APARTMENT AND SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP. ST~ I ITi _1'Re::", "']!I' 1 ! - I ¡¡¡ ¡ OI ,- _""""'bM'JoIB[H~ 11. Are there any restrictive covenants on the property which would affect the intended use if the property were rezoned? NO (Attach a copy of the covenants and/or deed restrictions if any are in effe"ct.) 12. Supply factua1 data showin9 the effect the proposed zone and use wi1l have on present and future traffic flow, CRAWFORD & MARYMOUNT ARE EXISTING MAJOR THORO- FARES & COUNTRY HIlLS ADDITION # 2 IS PROVIDING A 70 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY OFF OF CRAWFORD TO PROVIDE FOR TRAFFIC FLOW. 13. Wi11 there be sufficient off"street parking provided for a more intensive use? YES 14. List exhibits or plans submitteu: , """---.-- FINAL PLATS A~B' EELYBcCDMPNAY, INC~ BY.:..' - ,. e ~, operty owñËiÏ"s signature GEORGE C. ETHERINGTON, PRESIDENT